You could also make a bundle action that checks TM_SELECTED_FILE (or even TM_SELECTED_FILES) and execute qs (the command line tool).
Regards, Etienne Samson --
Le 10 févr. 2016 à 00:50, Graham Heath a écrit :
Could a OS X level Service be written? As in Right Click -> Services -> "Send selection to Quicksilver". I wouldn’t know where to start, but thats the only 3rd party functionality I know of for the file drawer.
I use Quicksilver too, and I’d love to see it get wider usage. I have a "Copy current path" command, if I then paste that path into Quicksilver, Quicksilver is smart enough to know that the file exists and the menus change as though I had selected the file. Screenshot of Copy Current Path command on Imgur.
Thanks, Graham Heath
On February 7, 2016 at 12:03:14 PM, Rob McBroom ( ) wrote:
Hello. Quicksilver is able to get the selected text and the currently open document from TextMate using standard Cocoa stuff, but I’ve always wanted a way to grab the file(s) selected in the File Browser.
This will require a new Quicksilver plug-in, but I can handle that end of it.
Is there any way to ask TextMate for the selected file(s) when the browser has focus?
And once I tell Quicksilver to use some app-specific selection behavior, the currently working text selection is going to break, so I need a way to get any selected text in the editor when it has focus as well.
If this isn’t currently possible, could it be added?
-- Rob McBroom
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