Hi all,
I understand from the text accompanying the font "Anonymous Pro"
<http://www.ms-studio.com/FontSales/anonymouspro.html> that we should
expect a new build which will take care of some problems associated with
TTF font files with included bitmaps.
Any prognosis on when to expect this?
I tried to use
to convert the eps into pdf files on the fly. But nothing is created
during the compilation process. I only get the error message that the
pdf-file could not be found.
How could I get the "epstopdf" to work?
Dear TextMate folks,
Is there any way to invoke the "Create HTML from Document with line
numbers" command on a source file from the command line? I'd like to
be able to write a shell script to take several source files and
pretty-print them into HTML.
Alternately, is there any other way to automate the process of taking
a number of source files and creating corresponding HTML files (e.g.,
with Applescript)?
I have a Ruby code project with several TODO comments in it. When I run the
TODO list command, the bundle displays an empty list.
If I open one of the Ruby source files in the project by itself, the TODO
bundle does list to TODO items it contains. Presumably the Bundle doesn't
like the way I have my project set up. I have *.rb source files in the
standard Ruby gem directory structure (i.e. in lib, test, bin
subdirectories). I manually add all files to the project (i.e. I don't have
Textmate automatically import them.) I have created lib, test, and bin
groups in the project. I have tried highlighting various collections of
items in the sidebar when running the show TODO list command to no avail.
Any suggestions as to what is wrong?
W.P. McNeill
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States
Using the bundle to write my thesis. Fantastic work; thanks for all
who contributed.
Just having one problem. I have my TM_LATEX_MASTER variable set to
"thesismaster.tex", i.e a relative path to the current project
directory. I do this because I sync my thesis folder using Dropbox,
and work on another computer occasionally. This process works for
typeset and view, i.e. it will compile thesismaster.tex even if I am
editing a different file; but watch document will not work, it keeps
complaining that there is no "/" in my file path. If I make the file
path absolute, i.e. /Users/name/Dropbox/thesismaster.tex etc, then it
works. But obviously, won't work on my other computer because I have a
different username. Using ~ doesn't work for the file path in textmate
Anyone have any ideas?
Dear List,
is there a way to change Textmate's internal shortcuts? I was unable
to find infos on it.
Specifically, I'd like to reassign Column Selection to something other
than ALT (it sometimes gets in the way on non-English keyboards).
"The good people of the world are washing their cars on their lunch
Daniel Stegmueller
Molukkenstraat 92
6524 NE Nijmegen, The Netherlands
I'm rather new to both Ruby and Interface Builder. So what better thing to
do than to try to write a command in Ruby that uses TextMate::UI.dialog?
Please excuse the newbness of my question. I also apologize for the length
of my post, but I tried to provide as many details as I could.
I've managed to get some basic nib goodness happening, in the form of text
fields both setting values on nib launch, and returning values on nib close.
But I'd like to implement a popup control in my nib, and am at a complete
loss for how to get the values both in and out. It's really just a short
list of options, not even dynamically generated, but it's not working and I
can't find any form of reference or help on Google.
Here's what I've got. Without worrying about the popup control, this works:
TextMate::UI.dialog(:nib => nib, :parameters => {}, :center => true) do
dialog.parameters = {'package' => 'com.mypackage', 'activity' =>
dialog.wait_for_input do |params|
package = params['package']
activity = params['activity']
puts "package: #{package}"
puts "activity: #{activity}"
I tried setting up the nib with an Array Controller, and binding Content
Array for Multiple Selection to my parameters Object Controller, with the
Model Key Path set to the parameter name (buildTarget).
This at least didn't cause errors, which was a huge step forward for me, and
even appears to return back the the whole array of objects that I'm passing
Then I figure I need to bind the popup to the array controller, and I've
tried Content, Content Object, Content Values...but I'm really just shooting
in the dark.
If anyone has idea, or could even provide a reference or a working sample of
what I'm trying to do, I would be very grateful.
Hello, I now use BBedit rarely, the times TM just flat out amazes me,
I am a happy camper. There are times I still fire up the old BB, but
it gets less and less. Maybe I am getting too old to remember all
these damn keyboard shortcuts :)
1) Is there an <a href... snippet, I can not find it
2) How can I shift selected text right and left one space at a time?
3) Most other apps allow me to drag and drop a text clipping to the
apps icon, and it will open it. In TM, I have to open the clipping,
copy, then new file, then paste. Any workarounds on this one? Oddly,
I find I used this feature a lot and I am missing it.
4) I am liking soft tabs a lot, as they seem to allow me to align
things better, and when files move to other places, they stay lined up
regardless of the tab stop setting. I was happily working in 4 spaces
per tab stop, and wanted to move to 5, changing it did nothing. I had
to convert spaces to tabs, then make the change. I am not entirely
sure what I did really. Can someone give me a primer or point me to
docs on how this works?
* I am often opening tab separated files, and will need to open tabs
to 40 spaces or so, because the launch time to something like Excel is
just too aggravating, TM seems to work against me a little for this
type of work, suggestions?
5) Given code such as:
$foo = 'bar';
$this = 'that';
$something = 'else';
What is a simple way to get to:
$foo = 'bar';
$this = 'that';
$something = 'else';
6) I have picked up this TM book and printed it out, it is helping me
a lot. There is a section on being able to select some sql, and have
it run and show me the output. I am not understanding how to make
this work. I usually have a db.inc that will contain my user and pass
and db name, so it will be well outside the scope of the file I am in,
unless TM can follow that include reference. To be able to run
arbitrary sql would be huge for me, is there a better walk through? I
am just not getting this one to work. I have not tried to be honest,
since I do not understand the setup at all.
7) Any of you care to share your top #1 little tricks, the one thing
you use all the time, that just makes you happy every time you invoke
it? I mainly work in php, so leaning on things that would be helpful
in that area would be nice. Second would be bash, and lately, for
some odd reason, I have been spending some time in TCL, but not much,
so I am not sure how many tricks in there would benefit me in the long
Thanks all... Hey, when is the next version coming out... just
kidding :)
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *