I'm starting to try out GetBundles, but I see the following error in its log:
01/24/2009 18:08:21 TextMate[GetBundles]
GetBundles' DIALOG runs at token 1
deadlock 0x5b5c0c: sleep:F(10) - /Users/jay/Library/Application
deadlock 0x341ac: sleep:F(15) (main) - /Users/jay/Library/Application
`getResultFromDIALOG': Thread(0x5b750c): deadlock (fatal)
from /Users/jay/Library/Application
01/24/2009 18:09:06 TextMate[GetBundles]
Timeout while connecting Bundle Server
What could cause this? I've deleted Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle and
reinstalled with svn co, but the same thing happens...
I'm trying to use tm_dialog2 on a Bundle but I've run into a problem,
while waiting (nib --wait) for user input TM will hang until I killall
-9 tm_dialog2. It works fine on a shell though.
The offending lines:
token = %x{"$DIALOG" nib --load ~/Desktop/Document --model '{document
= {name = blah;};}'}
print %x{"$DIALOG" nib --wait #{token}}
Maybe I didn't read all the available documentation, but I couldn't find any :\
Can anyone help me out on this one?
Thanks in advance.
António Afonso
Hi there,
I think this is more a new angle on an old question - can anyone tell
me what I *lose* if I work with PHP in PHP-mode rather than HTML-mode?
I ask because I am getting a little frustrated at the way snippets of
HTML are messing with the folding on my PHP files. I realise it's
probably bad form to have an open <div> tag in a separate file to it's
closing </div> tag, but needs must when the devil drives. I have set
the language to PHP and all seems to be ok, but I know I have read in
a few places to set the language to HTML in PHP files.
I'm a brand new user (and licensee) of TextMate and I am mostly very
happy (and eager for the next release) but I am noticing a slight
syntax highlighting problem.
I tend to write code like this (when argument lists get too long):
Widget w = new Wiget(
And that seems to break the highlighting. So sure, you might say,
"you write code weird, get over it", but in writing an enum, in what I
think is a "normal way", it also breaks it, e.g.:
private enum ImageInfo {
So I'm wondering if I can update the syntax file to account for this,
and if so, how?
The "Documentation for Word" command in the default Apache bundle
fails with the following error.
Apache.tmbundle/Support/bin/apache_doc.rb:39: uninitialized constant
Error (NameError)
The file in question which has not been fixed on SVN yet cf. http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Support/bin/apache_do…
seems to point to this being a known bug. Line 42 reads:
#TODO: Check the Error "Superclass" assumption otherwise this will fail.
Could someone please fix this.
I am currently using all the absolute bleeding edge releases of all
the TextMate bundles (courtesy of the example "mateup" script in the
wiki), and the other day I hit Command + / to comment a selection in
PHP, and got HTML comments instead (that <!-- --> business). I haven't
edited the relevant bundles at all. Has anyone else noticed this bug?
Simply make a new document, switch the bundle to HTML, and type some
PHP to reproduce the bug:
function my_function() {
echo "aw man the auto comments are broken";
After selecting the function, and pressing command + /, this is the
<!-- function my_function() {
echo "aw man the auto comments are broken";
} -->
If I press Command + Slash once more, things get a little weirder:
// <!-- function my_function() {
// echo "aw man the auto comments are broken";
// } -->
I realize I could just revert to the release version, but I thought
someone might like to know about this.
In addition, the problems are not necessarily isolated to the handling
of PHP within HTML. If I switch to the "PHP" bundle instead of HTML,
the commenting works (using slashes for each line - I would kind of
prefer /* */ to be honest because occasionally it is useful to place
comments between expressions on the same line), but destroys the
indentation of my function:
// function my_function() {
// echo "aw man the auto comments are broken";
// }
When I undo the comments, the indentation is still messed up.
I am using TextMate 1.5.8 (1497) with the ProjectPlus plug-in, and I
have spotted a bit of a bug with selecting text in a document.
If I click to select a point in the document and then drag up to the
top to select all text between the cursor and the start of the
document, if the cursor goes beyond the top of the TextMate window the
selection carries on forever, effectively running off the top and back
up from the bottom of the document so the selection never ends. You
can see the scroll bar running up and down the document as it does
this, showing that the document text is being selected in something
like an infinite loop.
If you drag a selection like this in Mail.app or TextEdit then the
selection halts at the top of the document text. It does do this with
TextMate, but only if the cursor is somewhere over the TM window (not
necessarily the document area itself). As soon as you go off the top
of the TM window it starts the scrolling round. If you bring the
cursor back onto the TM window then the selection is in place as you
would expect.
Any ideas? I've disabled the ProjectPlus plug-in, but this still
happens without it. I've checked the console and nothing is coming up
there to give any clues.
Is it possible to have a 'checkbox like' behaviour in a bundle menu
and/or to modify the menu text from within a command?
More concrete example of what I want:
1) menu entry 'Advance after line sending' which could be checked or unchecked
2) menu entry 'Send line to Rapp [Rdaemon|Rterm]' which would be
modified after each click
('Send to Rdaemon [Rterm|Rapp]' and 'Send to Rterm [Rapp|Rdaemon]')
I am relatively new to using LaTeX through TM so I'm not sure if this
is a common experience, but when I ask TM to typeset my LaTeX (cmd-R)
the command runs for a very long time (i.e. a few minutes) even though
the document isn't very long (25 pages) and only has a few medium
sized images.
If anyone has had similar difficulties and can suggest things I can
try or check that would be great.
Many thanks,
I've been hacking away at this syntax file lately, in the hopes that
Textmate will wind up actually usable for Haskell.
For comparison purposes I've made screenshots of the old and new
grammars' highlighting capabilities.
Before: http://www.rsmw.net/ergo/textmate_haskell1.png
After: http://www.rsmw.net/ergo/textmate_haskell2.png
(I sent this e-mail once already to bundles@<...>, but was told to
re-send it here.)