the last posting shows that very often this mailing list has already
answered to common questions. But how can an user find it?
Here my 'brutal' approach to provide a tmCommand which does the job.
The attached tmCommand searches for given words using www.nabble.com,
gathers ALL found pages in one HTML page, and opens that HTML page in
the default browser.
Maybe this could help a bit.
PS Of course, the used strategy could be improved ;)
I am having trouble using some of my installed bundles, for example, PHP
Cake. There are a number of tab triggers I am trying to use, but when I type
the sequence and press tab, nothing happens. This behavior seems indicative
of TextMate not knowing which bundle to use on the file being edited, though
the language association of "HTML (PHP Cake)" in the bottom toolbar is
What am I missing? Thanks!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Bundle-usage-tp19771933p19771933.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I keep updated with the "bleeding edge" releases of all the bundles,
and I just noticed today that the Java bundle now picks out whole
classes from the source code. Unfortunately, my favorite color scheme,
Brilliance Black, chooses to give this area a bright red background,
making anything inside a Java class unreadable.
Not sure whose fault it is (maybe I messed something up?), but I
thought somebody should know.
I'm running the latest cutting edge build (1467), which seems to have been
posted about 5 months ago. I've read through the forum and there have been
mentions of a new cutting edge build due to appear, by my estimate, about
now. Does anyone here have a better ETA for this next build? I'm really
hoping to sort out all the C-bundle problems that prevent compiling except
to a single tool.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/New-Cutting-Edge-Build-tp19841157p19841157.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
My wife is about to finish the first draft of her first book. It's
written more or less in markdown, nothing complex, just chapters, some
italics and some dividers.
Is there an easy workflow to produce a halfway decent looking book
from this? I suspect it would involve Latex, which I know nothing about.
I am the maintainer of the Python bundle. During the last couple of
years, I have not had the opportunity to use Python very regularly and
I feel that I have let the Python bundle languish. Today I saw that
Python 2.6 has been released. Are there any avid Python users on the
list who would be interested in adding Python 2.6 features to the
TextMate grammar? Is there anyone who would take over maintainership
of the bundle?
—Alex Ross
I have the same need. I have done the following to accomplish this.
Generally speaking, you need to combine the command with a macro:
1. modify the command in 'normal' R bundle to additionally active
Textmate after it sends the R statements
2. record a macro to move the cursor: You first active the above R
command, which sends the R statement to the R GUI's R console window,
and let it return back to Textmate; Then move the cursor one line
down and finish the macro.
3. save the macro and give it a good keystroke.
Optionally, you can use the power of the search (^F) in Textmate to
move the cursor. By using the proper regular expression in the search,
you can move the cursor to the next non-comment R statement.
The above steps work generally for both a line and a selection.
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 7:43 AM, <textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com> wrote:
> Send textmate mailing list submissions to
> textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.macromates.com/listinfo/textmate
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> textmate-owner(a)lists.macromates.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of textmate digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Simple markdown to book workflow? (jiho)
> 2. Re: Python 2.6? (Pedro Borges)
> 3. How do I tell TextMate to move the cursor one line down?
> (Tobias Pyndt Steinmann)
> 4. Re: How do I tell TextMate to move the cursor one line down?
> (Hans-J?rg Bibiko)
> 5. Re: How do I tell TextMate to move the cursor one line down?
> (Hans-J?rg Bibiko)
> 6. Suddenly xelatex is not found anymore (Niels Kobschaetzki)
> 7. HTML-output-window just looks plain wrong (Niels Kobschaetzki)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 09:34:39 -0400
> From: jiho <jo.irisson(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [TxMt] Re: Simple markdown to book workflow?
> To: gerti-textmate(a)bitart.com, TextMate users
> <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> Message-ID: <6646DC23-E892-47E0-B77A-C6936351061D(a)gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> On 2008-October-04 , at 02:16 , Gerd Knops wrote:
>> Thanks everybody for the help, it is much appreciated!
>> Using markdown to Latex (memoir) conversion gets me most of the way.
>> One problem I have that I can't seem to figure out is that when I set
>> \geometry{a5paper} the book is formatted for A5, but the physical
>> paper size still seems to be Letter. How can I fix that?
> This is actually a feature of the memoir class. The thinking behind it
> is that, whatever your page size is, you will probably print it on a
> stock paper, which has a standard size (A4, letter etc.) and them cut
> (trim) it (if you add the options showtrims to the document class, you
> should see those trim marks). This is why the stock size and the page
> size are separated in memoir. You can set them easily without
> resorting to the geometry package, with commands that are specific to
> the memoir class. Check the chapter "Laying out the page" (section II,
> p 49) of the memoir manual (meman.pdf) for the commands. It also gives
> more details on the dimensions of the page and how to make them
> harmonious (A5 is probably not the best idea because the height to
> width ratio might make the text look awkward). My advice: take a book
> with a similar purpose that you find enjoyable to read and well laid
> out and copy the dimensions.
