I'm a little hesitant to put this out there because I'm not sure if
it's a silly idea or not. I asked a little while back about
interactive template creation. I created a portfolio website that,
when the entries are created correctly, automatically generates
client lists, recent project lists, portfolio pages, etc. I just
needed a way to enter the data and have it format a blog entry.
What I ended up doing with it was using tm_dialog to create a form
and then process that in a template command that outputs to a new
blog.html file. It's very specific to my needs, so I'm obviously not
sending that to the list. However, the process seemed relatively
new, so I thought I'd share it, just in case.
The template will take any key-value pairs fed to it by the nib and
substitute them for the :::key::: in the template file. You can
build as complex a nib as you like, and do whatever you want with the
keys in the template file. It's all done in ruby.
It just includes a Mad Lib and is basically a proof of concept, but I
think it has applications ranging from composing emails to blog
entries and anything that could be sped up by inputting values into a
template interactively.

Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)circlesixdesign.com
Hi Folks,
I've just started using TextMate and I'm very very impressed. I've
noticed the following behaviour and I wonder if anybody could let me
know if this is a "feature" or a bug.
I make a column selection and I replace "foo" with "foobar". This
increases the width of the column selection. Here is the problem --
any continuous text that passed through the column will now be broken
and expanded with spaces. This is not what I would expect and it will
seriously limit my use of find/replace in column selections.
Is this a bug? Or is it an operator error?
I'd like to know if I'm the only one having problem with "Go to
project". When I choose it, I get a list of my projects, but choosing
any one of them does not do anything.
Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool
There is a new syntax grammar in the Experimental bundle.
It scopes a bunch of things that I think the main Ruby syntax should
be scoping.
Since so many people use Ruby, I don't want to make any major changes
to it without getting some serious feedback.
It could be that some of this stuff should be kept separate in a
wrapper grammar for ruby, i don't know.
If you are interested in Ruby and the Ruby parsing and coloring that
TextMate does, please check out this new language and give us all
your feedback.
Also, I updated the Brilliance Black theme (in the official textmate
svn repo) to support all this new stuff.
If you're checking out the new stuff, this theme will show it in all
it's glory.
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
Ahoy textmateys!
Avast ye white i-beam mouse cursor!
The current one is just pure white and totally disappears when it
hovers over something white (which happens often)
So I made a new one with a bit of a shadow.
It's included in the TextMate UNO nib theme
Allan, can we just update the actual app for this one?
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
I had my first go at creating a template last night. It was fairly
miserable. Even just using what TextMate creates automatically
resulted in a "dead" template that does nothing upon hitting test or
the assigned key combination. I copied an existing template and made
modifications to no avail. Is there a tutorial that goes beyond the
docs or is there something I'm missing?
Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)circlesixdesign.com