Wondering if there is a way that I can configure the web preview
window to open up previews using a testing server address instead of
the file path.
Instead of it previewing like this
I want it to open like this
http://localhost:8888/php Tuts/lesson2/arithmetic.php
Matthew Wallace
Web Development
Office: 615-261-8149
Attached is a bundle of commands for html h1-h5.
They build on the bundle "additional html" which was just sent to the
They add the feature which most brings me back to Dreamweaver: they
not only turn selections (or whole lines with no selection) into a
heading, they also work on existing headings, changing them to the
selected level.
I'd welcome feedback and/or seeing something like this included in
the proposed expanded html bundle.
If you drag-and-drop a CD or DVD on an open
TextMate window this produces a nicely formatted
list of the contents. Folder names end with / ,
and one or more tabs denote the hierarchy
of nested folders.
I'm tempted to use TM for this. Actually searching
is already ok; I might use a project to group different
media into different folders, etc.
The only thing I am missing is a way to fold the
list at the appropriate level. The fully expanded
list is something like
and I would do things like: see only the
CD names, or see only stuff down to one level
of tabs, or down to two levels of tabs etc.
This should be doable with the folding system of TM.
How? ok I could discover myself, and I'll certainly do
as soon as I have one solid week free (around 2009 I guess)
BTW, if you have a cataloging bundle ready I would
appreciate it a lot...
Is there a way to insure that the project draw will always open on the
left? About fifty percent of the time it opens on the right and I have
to close it, then move the window to the right and then reopen the
project drawer so it shows on the left. A hassle I would really like
to eliminate.
Fork JavaScript: http://forkjavascript.org
Today I got this error trying to post / fetch some entries
tm_dialog: you have updated the tm_dialog tool to v8 but the Dialog
plug-in running is still at v4.
tm_dialog: either checkout the PlugIns folder from the repository or
remove your checkout of the Support folder.
tm_dialog: if you did checkout the PlugIns folder, you need to
relaunch TextMate to load the new plug-in.
/Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
dialog.rb:42:in `initialize': No such dialog ()
} for command: /Users/gotchi/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/
Support/bin/tm_dialog -a -p \<\?xml\ version\=\"1.0\"\ encoding\=
'\<\!DOCTYPE\ plist\ PUBLIC\ \"-//Apple\ Computer//DTD\ PLIST\ 1.0//EN
\"\ \"http\://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\"\>'
'\<plist\ version\=\"1.0\"\>'
'\ \<key\>details\</key\>'
'\ \<string\>\</string\>'
'\ \<key\>isIndeterminate\</key\>'
'\ \<true/\>'
'\ \<key\>summary\</key\>'
'\ \<string\>Contacting\ Server\ “blog.gotchi.at”…\</string\>'
'\ \<key\>title\</key\>'
'\ \<string\>Fetch\ Post\</string\>'
' ProgressDialog.nib from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/
TextMate/Support/lib/dialog.rb:25:in `new'
from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
dialog.rb:25:in `dialog'
from /Users/gotchi/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
progress.rb:38:in `call_with_progress'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/
Blogging.tmbundle/Support/lib/blogging.rb:546:in `fetch'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.87V0KW:3
I tried to update all Bundles with the "GetBundle" Plugin but nothing
I am sure this topic was already mentioned but I wasn't able to find
anything in the archives or my mailbox (cause of deleting unnecessary
Thanks for helping
Does anyone have a working command to trigger YummyFTP's insanely
cool AutoRoute feature?
I want to be able to click "CMD-Shift-U" and have my current file
magically get uploaded to the correct server and location. I've found
accounts online of people doing this, but they don't say exactly how
it's done.
Thanks in advance!
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
Could the list help me with the following: I like to have a command
that, when activated with the caret in a (unique) file-in-project
name, finds this file and loads it automatically in textmate.
The function I'm looking for is comparable to that offered by the
txmt URI with 2 differences: (1) with the txmt URI any text file can
be loaded (I only want a file from my textmate project) and (2) the
full path and file name needs to be specified (I only want to give
the file name).
Any help is appreciated.
-- Bert
I'd not used tags before, and I like the cloud so I'll toy with it.
However, adding some tags via MT fetches:
ype: Blog Post (Markdown)
Blog: Geeks R Us
Link: http://www.geeksrus.com/archives/000978.html
Post: 978
Title: Blog Entry from TextMate
Tags: Software, TextMate
Format: markdown_with_smartypants
Date: 2007-01-03 21:52:26 -0800
Pings: On
Comments: On
Basename: blog_entry_from
If I tack on ', Fred' to the tags and post, the tag is tossed. What
am I missing at this late hour? :)
I look at 'Insert Command Template' and this one of my favorites ;)
Nevertheless I have some humble suggestions to improve it:
Now this command executes the apropos function within a new fresh R
session. This means that it doesn't know which libraries I'm
currently using and it doesn't know which functions I defined within
my R session. To use 'Insert Command Template' also for this you
should load the function 'getSig.r' in my current session (renamed in
'.getSig' ) and executes this within my session to get these
signatures too.
By doing so you would increase the speed of it enormously and you can
insert signatures for user-defined functions and functions coming
from loaded libraries.
The disadvantage of it would be that you have such queries in your
current session; ok you don't see them in the TM R console window,
but if you save it workspace you would have these.
To avoid this you could think about to write the answer of the query
into a file and load it in TM.
Or, if you don't interested in the user-defined functions you could
start a new R session which loads all libraries which are loaded in
my current session.
(I don't know whether this would also work for user-defined fucntions?)
If you use the approach in 1) then you can do more elaborated things
with it because of the speed.
-If I look for for a keyword it will insert the signature like the
old version. If there is nothing found it will look for functions
which begins with the keyword like the old version.
-If I type e.g. 'data.' it lists all methods for 'data.' like
data.class, data.frame etc. but not 'dataentry'
-If I type e.g. '.difftime' you get all functions where '.difftime'
is specified like mean.difftime, print.difftime. To insert the
signature you have to select the keyword in beforehand otherwise it
shows a tooltip.
-If I have no idea about the complete name of a function you can type
e.g. '.load.'. This would look for '*load*' as regexp. Furthermore
sometimes I cannot remember whether the a function is called
'shownames' or 'showNames', so you can write '.names.' and it looks
for '*names*|*Names*'.
I would use periods for '.foo.' for indicating this because it will
be caught be Ruby's getword function.
Of course you can do more things:
-You could catch the 'apropos()' function and run it in TM and print
the result as pop down menu
and and and
What do you think about it?
To change to code would be relatively easy.
Dear group,
Thanks for your excellent PyMate. Unfortunately I have started using
shelve to save intermediate results and have found a bug. Try the
following simplest script. (which uses the underlying problem pickle)
Please can somebody check that the error below occurs on the minimum
script that I have. I have copied the PyMate output below. I
particularly want to know if I have corrupted my python bundle in
some way.
This script runs without error when using the normal textmate command
import pickle
class testobject(object):
Python 2.4.3 - PyMate r5848
For comments contact the author.
The regular Python interpreter can be invoked using ⌘⇧R.
>>> shelvetest.py
forcing redraw!!! don't remove
PicklingError: ("Can't pickle : it's not found as __main__.testobject",)
function module body
in shelvetest.py at line 6
function dumps ⎋
in pickle.py at line 1386
function dump ⎋
in pickle.py at line 231
function save ⎋
in pickle.py at line 338
function save_reduce ⎋
in pickle.py at line 415
function save ⎋
in pickle.py at line 293
function save_tuple ⎋
in pickle.py at line 576
function save ⎋
in pickle.py at line 293
function save_global ⎋
in pickle.py at line 760
Nigel King