> This is for example what I used in a recent document, based on several
> published books with margin notes:
> \usepackage{calc} % easy calculations
> % Page size
> \settrimmedsize{246mm}{172mm}{*} % size of final page : h w ratio
> % Stock paper size = A4
> \setstocksize{297mm}{210mm} % size of paper sheet : h w
> % Trims (i.e. cuts) = set interior edge of the page to be the actual
> edge of the stock and center vertically
> \settrims{0.5\stockheight-0.5\paperheight}{\stockwidth-
> \paperwidth} % portions to trim from : top edge
> % Set margins and compute size of text block
> % NB: \textheight is set to an integer number of lines by
> \checkandfixthelayout below
> \settypeblocksize{197mm}{100mm}{*} % block: height width ratio
> \setlrmargins{32mm}{*}{*} % horiz margins : spine edge ratio
> \setulmargins{69pt}{*}{*} % vertical margins : upper lower
> ratio
> % Margin notes
> \setmarginnotes{3.8mm}{31mm}{5mm} % margin notes: separation width
> push
> % separation: horiz space between text and note
> % width: max width of note
> % push: min space between notes
> \checkandfixthelayout[nearest]
> % nearest = chose the integral number of lines nearest to the
> specified textheight and use this as the textheight
> I hope that helps.
> JiHO
> ---
> http://jo.irisson.free.fr/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 17:03:34 +0100
> From: "Pedro Borges" <pedro.dhb(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [TxMt] Re: Python 2.6?
> To: "TextMate users" <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> Message-ID:
> <d82a1ed0810040903q34795f72qc3d82e8bac77b423(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Is there a list of requested features for the bundle?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 18:12:13 +0200
> From: Tobias Pyndt Steinmann <tobii(a)tobii.dk>
> Subject: [TxMt] How do I tell TextMate to move the cursor one line
> down?
> To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> Message-ID: <A63860BE-556B-49BF-881D-255872FEC11D(a)tobii.dk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi,
> I am trying add a command to the R bundle that will send the current
> line to the R GUI, in the same way the ESS for Emacs "Eval line &
> step" command works.
> It is quite easy to send the line to R GUI, but I cannot find a good
> way to move to the cursor to the next line in TextMate.
> Currently I am using this Applescript to do the job:
> # move the cursor
> osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"' \
> -e 'tell application "TextMate" to activate' \
> -e 'tell process "TextMate"' \
> -e 'keystroke (ASCII character 31)' \
> -e 'end tell' \
> -e 'end tell'
> But the problem is that when you call the command using a keyboard
> shortcut ie. cmd+shift + R and keep holding cmd+shift for some time (I
> have this of a habit unfortunately :) ) the keystroke will be cmd
> +shift + (ASCII character 31) causing the text from the cursor to the
> end of the document to be selected.
> Is there a smarter way to advance the cursor one line? -- maybe an
> internal TextMate command?
> Thanks in advance.
> with best regards,
> Tobias Pyndt Steinmann
I am trying add a command to the R bundle that will send the current
line to the R GUI, in the same way the ESS for Emacs "Eval line &
step" command works.
It is quite easy to send the line to R GUI, but I cannot find a good
way to move to the cursor to the next line in TextMate.
Currently I am using this Applescript to do the job:
# move the cursor
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"' \
-e 'tell application "TextMate" to activate' \
-e 'tell process "TextMate"' \
-e 'keystroke (ASCII character 31)' \
-e 'end tell' \
-e 'end tell'
But the problem is that when you call the command using a keyboard
shortcut ie. cmd+shift + R and keep holding cmd+shift for some time (I
have this of a habit unfortunately :) ) the keystroke will be cmd
+shift + (ASCII character 31) causing the text from the cursor to the
end of the document to be selected.
Is there a smarter way to advance the cursor one line? -- maybe an
internal TextMate command?
Thanks in advance.
with best regards,
Tobias Pyndt Steinmann
In addition to my TeX-typesetting-problem I noticed that the
HTML-output-window suddenly looks just plain wrong. I attached a
screenshot. Some of the text is huge, other parts are very small and
behind the huge stuff.
I've recently switched to 1.5, mostly because of sparse checkouts. I
just spotted every-time I commit something Subversion bundle shows
"unknown revision committed" in the title, which is obviously because
now "svn" command has Polish (my native language) locale and doesn't
output "Commited revision XX." but the text in Polish.
I'd suggest to set "LANG=en_US" environment variable before launching
any command that matches the output text in English or when running
command line directly use "LANG=en_US svn" instead of just "svn".
This suggestion should go also to all other bundle creators that use
similar methods.
Best regards,
Adam Strzelecki