Hi Haris,
let's compromise :)
It's again my request that arbitrary text lines (for notes)
can be included in gtd files (and simply ignored
by the parser). Are you really against it? This would
give much greater flexibility to the format, with
only some minor risk, but that's my opinion.
But if you are really against, what about the following format:
1) gtd files can be divided into two sections, separated
by some delimiter (e.g., a line like
or something similar)
2) above the delimiter line I can write anything, it's ignored
by the parser
3) below the line I write projects and actions and here the
syntax is strict: only projects and actions are allowed.
With this kind of format, the flexibility would be enhanced
as I need. At the same time, any mistake in writing
tasks or projects would be spotted by the parser.
What do you think? (Please?)
So yes, updating the Support files worked! Now I am getting error reports
when I sync to ical. Not all of my to do's are being synced, just some of
them. (Happy to send you the file).
Here's the output:
2006-11-20 15:22:30.155 CocoaDialog[5467] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error
loading code /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra
Enabler.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Menu Extra Enabler for bundle
/Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle, error
code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
execution error: The variable the_cal is not defined. (-2753)
Thanks again for your patience and help.
Lawrence Goodman
Check out my blog: http://goodmanorama.blogspot.com
I'm using Ruby scripts with RubyMate (r6075). But even the simplest
scripts cause many errors.
This is showed on top of the content in the output (before <html>):
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
escape.rb:2: warning: method redefined; discarding old e_sh
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
escape.rb:7: warning: method redefined; discarding old e_sn
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
escape.rb:12: warning: method redefined; discarding old e_as
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
escape.rb:17: warning: method redefined; discarding old e_url
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
escape.rb:24: warning: method redefined; discarding old htmlize
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
Ruby.tmbundle/Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:10: warning: already
initialized class variable @@execmatch
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
Ruby.tmbundle/Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:11: warning: already
initialized class variable @@execargs
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
Ruby.tmbundle/Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:45: warning: already
initialized class variable @@matename
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
Ruby.tmbundle/Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:46: warning: already
initialized class variable @@langname
And this error in the "normal" output:
/Users/simonruderich/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
scriptmate.rb:49: warning: instance variable @args not initialized
Even with these errors the script works.
I'm using the newest svn checkout of all data.
I also noticed that the Ruby method e_sh is available in a Bundle
script even if lib/escape.rp is not loaded. Maybe there could be a
Thanks for all information and ideas,
> privacy is necessary
> using http://gnupg.org
> public key id: 0x6115F804EFB33229 http://ruderich.com/
I just downloaded and reinstalled the latest version of Textmate. It says I
have version 5861 of Support which is the same on the server.
Could there be a problem with my Dialog plugin?
I have revision 6187 in the PlugIns folder.
Alternatively, could my TM_SUPPORT_PATH variable be set wrong? It seems like
I shouldn't have to set it.
This is so strange because I had it working before I updated the dialog
Lawrence Goodman
Check out my blog: http://goodmanorama.blogspot.com
hi list!
I may have found a workaround to solve this old problem:
Sometimes, coders choose to use an indentation width different from the
(hard) tab width. An example C file may look like this:
static VALUE
rb_str_insert(VALUE str, VALUE idx, VALUE str2)
[4 SPACES] if (pos == -1) {
[TAB] pos = RSTRING_LEN(str);
[4 SPACES] }
[4 SPACES] else if (pos < 0) {
[TAB] for(i=pos;i--;) {
[TAB][4 SPACES] ...
Emacs and Vim allow this (eg. :set sw=4 ts=8). Of course, nobody should
use this, but there *are* some codes in that style (notably the Ruby
source code), and I want to use TextMate to edit them.
Changing tab width doesn't work here:
- setting it to 4 spaces makes the code unreadable;
- setting it to 8 spaces makes automatic indentation indent everything
twice as deep as the original code, thus breaking the style.
Converting all the tabs would break the version history and make diffs
So I wrote two little Ruby one-liner commands to convert back and
forth between
both styles.
Convert TAB -> 8 SPACE:
"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}" -pne 'gsub(/^\t+/) { " " * 8 * $&.size }'
Convert 8 SPACE -> TAB:
"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}" -pne 'gsub(/^ {8}+/) { "\t" * ($&.size/8) }'
Input: Selected Text or Document
Output: Replace Selected Text
Activation: Option-Command-X
When I have a code like the one above, I just:
- set the tabs size to Soft-Tabs: 4,
- use "Convert TAB -> 8 SPACE",
- edit, compile, and test with spaces only
- convert it back with "Convert 8 SPACE -> TAB" before a diff or commit.
I think this covers most cases; you can easily modify the commands to
your needs.
Of course, the scripts don't handle cases where you explicitely want
tab or spaces,
like in heredocs or something. Your version system should save you.
Or you can
select only the part you want to convert and run the commands on it.
Oh, and I didn't test it much yet. But it seems to work ;)
I hope this makes Patching Ruby easier for TextMate users!
Enjoy :)
Just a couple quick commands for the blogging bundle that use an
applescript to insert the current iTunes track or album into your
post. I figured if Ecto could do it... TM better be able to.
If you're not sure where to stick the script (/Library... ~/
Library... Pristine Copy, etc.) just drag the "Determine Script
Location" command to the bundle that you want the commands in (i.e.
the Blogging Bundle) and run it.
Well, I thought I had it all set up right. I came in this morning and when I
hit shift+2, I get this error:
tm_dialog: server version at v5, this tool at v4 (they need to match)
`load': Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data (PropertyListError)
from /tmp/temp_textmate.V1zbOv:5
My dialog plugin and gtdalt bundle are all up to date. The dialog bundle
lives in Application Support--->Textmate-->PlugIns.
Anyone know what is going on? Thanks.
Lawrence Goodman
Check out my blog: http://goodmanorama.blogspot.com
Hi there,
I had this hideous bug in on of my rjs templates. The bug was in this
now, most of you (who know rjs) will think that's a perfectly good
line. However, there is a bug in it. That line gets converted to this
It turns out that the character between the .visual_effect and
the :blind_down is *not* a standard space. It's some sort of carriage
return/line feed which is displayed as a space in TextMate (and Mail
it seems too).
Now, not wanting to spark up any editor wars or anything, but BBEdit
displays the lines like this:
so it's now obvious where the bug is... and why my div wasn't
blinding down ;-)
Is there any way I can get TextMate to alert me to the fact that this
character *isn't* a space? And therefore stop this hair-pulling bug
from happening again :-)
Editing a LaTeX file seems particularly slow on my powerbook, even for
a relatively small file (a mere 200 lines). Every time I enter a new
character, the editor freezes for like 1/10 of a second... Has anybody
experienced the same kind of pb?
Hi all,
When I run this in TextMate with the Execute and Update command I get this:
RUBY_VERSION # => "1.8.2"
But, when I use irb in a terminal window I get this:
irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> "1.8.4"
Why aren't they the same? I am reading the Pragmatic TextMate book and it
shows 1.8.4 inside of TextMate.