Regarding to the previous drag command:
In order for this to work correctly, freehand editing mode must not be enabled while dragging. (Thanks Allan) Then it works right out of the box, even while dragging fast.
However, I wanted to have the command, so it also strips off double and triple file extensions for the title attribute, as often the case with archive files, changing the code a little in the substitution pattern. I inserted also an additional tab stop value for the URL and added a fall-back value( in case $TM_REMOTE_URL is unset. A newline is also inserted after the last tab-trigger.
base="${TM_DROPPED_FILE/%.*/}" title="${base##*/}" url2="" url1="${TM_REMOTE_URL:-$url2}" echo -n "<a href="http://%5C%24%7B1:%24url1%7D/file_download/%5C%24%7B2:file_id%7D%5C" title="${3:$title}">${4:$title}</a> "
Command is attached.
I was thinking, that it would be terrific, to make those commands, so the can do bulk inserting as well. May be that would be possible, by setting a counter for the tab-stop variables so they increment automatically for each bulk dropped file.
regards, marios