On 2009-June-06 , at 05:02 , Walter Lee Davis wrote:
Grep search, with syntax highlighting, replacement tokens, basically write any old regex right in your search and replace fields, and it just works.
Regexp find and replace works in TM too, and not just basic ones, full fledged Ruby regexp too. What's the advantage of BBedit there?
I find project find and replace slow when there are very very long files involved, and it usually hangs when there are binary files in the project that are considered as text by TM. You could use the tip mentioned above to create a new project with only the tex files (or the bib files i your case). Or you could filter files from the project pane and (temporarily) only keep the bib files in the project. Then do you find and replace ad finally suppress your filter.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/