Dear all,
I'm a big fan of TextMate and a longtime user, but have only recently
completely abandoned Emacs and seen the light. :-) While TextMate
really lives up to my wildest dreams as a text editor, I have found
that there are a couple of little things that I miss. I write a lot
of fiction, and while editing I've found that the Emacs function
"kill-sentence" is extremely useful. I was wondering how difficult it
would be to implement something like this in TextMate, i.e. a command
that would either cut or select the *current sentence*... in the same
way that one can select the current word or paragraph. It seems like
there should be a way to define this using the appropriate scope, but
I'm such a nuubie that I'm afraid to start poking around... Getting
this to work in e.g. Markdown mode (where I do most of my writing)
would be enough. Any ideas?
thanks in advance,
-- Hannu Rajaniemi
Registering for the ADC Leopard talks, I note I have the following
choices in answer to:
What development tools are you using to build your application(s)
today? (check all that apply)
* Xcode IDE
* gcc/Xcode build system via TextMate <<----- !!!
* gcc command-line only
* Eclipse
* Other
Kudos to all.
Simon Pride
a: Bronxville, NY 10708
why is the new version of pymate written in ruby?
I don't know jack about ruby -- why should I learn it in order to hack on a
tool I use daily while writing python code? come on, we don't want no stinking
ruby here!
I often compose emails in TextMate and paste them into new messages
in Mail. I think there should be a automated way of doing this.
What I've come up with so far involves transforming the document into
a link and runing it with the "open" command. Something like this:
open ",
This works reasonably well.
Obviously, transforming the document into a single link would require:
1. A syntax
2. URL escaping
2. Some clever search/replace
But before I invest time into this I wanted to ask you guys what you
Is this a good candidate for the existing mail bundle?
Are there better ways of sending the message to mail than thru a link?
What are your thoughts?
Is there a command to select the current node and its descendants in
an XML or HTML document? I know there is the "select current scope"
command, and the "select enclosing brackets", but they don't seem to
work this way.
It would seem that a "select node and descendants" is quite possible
because the "close tag" command traverses the DOM and closes the
current node.
I love this concept, but my last version of Justin's command didn't
have image dimensions. Now it inserts dimensions if you're inside a
blank rule or creates a full rule with dimensions in source.css. Of
course, if you're inside parenthesis it will just insert the name
with single quotes, inside single quotes just the name, you know how
it goes. It inserts as a snippet and on the longer snippets it
kindly leaves you after the last semicolon of the last value, so that
if you're using the workflow commands adding more declarations is as
easy as hitting tab or CTRL-N then TAB for a new rule.
I'm actually finding this more useful than the drag command... it's
more accessible and doesn't require the mouse! But they both have
their place, the drag is nice when you have a lot more images and the
folder management comes into play. A big thanks to Justin Palmer.

Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)
I haven't run across this before, so I thought I'd share.
Here's a simple command for looking up the current word in
osascript &>/dev/null \
-e 'with timeout of 30 seconds' \
-e 'tell application "Dictionary"' \
-e 'activate' \
-e 'end tell' \
-e 'end timeout' \
-e 'do shell script "open dict:///$TM_CURRENT_WORD"' &
We can't just do the shell script because, for whatever reason, it
only works if is already open. Without the "Timeout"
argument applescript will not wait for to open before
requesting the definition.
I'm sure there are better ways to code this, but it works for me.
[2006-11-02: REVISION 1324]
[REMOVED] TextMate no longer pays tribute to human sacrifices, rape, nor
does it show a picture of the God of the deaths in your dock -- ticket
lol, please tell me people didn't complain about the easter egg?
Also, while I'm doing things just for giggles, bloggers might want to
check out It's a little TM command that
triggers an applescript that pulls in whatever text is highlighted in
Vienna (RSS Reader) and formats it as a blockquote with linked
credits and inserts it into your current entry. The applescript is
separate and can be edited to work with other readers/programs.
it's just an implementation choice I find too hurried.
> Because the existing pymate was broken
by any means, the code stinks and it's got lots of ugly bugs hard to fix --
I'm not against a rewrite or something, I'm against a rewrite in ruby.
think about letting the build factory of -- say -- FreeBSD run on top of linux
machines. that's just weird.