marios wrote:
I had forgotten to include the modifier key flags. Also to make this command a little bit more useful, I added a Filetype variable that can be used, to add some extra text behind the title. It uses shift to distinguish between the base Urls, which when not set up will default to example.com.
base="${TM_DROPPED_FILE/%.*/}" title="${base##*/}" FILETYPE=" Download" url2="www.example.com" url1="${TM_REMOTE_URL:-$url2}" url="${TM_LOCAL_URL:-$url2}" if [[ "$TM_MODIFIER_FLAGS" = *SHIFT* ]] then BASE="$url" else BASE="$url1" fi echo -n "<a href="http://%5C%24%7B1:%24BASE%7D/file_download/%5C%24%7B2:file_id%7D%5C" title="${3:$title}$FILETYPE">${4:$title}$FILETYPE</a> "
I'm trying to figure out, how it can be done, so it does bulk inserting as well, in spite the fact, that they have tab stop variables, but still no go.
Tried some strange constructs with expressions, or let n=(n+1) with sed, but that doesn't seem to give any valid syntax. The reason, why I am so much after this, is that it would open new roads not only for the drag commands, but other commands as well.
regards, marios