Hi Haris
Trouble: I do the following.
1-quit and relaunch tm (just to be sure)
2-create a New from template GTD file, the default Sample is ok
3-save as untitled.gtd on the desktop
4-add some garbage text at the top of the file (before the first project).
(Now Haris you will say: my fault, since nothing is expected to
work with extraneous text. Anyway)
5-execute the Current Actions command; it works
6-click on an action in the HTML window: the WRONG action
is selected in the gdt window. The selected lined is off
by the number of extraneous added lines, so this must be some
simple problem in the ruby script. I know it's my fault, but
surely you know how to fix it easily.....
Request: what about recurring events/actions?
I know, you will say GTD is not for this kind of
stuff, we have remind (or iCal) etc etc, but, please?
Let me show you an example: a permanent project
"pay taxes". I can put in it all kind of recurrent taxes;
each one has a due date, which is the same every year;
moreover, I would like to remember about it in advance,
say, two weeks. It would be so nice to just write e.g.
which means, due on December 20, every year, please
start nagging me 2 weeks in advance.
Maybe this is pushing too much the GTD bundle? (but
it should certainly be a pleasure to code ;)
On Dec 5, 2006, at 10:23 AM, Lloyd Williams wrote:
> Kevin, I am sorry but I do not understand the two replies. Please
> explain. I am not a programmer. I am a writer who likes the power
> of TextMate. Thank you. Lloyd
I am sympathetic: I too am mostly a writer who understands only a
little of what transpires on this list. That said, Kevin is
describing to you ways of getting from MarkDown/MultiMarkDown to PDF
using only free and open source materials. In this case, he is
recommending that you use a converter to transform your MarkDown
formatted files into LaTeX files. Think of Latex -- I hate doing all
the capitals, so you only get them once -- as another form of markup,
like HTML or MarkDown. It is a very precise form of markup long used
by many in the sciences for getting the kind of outputs that others
had access to only when word processers developed robust page-layout
capabilities became widely available.
There are a wide variety of Latex installations available, you need
only google Latex and Mac to discover them, or perhaps someone on
this list will point you to a package particularly easily adapted/
adopted by a newbie.
I can't help you there. I use Mellel when projects get to be a of
certain structure or size.
I do enjoy doing a lot of writing in TextMate using the MarkDown
formats, if only I could get some form of code-folding -- I've been
meaning to ask this list about the possibility of using two returns
as a way to cue the end of header and how one would include that
within the parsing language in the bundle. (One of my goals for next
year is to teach myself PERL -- I'm a folklorist, so PERL's language-
oriented abilities are useful in and of themselves.)
I hope this helps. My apologies for blurting out my own question in
the middle of my answer. I will re-post it if it doesn't make any
sense at another time on this list.
I googled for it but I didn't find the correct answer.
Is it possible to control TM via AppleScript à la
tell app "TextMate"
end tell
tell app "System Events"
tell process "TextMate.app"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item "Help"
tell menu "Help"
click menu item "Release Notes"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
I tried several things but I couldn't find a solution and it seems to
me that this is not possible.
Many thanks for every hint.
I'm starting to want to edit every possible piece of text in my
system with TextMate. I use DevonThinkPro for certain things, and
type a lot of stuff into its Rich Text page type, but when I then do
Edit in TextMate, it comes in as Plain Text. All I want from the
RichText is to occasionally make something bold or change the font
size. Is there a page type in TextMate that will let me do that and
then save it back to DevonThinkPro and look correct there?
I'm in the process of evaluating TextMate. Needless to
say, great.
Some of my work involves Mathematica. I have this
ambitious notion that TM with TerminalMate
(eventually) can be used to interface with the M'ca
computational engine.
What's missing is a tmbundle to start. I'm assuming
getting to the point of just highlighting syntax is
Typically, efficient M'ca is Lispish, with recursive
headers, eg, Header1[Header2[Header3‚…]]] And the
bracketing syntax is pretty well formed:
(term) parentheses for grouping
f[x] square brackets for functions
{a, b, c} curly braces for lists
v[[i]] double brackets for indexing
Can someone point me in the right direction wrt an
existing bundle that has similar syntax so that I can
independently figure this out?(MatLab, btw, is largely
Is this a waste of time I wonder?
It seems that people have had sporadic success with TM
in the functional space. Someone feel free to correct
Also, does anyone have suggestions about navigating
between multiline functions in C++? The syntax
highlighting/function hopping does not work in those
Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
Hello. I have a tab trigger specified in latex, but it doesn't
appear to work any longer. It is set in the snippet to have a tab
trigger, and I am in the right scope, i believe (text.latex).
Moreover, it used to work. Is there some meta preference that I may
have turned off?
Kevin if it would be easier you may send it directly to my email at
wlw3(a)mac.com. Sorry for being so difficult. I do not understand why I
can read all the others and not your. I also can not figure how to
reply and keep it in the thread.
Thank you,
Will you please resend me your original response from Tue Dec 5
16:09:54 GMT 2006.
I do not have it and everyone else was quoting and referencing it.
Thank you,
I am reading these from the TxMt archives on the web with both
FireFox and Safari and every message you have posted has looks the
same as the one I sent to you. All the other messages are readable.
Thought you would want to know.