I'm having some problems with a table where I need to include multiline text
(large text). I would like to have the same behaviour as a standard
paragraph but text is cut when arribing to the right margin instead of
continuating in a new line.
I'm using:
Any idea?
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Hi, I am completely new to programming and am trying textmate out based on
some reviews I've read. I'm learning python as my first language.
My question is this: I am writing basic small programs in python and when I
run the program to see if it works, even if it works properly it always
finishes the output with the last data that I enter into it.
For example, if I enter:
n = input("Please enter a whole number: ")
fact = 1
for factor in range(n, 1, -1):
fact = fact * factor
print "The factorial of", n, "is", fact
When I run the program (with an input of '10'):
' Please enter a whole number: The factorial of 10 is 3628800
When I run the program in IDLE I don't get the extra output.
Thank you.
I am not sure if I'm just using an old version but it seems that
there's a bug with project plus.
If I am dragging a folder from the Finder to the TextMate-icon and
TextMate is closed, TextMate will open with the "old" drawer. If I
open the folder from within TextMate (e.g. via Recent Items) or if I
drag the folder to TextMate when it's already open the Project Plus-
drawer opens.
I made a short video that shows the problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b802UokTNjg
I am using Mac OS 10.6.1, TextMate 1.5.8 (1509) and I'm not sure how
to figure out which version of Project Plus I'm using.
A while ago, while on project view, I dragged a .gif file from the project
drawer to the main textmate window, which opened the file in the text
editor. I simply closed it and move on.
Ever since, everytime I select a .gif file on the project drawer it opens
the file on textmate, when most of the times I just want to drag it to my
dock and open fireworks. I've searched everywhere and couldn't find where to
cancel this behaviour, to no avail.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Opening-Gif-files-tp25530149p25530149.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hey is there a more advanced version of the Diff for textmate (like Exam
Diff or Beyond compare), that would allow us to look at individual words or
characyter differences per line rather then just line by line?
Thanks for the reply, please see comments below:
>> 1. New Project
>> [...]
>> The question: is there any way to have the paths set from my "root"
>> element?
>> For example if I drag an image that is placed into /myroot/img/ the
>> html file that gets it uses a src link like "../../img/image.gif". Is
>> it possible to have "/img/image.gif" instead?
> I do not quite understand. But if you drag eg an image from the
> drawer/
> Finder to an HTML document TextMate will insert the relative path seen
> from that HTML document, this ensures that the HTML doc can see the
> image file later on.
I mean that I usually prefer to set all my image paths to something
like "/img/file_name.gif" instead of TM way: "../../img/file
name.gif", they both normally work yes, but when you are using apache
mod_rewrite or when, later, you want to move the file somewhere in
other directories, by using default TM path you should address all
paths to the new location (or mod_rewrite path).
By using the "absolute relative path" like "/img/image.gif" the image
will always work even if you move the file into a directory like:
>> 2. Project Drawer and new files in project
>> How can I create a new file or duplicate an existing one?
> If you did select the file in question simply press ??S (Save As)
> to duplicate it.
That is what I usually do, but with the problem that Project Drawer is
not correctly updated: the old file disappears from PD tree.
I have to restart TM to see it again. It is always there anyway, it
seems to be only a display problem of TM project drawer.
For Exemple, if open a file called "menu.html" that is placed inside /
models/menu.html, and then I choose "Save As..." and select /test.html
as the new saving location and name, Project Drawer will show me a
file called "test.html" placed into /models and no file in the project
I have to close TM and restart it to see files where they really are.
Do you confirm?
>> 3. While I editing CSS or HTML files, sometimes I need the color
>> chooser, the default keys CTRL + SHIFT + C do not open it. That keys
>> seems to be used by the default Math bundle. Is the solution to
>> manually change such keys in Math bundle? Why TM provides such
>> overlapping keys?
> TextMate doesn't listen on the ?^C, thus deleting that short-cut in
> the Math bundle won't work.
> If you're inside a CSS doc or inside a CSS scope (ie if your caret in
> inside of "<style type="text/css">?</script> of an HTML file) press
> ??C. From others ^? > CSS > Insert Color?
correct, but when I have an open file like could be "test.css" and CSS
language is associated to such file, if I am creating a rule and I hit
[ CTRL + SHIFT + C ] why it does not open color picker but Math bundle
The same happens when I am inside a .html file and the caret is placed
into tags:
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
> 4. A little "bug" with file tabs
> In addition ^?R will select the current doc in the drawer.
> If you need your own way to display the name simply create a new
> tmcommand in the bundle editor:
> Input: Discard:
> Output: Show as Tooltip
> Command:
> echo "$TM_FILEPATH"
> and bind it to any short-cut.
that is ok, but is always a patch to the wrong (in my opinion)
behaviour of TM with not visible tabs.
In DW CS3 for example, active tab is always displayed in tabs list. In
TM you need to see tab even if you want o drag the file tab near to
another for faster select. But you can't do that at the moment.
>> And I don't understand where TM places the new file if no
>> directory is selected.
> If you press ??N (New File) you will see a dialog with a field
> called ?Location?. This will be the place you're looking for.
correct, but like before Project Drawer tree seems buggy:
If I create a new file with SHIFT + CMD + N, and I set location to "/
models" and file name to "test.html", sometimes I see the new file
placed at the end of the list at the same level of the project root.
Sometimes I will see the file twice: once inside "models" directory
and also at the end of the list, out of models directory.
If I restart TM, the files listing in project drawer remains the same
(double file) and I cannot understand why.
If I want to delete it, I have to delete both files from Project Drawer.
In the finder the file is placed correctly, but again there is a
problem with PD tree.
That is very strange and is confusing me.
Thanks for the help!
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I am trying to understand how to do some basic operations with text
mate but I didn't find help in the manual, wiki o faqs so I try here:
1. New Project
I used to have all my web project files and directories inside a main
directory, when I create a new project in textmate I drag such "main"
folder into TextMate icon and save project. That seems correct and
seems to be the only way that allows files or directories created
later in the finder to appear in the project without the need to
manually drag them.
The question: is there any way to have the paths set from my "root"
For example if I drag an image that is placed into /myroot/img/ the
html file that gets it uses a src link like "../../img/image.gif". Is
it possible to have "/img/image.gif" instead?
2. Project Drawer and new files in project
How can I create a new file or duplicate an existing one?
The alternatives seems to be:
- go to the file menù and select "new" but in this way the new file
appears in a new window outside the project and I don't know why;
- go to project drawer, select the directory where I want to create it
and hit new file button. Seems ok but Project Drawer behaviour feels
a bit strange sometimes.
- use the file menu and "Save as..." to save the current file with a
new name to duplicate it. That's seems quite ok but Project Drawer
seems bugged about: If I do that, I cannot see the old file in PD, or
I can see it but it seems to have the same name of the new file
created (that is no true). To fix it I have to quit and restart PD. Is
there any way to have PD list updated correctly?
- go to the finder and make duplications from there. But this way is
longer than any other and I think it should be possible from TM.
Further more if I want to delete a file, the only way I found in PD is
to *select the file twice* (why?) and then hit the "delete" keyboard
There is no "delete" command in the right click menu, as for duplicate.
If I use the new file or new directory button in PD without selecting
anything the behaviour is more strange: the file is placed or
displayed in a some strange location in the project tree. The
directory is called "group" but I don't know what it means.
3. While I editing CSS or HTML files, sometimes I need the color
chooser, the default keys CTRL + SHIFT + C do not open it. That keys
seems to be used by the default Math bundle. Is the solution to
manually change such keys in Math bundle? Why TM provides such
overlapping keys?
4. A little "bug" with file tabs
When opened files number exceed TM window width, other files are
visible under the ">>" button of tab list. Unfortunately if you need
to work on a file listed in ">>", you cannot see it selected in the
tabs so it is difficult sometimes to know on wich file you are working
or where it is placed.
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I would like to use Textmate's built-in Tidy (Ctrl+Shift+H) functionality to
indent my HTML 'without modifying anything' in the code. I write pretty neat
HTML already, I just need Tidy to indent my code with Soft-tabs.
Currently it breaks a lot of things and the formatting isn't perfect either.
Can someone please write a Tidy config for me that does this:
1 - Indents only, nothing else.
2 - I don't need certain tags to be pushed on a newline. For example:
Tidy does this:
# link
Original Code (or What I need):
<li> # link </li>
..so if I can pre-define which tags to be kept inline, that would be great.
Basically, I'd like to duplicate Dreamweaver's HTML formatting functionality
with Tidy, but the two things mentioned above are really important.
I think this is my current (default?) Tidy config:
${TM_TIDY:-tidy}" -f /tmp/tm_tidy_errors -iq -utf8 \
-wrap 0 --tab-size $TM_TAB_SIZE --indent-spaces $TM_TAB_SIZE \
--indent yes \
${TM_XHTML:+-asxhtml --output-xhtml yes} \
${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:+--show-body-only yes} \
--enclose-text yes \
--doctype strict \
--wrap-php no \
--tidy-mark no`
I'd greatly appreciate any help. Thanks!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Configuring-HTML-Tidy-tp25420981p25420981.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.