Not that I want to dredge up a poo flinging flame fest, but did anyone
else see that with the release of Panic's Coda [0] they are using the
"Subetha Engine" [1]? Interesting that they've licensed the
collabrative part of the editor.
How do I limit the range of a find and replace operation? Say I want to
change "foo" to "bar" within one function in a file, but *only* in that
function. Is there a way to limit the find/replace operation to the
current scope, block, or selection?
I can kinda-sorta do it in an awkward way by pulling up the find dialog,
filling in my find and replace strings, closing the dialog, selecting the
region, and doing "replace all in selection". What I'd like is to have
the find dialog only operate on an already-selected region. Can this be
Also, "replace all in selection" acts in an unexpected way with
column-based selections. Say I have the following text:
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
I want to change the first "ipsum" to "foo" in every line, so I make a
column selection (marked by the |---| region) and do
replace-all-in-selection. I end up with:
Lorem foo dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem foo dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem foo dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
The five-letter word got replaced with three letters and two extra spaces.
If I do the opposite and replace "ipsum" with a longer word, the rest of
the lines are shifted rightward accordingly. My expectation is that when
I'm replacing with a shorter word the lines get shifted leftward to fill
the gap, not that my replacement string will be padded with spaces. Bug
or feature?
Steve King, <steve(a)>
Ahoy Allan,
Any chance of making the bundle editor able to be ordered above all
the other panels and windows and everything?
I'm always keeping the "Go to Symbol" open and whenever I open the
Bundle Editor I have to close it.
That's starting to get old.
I know you aren't making changes to the 1.x branch anymore but,
could there be some secret nib change or defaults setting that I
could change to make that work?
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
I just got a new Mac and now I can't figure out how I got ^H working
before. Right now it works for standard Ruby stuff, but it can't find
stuff in gems, in particular Rails stuff. However I can use ri from
the terminal to find Rails rdoc just fine. Is there something else I
need to do? I'm sure it's something basic.
if the last line of the javascript file is a comment with no new line
at the end of it, then the command "Minimize current file" produces
this output:
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/JavaScript
Tools.tmbundle/Support/bin/jsmin.rb:73:in `<=': comparison of Fixnum
with String failed (ArgumentError)
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/JavaScript
Tools.tmbundle/Support/bin/jsmin.rb:73:in `mynext'
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/JavaScript
Tools.tmbundle/Support/bin/jsmin.rb:122:in `action'
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/JavaScript
Tools.tmbundle/Support/bin/jsmin.rb:168:in `jsmin'
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/JavaScript
The problem lying in the mynext method of jsmin.rb, where the while
(true) loop checking for the end of the comment doesn't check for
EOF. should be a simple fix.
I'm don't know if this has been a discussed topic in any other place,
this list or wiki, but is only a short question:
are there been considered the possibility of nested snipped?
of course I suppose this, as a major change, should be supported in TM2.
The current problem is a frequent one: you are inside and snipped
"influence area" (for example a C "for") and then in it you need
another snippet.. when you use the tab you will get in the outside of
the last snippet but have loosed any outer snippet control.
--- Juan Falgueras
I have change the source of the list of paths for QuickOpen included
files. It works fine:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# to know header paths for your precompiler do:
# echo | g++ -E -v -x c++ -
# and save the header paths as path1:path2:etc
# in the TM pref env variable TM_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
if (!$header) {
$line =~ /#\s*include\s*([<"])(.*?)[">]/;
$local = $1;
$header = $2;
if ($local eq '"') {
if (-f "$t/$header" ) {
print "$t/$header";
system("mate -r \"$t/$header\"");
exit 0;
@incs = split(/:/, $hpaths);
foreach $t (@incs) {
if (-f "$t/$header") {
print "$t/$header";
system("mate -r \"$t/$header\"");
exit 0;
print "";
exit 1;
Juan F.
Hi All,
I know this has been asked before (by me) and that it probably has more
to do with the status of work in Movable Type itself, but I was
wondering about work towards getting Movable Type categories to work
with either of the textmate blogging systems...
* Moved token file into ~/Library/Preferences
* Fixed error checking on search function
* escaped search string to fix "spaces" bug
* added proof-of-concept command for hotlinking a thumbnail to
original/large size image
* minor tweaking and cleanup
If you're blogging and using Flickr, let me know how this works for you!