On 4 Sep 2005, at 21:22, Steve Weintraub wrote:
- The undo behavior. I read an earlier digest that standard OS
"chunk" undos were planned, but I don't see this pref anywhere. Is there a plist command that will turn on chunk undos, and if not, will this feature be coming soon? Having to hit cmnd-z 34 times in a row is tiresome...
FWIW, I'd just like to add a 'me too' for some sort of chunked undo functionality...
- While I can pick the language of a file independent of the
filename, some command behaviors appears to be tied to the filename. For example, I have foo.php which is mostly straight html code, but since the filename is .php, unComment give me php comments, not html. Shouldn't it be possible to have the commands tied to the language choice?
Ah. That might explain why, when editing Zope Page Templates (extension .zpt, which I force to being HTML since they mostly are), trying to comment something out results in it being commented out with '#' at the start of the line, rather than <!-- ... -->, which it does correctly when I'm editing a plain HTML (extension .html) file? Does anybody know of a workaround?