With a selection of "x.jpg", I'd like a snippet for the html context that
can insert
<img src="x.jpg" alt=" x.jpg" width="164" height="234" border="0"
I have a snippet that works:
<img src="${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:TM_CURRENT_WORD}}" width="$2" height="$3"
border="${4:0}" class="$5">
but it only uses default values for width and height. Are there shell
options to get these?
Thanks for the help,
PS: if you find yourself making lists out of lines of text, this helps me
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
Benjamin Disraeli
I'm trying to write a simple ssh script to scp a file onto my mac,
open it in textmate, block till textmate closes, then scp the file back.
I can't seem to open files with 'mate -w' via ssh though. It does
work with 'open -a TextMate <myfile>' but then it doesn't block? Is
there anyway to open files using 'open -a' and make it block?
Jeremy Wilkins
Ibex Internet Ltd
Parkside Business Park
Parkside Rd.
Tel: 0845 226 8342
Fax: 08718 729374
One thing I really miss from vim is the "Copy character above cursor"
function. I've looked in the TM docs, but I can't see anything
similar, or am I missing it?
Best wishes,
In emacs there is an option to highlight parentheses pairs when your
caret is on a parenthesis -- show-paren. Can a similar effect be
achieved in TextMate? Right now when you move over a parenthesis the
matching one is highlighted very quickly and then goes back to
normal, I usually miss it.
-- Daniel
Up until now I've never made any use of the "Go To File" command, the
amount of files I've been working with in the past hasn't warranted
it, but for my current project (400+ files) it would seem to be a
better way of navigating through the source tree.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working. When I bring up the
window with Cmd-T and start to type the name of a file I know exists
within the project I'm not getting anything returned at all, the
window is empty.
The draw at the bottom of the window has "*" in the Show field and
"dict, plist, strings" in the Hide field, which should be the default
values as far as I remember. No errors are being logged by the
console and I'm not finding any pointers for a Google search on
'textmate "go to file" problem'.
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to diagnose or fix this?
Home: http://polytechnic.co.uk
Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/garrettc
Work: http://www.gencon.co.uk
> Just one of several **basic editor functions** Allan can't seem to be
> bothered to implement. Others that come to mind are double-click on a
> bracket to select a block and the pathetic double-click-extend-
> selection behavior.
Ah yes! The master list of required **basic editor functions** common
to all editors. I've got my copy right here. I hate it when editors
try to fit the needs of users and try to be distinctive.
Damn innovation!
Hail conformity!
Seriously, it's not like there aren't other editors out there for you
to use if you're this frustrated.
Dear folks,
I have just found the following commands in the "Text" menu:
"shift left" apple-[
"indent line" apple-opt-[
I am wondering how I can get to these commands on my german keyboard
i.e. I already need to press alt-5 to get [ -- hence no chance to
additionally modify any of those commands with alt. Is there any way
to change the shortcuts?
Also for some reason I cannot use apple-{ (nothing happens, even
though I should at least get a service to enter the current date).
Apple-} works as intended (i.e. as a shortcut for a LaTeX command and
when I am not in a LaTeX-file it just enters the current date [from
Is there a way to enable/disable certain Services in special apps
only? (What is the keyboard shortcut preference / domination order?)
Dear fellow LaTextmaters,
I am (again) fiddling with the LaTeX bundle (seem to do that too much
and write my thesis too little --- ah well). and am trying to find
some way to add better folding recognition.
However, I would like things to be a bit easier, maybe I am just a
bit slow-minded today:
Right now I am trying something similar to the HTML.bundle:
foldingStartMarker = '(?x)
foldingStopMarker = '(?x)
Which will add folding marks to chapter headlines and custom comments
that show the end of a chapter (or section, subsection etc.). Which
works fine, but instead of having to type out every possibility I was
hoping to do this:
foldingStartMarker = '(?x)
foldingStopMarker = '(?x)
Works only if the indentation is correct. (Which might get annoyingly
deep if this is done in depth).
Is there a way to get folding to recognize the foldingStopMarker as
"the line before it hits a certain pattern"? So I can fold (marked
with *)
* \section
PS: btw, when editing this email in Txtmate and returning to Mail.app
the indentations were all gone.
Hello. I'm relatively new to TextMate and new to this list. So, sorry if
what I'm asking is dumb and has been covered before.
I've checked the manaul macromates site, but couldn't find the answer.
Hopefully this is something easy to remedy.
I recently discovered the commands feature, and was playing with the
ActionScript commands that ship with TextMate. I got Find in ActionScript
Dictionary set up just fine; that was as easy and determing the path to the
help_toc.xml and plugging it in to my shell variables (I have a vague
understanding of what I did, but I'm no shell variable expert).
But I can't get Show AS Function Signtare to work properly. When I try it,
my cursor is in between the parentheses of the function, and I hit the key
command, and tool tip appears, but the contents of the tool tip is an HTML
file. It looks like it's the HTML file that would be returned from the Find
in ActionScript Dictionary command, just displayed in a tool tip. In fact,
if i change output to Show as HTML, I get a search results page just like
Find in ActionScript Dictionary.
the command is:
It saves nothing, has no input, and outputs as show as tool tip. Scope is
Recently I learned about QS being able to access Application Menus. This
rocks when combined with the huge bundle menu that TextMate has, making
it a breeze to find things you use sometimes, but keep forgetting the
shortcut of.
Here's how to set it up:
- Launch Quicksilver, edit preferences
- In the Application tab, tick "Enable advanced features" and select "Beta".
- In the Catalog tab, open the Quicksilver entry and tick "Proxy Objects".
- In the Triggers menu, create a new hotkey trigger for the QS command
"Current Application" with the action "Show Menu Items". I use
ctrl-space as hotkey for it.
Now open up TextMate, open a new document, press ctrl-space and type
"lor" for example, this will give you the "lorem ipsum" command.
Have fun,