I have a problem with Java Bundle. I can't create a new document from
Steps to reproduce:
1. From "File" menu, choose "New From Template..."
2. And choose a template from the selection.
* The latest svn version of Java Bundle
* TextMate Version 1.5.7 (1464)
* Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.4
I was reading the code for the templates in Bundle Editor, but I don't
know what's happening.
Takaaki Kato
Hi all-
Is there a way to dump the current scopes out? I'm thinking like the
"Show keyboard shortcuts" in the TextMate bundle?
Or is there something that documents the relationship between the
various scopes, and the syntax colors?
For example, there's an appearance attribute named "Preprocessor
Directive", but what scope would lead to something being colored with
that attribute?
I think also I've noticed some conflicting documentation: Is it
<comment.block.documentation> -or- <comment.documentation>?
Thanks as always, Charles
Hi all-
In section 12.4 of the manual, under the comment root group, there are
references to further specifications of the line comment. There's an
interesting italicization of the "character" type, which creates
ambiguity for me.
Does this mean that I should specify:
comment.line.character.<language> -or-
comment.line.<character>.<language> ?
I'm thinking about Forth's backslash \ comments:
comment.line.character.forth -or- comment.line.\.forth
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:14:45 -0500, James Gray wrote:
> There's no reason to use a shell script. Ruby supports this directly:
> ./configure … --program-suffix=18
> That would add a 18 suffix to all programs built: ruby18, irb18, etc.
Hi James-
Nice tip, but I was referring to a shell script that would jiggle some
symbolic links in /usr/local/bin so that I could switch "ruby" between
1.9.0, 1.8.6 and MacRuby...
Best, Charles
I'm not as proficient with text editors as many on this list.
BBEdit has a very handy thing called "Includes"
The easiest way for me to describe them is simply to copy and paste
from BBEdit help:
An include file, or just an "include," is a special form of
whose substitution happens to be the contents of another file.
If you
have used C or certain other programming languages, you may
already be
familiar with the concept. Using includes, you can reuse
standard bits
of text content or HTML markup in several templates or clippings
entries without having to revise all of those individual files
you revise the included text.
Apologies for not only mentioning BBEdit but pasting in something from
the help :)
The reason I want to use includes like this now is that I have quite a
large web-site which uses PHP includes a lot.
I have been asked to put this web-site on a CD and of course the
problem is that a CD doesn't have any PHP.
So, as you have probably guessed, I need to convert the web-site
changing all the PHP includes into the actual chunks of HTML in the
files supplying those PHP includes.
I know that with BBEdit I would do a find/replace changing the PHP
includes in BBEdit includes and do it that way.
However I haven't used BBEdit for quite a while now because I tend
always to use TextMate now of course.
I'm wondering if I can do this in TextMate?
I've been doing searches through the excellent "TextMate: Power
Editing for the Mac" with "includes" and "placeholders" but it doesn't
turn up a description of something similar.
Thank you for any assistance you can give.
i've been using textmate for a few months now. i'm a vim convert... ;-)
anyway, i've found a replacement for almost everything except vim's
ability to hit ctrl-o and ctrl-i to go forward and backward in the
"jump history". does anyone know how to accomplish this in textmate?
or maybe just jump back to previous position? i know bookmarks can do
basically the same thing...it's just nice to have when you realized
you forgot to set a bookmark.
Let me start by saying that I couldn't live without TextMate...it's the
one program that made my switch from the Windows world (a year and
counting! :) ) permanent. I have just a couple of issues I am looking
for guidance on however.
Firstly, when building Wordpress themes for clients, I generally start
with three files, for which I have my own custom TextMate templates. I
was wondering if there is a way to automatically create these three
files (with correct filenames if possible) from my templates. Ideally,
this would be bound to a keystroke string (command-shift-N would be
nice, since the muscle memory is already there for that string), but
mousing it from the menu would work too.
I had first thought of using a macro, but apparently, you can't use a
macro to create a new file.
Second, the keyboard shortcut for Save As stopped working some time
ago. I thought it might be an issue with a buggy install of Tiger, but
even after upgrading to Leopard (via a clean install), I still don't
have the ability to use the keyboard shortcut. I'm pretty sure it's not
a conflict with the keystroke string being redefined by a bundle or
anything (I've gone through all the bundles I have active, and nothing
is using it), so I'm at a loss.
Any ideas?
Keith Solomon - ksolomon(a)gmail.com
My Blog - http://reciprocity.be/
My Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/zarath0s/
> I'm not seeing the behavior you describe, but this may help me to
> figure out
> what is going on.
> Run the following command in your terminal window.
> defaults write com.macromates.textmate latexDebug 1
> Then run typeset & view again from TextMate. This may help identify
> where
> the delay is coming from. Please send me the output in an offlist
> email
> and if you can, identify where the delays are.
> After you have run typeset & view with debug on you can turn it off
> again
> with:
> defaults write com.macromates.textmate latexDebug 0
Thank you for your message. I apologize for the delay, Mail.app
decided that texmate-list was spam.
I will send you the information in a private email for interest, but
the problem seems to have cleared itself up. In the meantime, I had
removed some unwanted bundles, reset textmate, etc. and now when I
typeset the document of interest, it is nearly instantaneous.
When I try to start a ruby script, out of
textmate with "#!/usr/local/bin/ruby" which
is the wrong path, I get an error.
So I changed /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Support/lib/tm/
around line 101 to
if ! File.executable?( cmd[ 0 ] )
puts "Bashbang #{cmd[0]} seems to be not executable"
return [ "Error!", "" ]
That's sub-ideal because the error message is written with the puts.
Maybe there is a better way doing this.
Maybe it's helpful