I downloaded Marc Liyanage's "Open Terminal Here"[1] droplet and
modified it to open TextMate instead. Hence, "Open TextMate Here".
I've attached the droplet for anyone who's interested. I keep it in
~Library/Application Support/Finder (renamed to "Mate") and then
stuck it in my Finder Toolbar:
[1] http://www.entropy.ch/software/applescript/
Ok, here's an idea.
A back/forward history thing for textmate.
Every time you change something in textmate, it logs where your
cursor is.
Then you can use a back and forward command to navigate between those
places, even between files and projects.
Would anyone but me find that useful?
I have a few idea on how to implement this.
Currently, the only thing that can automatically watch your changes
is the web preview window.
but you can use a pass-thru script in that window to do anything you
want, triggered every time you change something in your document.
the bad thing about that is that it would take over your webpreview
panel, and you'd have to open a webpreview panel for every document
that you want to catch the history for.
The other option is to use a command that you manually trigger. This
is lame because if you forgot to mark something then you'd lost that
Another possible option.
An HTML command window that stays open and continually triggers a
shell script that logs your history.
I don't think this can work right now (i haven't checked) because i
don't think the TextMate.system javascript command grabs new
variables every time it's triggered without reopening the document.
But maybe we could convince Allan to implement something like
TextMate.update_variables or something.
Well, anyway. just thinking out loud.
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
I have some text. I know I can use TextMate to do first Soft Wrap (and I set
the colums to 80). Then, I select the whole text and do Reformat Paragraph
and Justify.
But after this, I don't want the justification to occur at the last line of
a paragraph. Therefore, I manually select the last line of every paragraph
and do Reformat Paragraph on those. Is there a way to automate this last
process, that is do Reformat Paragraph on all last lines of all paragraphs?
Also: How would I be able to do this without TextMate, i.e. in the command
line? I'm interested in that because I would like to create a PHP script
that does exactly this.
Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
I've got a project here with 16,500 files in it (75,000 if you count
the subversion metadata). It's a Joomla 1.5 website with a bunch of
content. I have three copies of the site in the project directory
because of the way I'm merging changes from the latest Joomla SVN
into my own source tree.
Needless to say switching to and from TextMate causes a considerable
delay - between 5 and 10 seconds on my G4 PowerBook. I like to flip
back and forth between a web browser, terminal and TM pretty
frequently - at times as much as maybe a few times a minute - so I'm
spending a fair proportion of my time waiting for TM at the moment.
Does anyone have any tips for speeding up TM's project scanning?
Obviously I could rearrange my project to move some of the less
frequently used files into another project - but I'd rather not do
that if it's avoidable.
It seems that TM only really needs to rescan the directories that are
open in the project drawer and any open files - a full scan could be
then be done lazily if at all. I get the impression it currently
walks the whole directory tree - is that correct? If it's not doing
that what's taking so long?
Andy Armstrong, hexten.net
Allen, great job (as usual), I'm sure I'll be using this quite often.
It would be great to add some of this to the language grammar so
context-sensitive commands could be developed, and it could be pretty-
ed up.
I would imagine that the existing support for the headers; to, cc,
bcc, reply to, and subject; would be adequate, although I am curious
if there are others that people would want to use (or could use). I
also wonder if it might be beneficial to quote the values, just to
make sure nothing goes haywire. But I can see that not really being
Something really interesting would be a way to lookup email addresses
in the users' address book, though I have no idea if this is even
P.S. Yes, I used the command to compose this message. And it was great.
> Does this have any advantage over the system-provided combination
> of control-command-D (which works with or without a selection).
One thing I don't like about the pop-up is that it appears for
whatever word your mouse is hovering over. This command can work with
a selection or caret placement. Which means for keyboard junkies,
they can skip one more trip to the mouse.
The only other advantage is that you might prefer using the app to
the pop-up.
in the list I mentioned the problem that if you want to put images in
a help file written in markdown and using 'markdown_to_help.rb' for
formatting you will loose the reference for these images.
Allan mentioned to echo the base href in beforehand but then the
internal links generated by 'markdown_to_help.rb' don't work.
To solve this problem here my suggestion for an easy solution:
In your markdown file you write e.g.
![Hypersearch dialog](images/getall.png)
It is a relative path, so you can see the image with 'Show Web
Preview' while writing your markdown
In your command to display the help you can write:
. "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh"
html_header "Hypersearch Bundle Help" "Hypersearch"
"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/help.markdown" | perl -npe
What I'm done here is to pipe the output of 'markdown_to_help.rb' to a
perl command which puts at the beginning of each relative path in src
within a img tag the absolute path 'file:///$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/'.
This perl command, of course, could be also implemented within
'markdown_to_help.rb' or as TM wide standalone command written in
Ruby, Perl, or whatever (which I would prefer for speed).
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
I was blown away by the HTML demo on the Textmate site, the ability to
insert matching tags and intelligently tab through them seems like a great
way to create HTML. The fact that I can surround a selection and edit BOTH
start/end tags at the same time had my jaw dropping.
However, this 'magic' behavior seems to vanish once I leave the vicinity of
the tag. If I return (or edit an existing file, when I select a start tag,
it doesn't auto edit the closing tag.
I get how doing this automatically would create some problems. I'm just
looking for a way to someone 'refocus' Textmate on the tag in question,
matching the start end tags so when I reedit one, the other changes.
Through the hundreds of commands in Textmate, i assume there is someway to
do this. Any one have any ideas?
I updated to the most recent version (6143) and when I try to process
my inbox I get:
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/
bin/process_inbox.rb:27: undefined method `get_contexts' for
GTD:Module (NoMethodError)
Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool
I'm working on a Backpack bundle and I've hit a stumbling block. I
can't get a date object into a plist. I need to read it into a nib
to set the date on a datepicker to the current date and time, but I
can't get any of the functions in the plist library to recognize it.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'd post code, but I've tried so many
things it's hard to begin to describe it... I could just be slow.