Working now.
On 19 Jan 2008, at 4:28 AM, Luke Daley wrote:
On 19/01/2008, at 2:14 AM, Alex Podaras wrote:
Hello Andre,
and welcome :) The problem is that your program takes some input from the user through command line.
You can solve this by opening your Bundle Editor <Control+Alt +Command B> and navigate to the Java>Compile & Run Single File Command, then duplicate the command by pressing the double plus icon at the bottom left, name your new command something like "Compile & Run Single File in Terminal"
And insert this:
. "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/" html_header "Compiling “${TM_FILENAME}”…"
cd "$TM_DIRECTORY" javac -encoding UTF8 "$TM_FILENAME" &> >("${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" - rtm_parser -eTextMate.parse_errors) if (($? >= 1)); then exit; fi
# { java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 "${}" # echo -e "\nProgram exited with status $?."; }|pre
# # if you want to run the program in osascript <<EOF tell application "Terminal" activate do script "cd '$TM_DIRECTORY'; java '${}'" end tell EOF
This is the same command as "Compile & Run Single File" with some commented and uncommented lines for running your program in terminal after the compilation.
Why don't we include this alternative permanently? Also, it really should be bound to Apple + R, and the alternative (Run in Terminal) could be Apple + Option + R.
I am about to start on a overhaul of the Java grammar too by the way.
For new threads USE THIS: (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)