I have been running into a problem with Textmate that for me, anyway,
is a major hurdle. When I'm editing an HTML document, and I'm using
Textmate's project drawer, I often want to use the open document as a
basis for other documents. I go to "Save As..." and name the file, and
hit enter. In almost every other Mac OS X program that I know, that
command simply creates a new document with the old document as the
starting point.
However, with Textmate's project drawer, the old file has essentially
been renamed by the new one. I have to go back and re-add the old file
to have it show up in the Project drawer again.
I have searched the archives of the Textmate list, and one other
person has mentioned it - about a year ago. Some of the suggestions
included hiding the program and bringing it back, re-booting the
program, hiding the drawer - nothing works at all for me. I can't even
drag the old files form the finder, I have to go to FIle>Add.
So my question is: is there any hope for this bug to be resolved? Are
there any other fixes that I may not be aware of? I dunno - I would
think this would be a rather glaring problem that more people would be
clamoring to have fixed. I'm not a hardcore coder or anything - just
someone who writes his own HTML. It just seems sort of... well,
I do appreciate the power that Textmate has, and I can understand how
useful it can be to people's workflows. But every time I try to "get
into" it, something basic like this comes up as a roadblock and puts
me off from wanting to use it. (See my old discussion about the Open
Document in Running Browser command, which sadly still does absolutely
nothing) I want to love Textmate, I really do. Just any help at all
would be appreciated.
BTW: I'm on a MacBook Pro running OS 10.4.9 and using Textmate build 1.5.5/1368
Just noticed that getting documentation on a Ruby method (control H)
in TM 1.5.5. 1383 now gives an error:
web_preview.rb:70 in 'html_head' : undefined method '+' for nilClass
This was working for me on earlier TM versions and I haven't changed
anything in my Ruby setup for a long time.
I've just been trying TextMate, trying to move away from TextEdit and
TextWrangler. One thing which is really bugging me is the way it underlines
hyperlinks on the 'Plain Text' setting. If I wanted that kind of behaviour
I'd use Microsoft Word! Is there a way I can set it up so that plain text is
exactly that, completely plain vanilla typing?
J. Simon van der Walt ----- Composer
Is there a limit to the size of a plist for tm_dialog? If so, is
there a workaround? I think I'm hitting a limit, if I take this
shell escaped output and manually trim it, I can run it as a shell
script that seems alright:
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/encoding.rb:22: command not found: /
Resources/tm_dialog -mp \<\?xml\ version\=\"1.0\"\ encoding\=\"UTF-8
'\<\!DOCTYPE\ plist\ PUBLIC\ \"-//Apple\ Computer//DTD\ PLIST\ 1.0//EN
\"\ \"http\://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\"\>'
'\<plist\ version\=\"1.0\"\>'
' \<key\>photosets\</key\>'
' \<array\>'
' \<key\>title\</key\>'
' \<string\>Vista\ Point\</string\>'
' \</dict\>'
' \</array\>'
' select_photoset
/tmp/temp_textmate.1kkRWq:88:in /bin/bash: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF
while looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of filecall'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
progress.rb:36:in /bin/bash: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of filecall'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
progress.rb:49:in /bin/bash: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of filefork'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
progress.rb:47:in /bin/bash: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of filedialog'
from /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
I noticed that my TextMate updated this morning to Version 1.5.5
(1383). Along with this came a new feature in the HTML Bundle which
I have found is causing me some annoyances. The feature I am talking
about is in response to ticket 20CC5FF4.
I am using PHP with Smarty as my template engine, and previously I
would include <!--{literal}--> in my code to escape Smarty parsing on
script blocks. Now when I do this the entire block of code becomes
commented out. While this is not a crucial bug it is a new annoyance
for me as it is very useful to have syntax highlighting on script
Here is an example of my code:
<script language="javascript">
function foo() {
return "bar";
If you require more information please just let me know. If anyone
has any idea how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
Philip Plante
Yesterday on the TextMate irc channel the [gSpell service for OSX][1]
was mentioned, which is a fairly neat way of spell checking (more
details on the gSpell homepage.) I decided to try and simulate the
service as a TextMate command which takes a selection and looks up
the most reasonable alternative with Google.
[The tmCommand is Available here.][2]
[1]: http://nspindel.com/gspell/
[2]: http://homepage.mac.com/andy.herbert/.Public/Check%20Spelling%
Is it reasonable to have a 'find string' fail only because I happened to
have all the text selected in the document window? Changing the
selection text back to an ibar cursor seems to have made the sought
after string to be found without any other changes to the contents of
the document. That seems to have been my experience however I have not
re-examined this to be sure.
> regarding to the multiple word checking I found a way to do it, but
> in Ruby I have no idea to get the REAL length of a (I guess) UTF-8
> string. The point is that s="Fähre" s.length returns 6 not 5. I tried
> to set $KCODE = 'UTF-8' in the script but it doesn't work.
Take a look at the new Rails Multibyte character support, I think
they tackled this problem already and the patches might point you in
the right direction. Hell, you might be able to swipe their string
extensions outright ;)
- Ben
After a recent update (I'm not sure which one) to TextMate, I'm
finding that every time I write a comment in Python:
# whatever
and press Return at the end of the line, that TextMate is filling in
"# " at the start of the next line. This is really getting in my way,
and I'd like to turn it off -- but I can't find which trigger is
responsible for this.
I thought at first it'd be the "Continue Line Comment" snippet in the
Source bundle, but that triggers on Enter.
Is there any way to find out which command/snippet is responsible for
this without going through all bundles one by one?
>Thanks. I like the --with-file, but the --with-directory could get
>annoying if you regularly want to save copies to a different
Duplicating to the same directory is my most common use case. However there's always scope for both, ie adding the second
version to shift-apple-D.
If I remember correctly then --with-file will only work when --with-directory is specifed.