1) I would like to create a snippet like (actually a part of a snippet)
So when I insert it on the first tab I have
with the option of deleting it typing <delete> and then on the second
tab to modify the actual placeholder. The problem is when I replace
the square brackets [] with curly brackets {}. I have tried a few
options with mirror and conditional insertions but to no avail. Any
2) I would like to have a snippet for LaTeX superscript (and
subscript) such that curly brackets are included when the content is
at least two characters and no brackets when I have only one
character, that is "^{abc}" and "^a".
So far I have the following solution
but there is a few problems. When I have nested superscript (or
subscripts) if the nested supscript is inserted as second character,
then the caret is not at the right place. So if I type
I get
where | indicates the position of the caret. The second problem is
that if the first command triggers a snippet of a command, the snippet
no longer work.
Any suggestions?
Dr Guido Governatori
While I am developping a Rails app, I would like to be able to hit the
ctrl+shift+M key to open the Mercurial menu, but instead, it creates a
Rails migration file. How can I change the keyboard shortcut so that
it becomes ctrl+shift+A which is the one dedicated for subversion that
I don't use?
I just installed Ruby 1.9 but every time I try to run a script in Textmate I
get the following:
Users/ron/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:10:
warning: variable $KCODE is no longer effective; ignored
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:11:in `require': no such file to
load -- jcode (LoadError) from /Users/ron/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:11:in `' from
`require' from
I have been messing around with the trial version of textMate as I
finally got the time
to do so. It is of course awesome!
I have now broken every single path, snippet, template, bundle.. you
name it.
This is OK and totally expected in a test drive for a piece of
software that gives one this much
How can I completely re-install textMate so that it looks
precisely as when I started it up this morning?
Im on 10.5.4 OS X leopard, running/breaking textMate 1.5.7(1436)
I tried removing the files in user/library/preferences and deleting
what ever I could find on
my system named textMate and emptied out my trash.
Still when installing from the image I get my "broken" version back.
Regards Ricki
I've been using TM for the last couple of years but, as you all know,
a new major release is quite far into the future, and since those
issues that I have with TM won't go addressed for the coming few
years, I've decided to move back to Emacs. I had a list of things I
liked in TM, which Emacs was lacking, but I have found solutions for
each one of them, apart from one, last item. I know that this is not
an Emacs forum, but I expect quite a few here has moved from Emacs to
TM, as I did myself a few years ago, and thought it could be
interesting to hear your opinion on the issue (esp. since you will
have experience with both editors and would be able to understand the
issue better then the pure Emacs folk over at the Emacs forums).
My last remaining item is the project drawer; I do not use it much as
my projects usually are single file projects, but I think it is very
nice to have and I esp. like the concept that I can have files from
different directory trees in one project. I could not find a similar
concept in Emacs; neither Speedbar nor ECB since to be able to solve
my "problem", as they try to solve other, unrelated, problems. I
could use a directory structure but then I have to move some files
from other location into my main directory, I would like to avoid that.
The project I think of is my website to be specific, I have all files
in a directory structure under ~/Documents, but I have a number of
Perl scripts for maintenance located in ~/Applications, and some
additional support files located elsewhere, and I don't quite like
the concept of moving all those files (about 10 all in all I think)
to ~/Documents, even as symlinks.
Any nice, preferable light-weight, solution to this?
Hi there,
I have the following problem. When I try to give the Scope as input to a command, Textmate not only passes the present scope, but the whole document to the script (for any document type that I tried, e.g. Latex, Perl and C). According to the documentation, only the present scope should be passed to the script, delimited by the first and next position of the curser, where the present scope would change.
Perhaps I am getting something completely wrong, I would appreciate any help.
Best, Chrisotph
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Using the svn-bundle I would like to filter the files presented for
committing. I do not want files with extension pyc to be shown.
How can I do that?
Regards, Katja
I do a lot of text manipulation with Textmate and find the command
"Filter Through Command..." amazingly useful. I love all of the
output possibilities, but I wanted to put in my vote to add one more
output option: "Copy to clipboard".
Brian H
Hi all there (3)
> I am suffering an uncomfortable problem with TM scripts that depend
> on Ruby and makes them unusable. Using for example Cmd-B in LaTeX
> (toggle_style.rb -style=textbf), TM inserts instead:
> no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)
> Sometimes I fixed the problem renaming ~/Library/Application\
> Support/TextMate. Sometimes not.
> I use an env
> RUBYOPT=rubygems
my apologizes for the reps.
I have found a solution to the annoying ubygems LoadError:
To install gems both in the
making both
~/Downloads/rubygems-1.2.0 % sudo ruby setup.rb
~/Downloads/rubygems-1.2.0 % sudo /opt/local/bin/ruby setup.rb
Then I can keep the
export RUBYOPT="rubygems"
in the ~/.profile and let terminal ruby use this option.
- Juan F.