Hey All,
I know there aren't any bundles for Coldfusion out there so HTML
bundle has worked ok. But the one thing that is really annoying is
opening a coldfusion document with comments in it.
HTML comments work fine:
<!-- something here -->
CFM comments have problems
<!--- something else here --->
It shows like it's an incorrect syntax and everything below that
point gets dimmed out like it's a comment. Any ideas on how to make
these types of comments look right for me? Something quick and easy
is preferable.
I admit it: I have not really understood what changed in the
subversion bundle, as I am getting bugs in two places:
* Log on a file produces:
> No Match
> mhh, something with with the regex or svn must be wrong. this
> should never happen.
> last line: Geänderte Pfade:
> please bug-report.
* Blame on a file produces:
> No Match
> mhh, something with with the regex or svn must be wrong. this
> should never happen.
> last line:
> 11 dekay
> 2006-01-21 21:07:26 +0100 (Sa, 21
> Jan 2006) %!TEX root = ../
> Doktorarbeit.tex
> please bug-report.
I suppose this is because of some parsing of the svn output that
doesn't escape the contents of the output - and since Latex likes the
use of % and \ this could cause problems?
* View revision… of a file produces an untitled document (it would
be nice to have a complete filename with the revision in it?)
I've just begun with svn ... and I've googled and tried :)
how do you supply your password to the svn bundle, I try to commit
but it says I haven't supplied a password (which I haven't since I
don't know how)
help appreciated as always
I've recently been messing with the Remind language grammar, and I
would welcome some comments and test files, especially from people
who are use some of the more obscure features. Here is the file:
Atm there is not support for multiline commands (i.e. a command
continuing in a separate line). I hope to add it soon.
I've tried to edit a post via the bloggin bundle. I was able to
retrieve the post, edited without problem, but at posting time, I get
a error to name the endpoint.
THe problem is that the Blog: header (of a moveable type blog) is
missing the #blog_id at the end, although is present in the config file.
Pedro Melo
JID: melo(a)simplicidade.org
I am trying to modify my view lists command. It is based on the TODO
bundle command, but I am trying to use string comparison instead of
regexp to test lines. As far as I can tell, the sorting is going ok,
but I'm having trouble with the output. It seems to show everything
except for the task itself (the content). Here is the code, any idea
what's going wrong? Thanks.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$tags = [] #user defined contexts
def readContexts(a)
# processes contexts.gtd into script
context, tabCommand, tabString, regex, color = a.split(/\|/)
$tags.push({:label => context, :regexp => regex, :color =>
color, :matches => []})
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/textmate"
require "erb"
include ERB::Util
def TextMate.file_link (file, line = 0)
return "txmt://open/?url=file://" +
file.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-\/]/) { |m| sprintf("%%%02X", m[0]) } +
"&line=" + line.to_s
# the contexts.gtd file is read, and converted into $contexts
file = File.open($myPath+"/contexts.gtd", "r")
file.each do |line|
# sorting happens
$tags.each do |tag|
context = tag[:label]
myFiles = Dir.entries($myPath)
myFiles.each do |fileName|
if (fileName[-3,3] == "gtd") and (fileName != "contexts.gtd")
lineno = 0
mFile = File.open(fileName)
mFile.each do |line|
lineno = lineno + 1
re = /\s/
ctask = re.match(line)
if ctask.pre_match == context
results = {
:file => fileName[0..-5],
:line => lineno,
:content => ctask.post_match
results[:match] = html_escape($1)
tag[:matches] << results
tmpl_file = "#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/template.rhtml"
puts ERB.new(File.open(tmpl_file), 0, '<>').result
> It's not happening here. Is this consistent? Is it always the Finder,
> or whatever the “previous application” is?
Always the finder.
> Do you use any programs like LiteSwitchX? I do, but I don't know if
> this would affect things.
Nope. Fresh Tiger install, though I did copy over ~/Library/
Application Support/TextMate and ~/Library/Preferences/
> Do you notice this only with the date dialog, not with the choose
> context dialog or other dialogs?
Just tested the choose context dialog and got the same issue.
> Do you have your own CocoaDialog installed, or just the one that
> comes with TextMate?
Just the one that comes with TxMt.
Thanks for your assistance, hope this helps. Best regards,