I recently noticed, that alt+F2 invokes the spelling menu. Really
good. But spelling errors are recognized, when I type a blank symbol.
So I have to move the cursor back and type alt+F2. Is it possible to
invoke the spelling menu for the last misspelled word? And perhaps
there could be an own TextMate spelling menu which has shortcuts for
the entries.
I'm a new to textmate and loving it so far. i have a couple of
questions that i've saved up after my first week of use that i was
hoping someone could help me with:
* i find that snippets make it easy to add text - but i'm not so sure
how to modify existing text. e.g. i find i am always commenting out
code in css, so i added this snippet (and bound to a key):
great! ok, now how would i remove comments? (or even better, how to
toggle comments on the current line?)
* hard-wrap: i know textmate doesn't support this out of the box, but
with vi i always used "fmt". so here's my command which i bound to a
fmt << ___END___
this isn't ideal (what if the text has ___END___ in it? fmt barfs on
non-ascii, and i always get an extra newline.) is there a better way?
* some snippets show a series of options, which you cannot select (they
just get erased when you start to type.) what's the idea - just a
simple reminder - or am i using it wrong? e.g. in the css bundle:
list-style-type: ${1:none/disc/circle/square};$0
why not just make 4 snippets - so then you get the popup and can choose
which one? (so i could hit '1' instead of typing in 'none'.)
well, i've got lots more questions, but that's probably enough for now.
when writing in languages using accents (e.g. italian)
one frequently types \`e or \`o (or \"u etc).
The LaTeX bundle has the annoying habit of doubling
the ticks or backticks (or the double quotes) even
immediately following a backslash \
This seems inappropriate; the sequences \`' and
\"" have no use I presume. Is it possible to keep
the doubling of ticks except when immediately
following a backslash? I know I can disable the
doubling completely, but I would like to keep it in
other cases.
How do I navigate from a method call to the declaration of said method?
In xCode I would command-double-click the method call.
BTW, I am new to the list and am just re-discovering TextMate. I had
looked at it once before. At that time it lacked the one key feature
for me: code completion. Now it is a killer app!
Pierre Bernard
When working on a file, I would at times like to switch back to xCode
- set a breakpoint
- use the better code sense implementation
- ...
I see no such feature.
Pierre Bernard
Hi to all,
Small side question regarding the focus toggling between Drawer and window.
After the first toggle ctrl shift, the shortcut doesn't get me back to
the editing window using the same shortcut at the curser.
I was wondering,may be if it is expected, or something broken from my side.
regards, marios
Is there an existing command to run "make" in the current directory,
or should I make one?
I'm working on a LaTeX paper with sereval people who use emacs, and
the building process is done using a Makefile. I looked at the LaTeX
"Typeset and View" in the bundle editor, but it seems that it's
always adding options to TM_LATEX_COMPILER and cannot simply be used
to call make. (I may have missed something there, I'm a fairly new
TextMate user).
Thanks for any suggestion.
Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool
I'm fairly new to TextMate - I use it to develop Java applications
and my website in an academic enviornment. I followed directions on
the TM website to make TM my default Cocoa Text Field editor in OS X
(from here: http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/
using_textmate_from_terminal). I press splat + ctrl + E in nearly
any application* and I can edit the field with TM. This is a
fantastic feature to which I have grown addicted.
However, I find myself ssh-ing into servers around campus and I can't
use TM to edit files in the shell (since the EDITOR variable is
obviously local to my machine). Is it possible in my .bash_profile
on remote servers to open files in my local TM? This would be great...
I'll conclude by saying that I have very little *nix knowledge, so
please be gentle!
Thank you for your help - I've learned a lot on this list.
- Jerzy G.
*Firefox text boxes don't seem to work - I presume it's not a Cocoa
text field?
Hi guys,
I just started to reuse LaTeX again, there's been a lot of really
great things going on since the last time I used it, so awesome job!
I like how you've added the (fold/end) markers for each section/
subsection, but might I suggest adding the text in \label to the
"end" part of the snippet, so as to remind the user what section they
are looking at the end of?
So, currently the section snippet looks like:
\section{${1:section name}}\label{sec:${2:${1/(\w+)|\W+/(?1:\L$0:_)/
g}}} % (fold)
% section (end)
I'm thinking something like this (which works w/o damaging anything)
% section ${2} (end)
But for some reason I find this more handy (which unfortunately hoses
the folding):
% section (end:${2})
It's easy enough for me to keep it in my own bundle, but I figured
others may find this useful as well.
What do you think?
A while ago, I was told that I could specify what latex command get
run when I "rebuild" a latex file using the "TM_LATEX_COMPILER"
project option. Unfortunately the only place I found where I can
specify shell variables is in the global preferences, and I would
like of course such variables to be project dependent. Is there a way
to do so?
Another thing I would like is to keep the "compiling" window open, so
that I can look at the warnings and messages (right now it closes
after compilation). I could not find this window in the "Window"
menu. How can I keep it open?
Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool