I see it in the Actionscript bundle - but for the life of me I can't
get it to work... any help would be MOST appreciated
Saul Rosenbaum
Visual Chutzpah
Strengthening Brands Through Illustrated Images And Interactive Design
web: http://www.visualchutzpah.com
email: lists(a)visualchutzpah.com
illos: http://www.saulrosenbaum.com
blog: http://www.saulrosenbaum.com/blog
Hi. I happened to notice that the Perl "Read File" snippet was using
bareword filehandles and doing a lot more work than it has to. The following
uses lexical filehandles, 3-argument open (to prevent anything in the filename
from being misinterpreted as an open sigil) and a do block to simplify the
Finally, a third, blank position is provided so you can tab straight to the
next line instead of the end of the block.
my \$${1:var} = do { local \$/; open my \$fh, "<", "${2:file}"; <\$fh>; };
PS It's worth mentioning that this is backwards compatible to 5.6 which
should be more than plenty these days.
If at first you don't succeed--you fail.
-- "Portal" demo
Schwern and I have been chatting on IRC about Perl support in
TextMate. We're both fairly prolific Perl developers and would like to
be able to maintain the Perl Bundle on behalf of the Perl community.
What's the situation with getting a commit bit for the Bundles repo?
Andy Armstrong, Hexten
I've written up a simple snippet to run the current file as a Perl test. To
ensure compatibility it has no bells or whistles, just runs the file through
Test::Harness and displays the output. Future versions might snaz it up but
it would be nice to have something basic at least.
I used Ctrl-Apple-t for the command but it's fine to change that to whatever
the normal convention is for "run a test".
I've attached the .tmbundle file. Sorry if this isn't the proper way to
submit a snippet.
Whip me, beat me, make my code compatible with VMS!
> Dear Sir, I use a keyboard mapping to write spanish accents in latex.
> This is a development made for Juan L. Verona, http://
> www.unirioja.es/cu/jvarona/TeXkeylayout.html
> This help me to share latex files without the use of inputenc package.
> The code for this keymap is joined in a file down this mail.
> I have tried with several applications in Mac OS X and works fine.
> For example, this sentence with Mail.app,
> -- "El avi\'on sol\'{\i}a volar bajo el a\~no pasado" (El avión
> solÃa volar bajo el año pasado)--
> Nevertheless, in TexMate the same sentence will be like this
> "El avinn sol\'{\i}a volar bajo el a\~no pasado"
> Accent followed by a vocal different of "i" doesn't do the
> secuence "\'o" for example.
> It seems something particular of the TexMate application. Anyone
> know why this is happening?
> Thanks you very much for your help
> Pablo L.

Is there an official version of the footnotes plugin which works with
rails 2.0.2?
The latest version of the footnotes plugin doesn't seem to work at all
with Rails 2.0.x. There was a 3rd party patch published at
http://pastie.caboo.se/125311 but this no longer seems to apply
There's also a footnotes-edge plugin mentioned on teh rails wiki
This seems to have part of the caboo.se patch applied, I had to
manually change the
vendor/plugins/footnotes/templates/rescues/template_error.rhtml file
based on the patch, and things seem to be working for me now.
But I was wondering what the official status is.
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
I would like to compile a *plain* tex document which includes some postscript
(.eps) figures. The problem is that if I choose tex (or etex) as the engine
the dvi file is correctly generated, but its not automatically converted to
pdf, nor the dvi file is sent by the viewer (Skim). This is no problem with
*latex* files containing eps figures, since in that case the command
"Typeset & View (PDF)" converts the .dvi file to .ps (by running dvips) and
the resulting .ps file to .pdf (with ps2pdf), and opens the .pdf file. Is
there an easy way to get TextMate to automatically run dvips and ps2pdf in
succession when the engine is tex or etex, instead of latex?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/compiling-*plain*-tex-documents-with-postscript-figur…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Here's a little hack that TextMate-using Perl fans may find useful:
It makes TextMate follow the current Perl debugger file and line so
you can easily see where you are in a program you're debugging by
flipping to TextMate.
Andy Armstrong, Hexten
Hello Mathew,
You can find the command by opening your Bundle Editor (Bundles>Bundle
Editor>Show Bundle Editor or by ⌃⌥⌘B)
and navigate to SQL>Database Browser there just change the command
db_browser.rb --rows 50
This should work.
On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:12 AM, mathew wrote:
> thank you alex,
> but i don't actually understand how to do that,
> i'm not familiar with how the bundles work
> can you please explain to me what you mean?
> thank you for your help
> mathew
> On 19/01/2008, at 2:32 AM, Alex Podaras wrote:
>> Hello Mathew,
>> I haven' t tried the following but it should work,
>> try changing the command for Database Browser to something like:
>> db_browser.rb --rows 50
>> this will probably solve your problem.
>> Regards,
>> Alex
>> On Jan 18, 2008, at 3:55 PM, mathew wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> when i use the sql bundle to create a mysql view
>>> such as the following:
>>> CREATE VIEW cp_qry_offset AS
>>> select
>>> O.offset_id,
>>> O.account_id,
>>> O.calculation_id
>>> O.quantity,
>>> O.type,
>>> T.description as type_description
>>> from cp_offset O
>>> join cp_offset_type T
>>> on O.type = T.type_id
>>> for reasons unknown to me, but suspiciously related to the sql
>>> bundle's
>>> habit of returning 10 rows of a
>>> select at a time in the database browser,
>>> it seems the bundle is appending:
>>> limit 0,10
>>> to the view definition.
>>> which means i then have to edit the view with another
>>> tool to remove this limit before it will work
>>> do you know why that is happening?
>>> i'm guessing its related to this in db_browser.rb in the sql bundle,
>>> but i don't know how to change it
>>> if not query=~ /\bLIMIT\b/i and run_query =~ /\s*SELECT/i
>>> run_query << ' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d' % [@page_size, offset]
>>> @limited = false
>>> end
>>> can anyone help?
>>> thanks
>>> mathew
>>> ______________________________________________________________________
>>> For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
>>> (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you
>>> don't)
>>> http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
when i use the sql bundle to create a mysql view
such as the following:
CREATE VIEW cp_qry_offset AS
T.description as type_description
from cp_offset O
join cp_offset_type T
on O.type = T.type_id
for reasons unknown to me, but suspiciously related to the sql bundle's
habit of returning 10 rows of a
select at a time in the database browser,
it seems the bundle is appending:
limit 0,10
to the view definition.
which means i then have to edit the view with another
tool to remove this limit before it will work
do you know why that is happening?
i'm guessing its related to this in db_browser.rb in the sql bundle,
but i don't know how to change it
if not query=~ /\bLIMIT\b/i and run_query =~ /\s*SELECT/i
run_query << ' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d' % [@page_size, offset]
@limited = false
can anyone help?