I did post this last week and some how it did not go through ?, iv heard
gmail can be ? at times.
I will "try" upgrading to PHP 5 in TM.
Question: is there any thing else that i need to know besides the
instructions at TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.0 Set Up
my plan of action is to upgrade to OS 10.5 when the DVD gets here this
and the various upgrades through the Apple server.
install PHP 5 on the machine via entropy.
follow the instructions as given, TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.0 Set Up
see what kind of mess entropy and MAMP can make, yes i will have the servers
shut off.
and go from there.
If any one could bring me to notice anything i do not see please let me
Thank you
i found universal install DVD of 10.5 at hardcoremac that is affiliated with
yahoo business.
Dear Textmate Experts,
I get the following error message on compiling a document called
Document '/Users/myusername/myfolder/mydocumentname.pdf' not open in
application execution error: Can’t make file "Macintosh
HD:Users:myusername:Desktop:mydocumentname.pdf" into type alias. (-1700)
"myfolder" actually stands for a path where the document
mydocumentname.pdf is located. It is unclear to me why the path
"Macintosh HD:Users:myusername:Desktop:mydocumentname.pdf" appears,
because the file mydocumentname.pdf is obviously not on the Desktop.
Maybe understanding this solves the problem. I am also not sure if
this is a serious problem, the generated .pdf opens in Skim as
supposed to.
I work with textmate (version 1.5.8 (1505)) on Mac OS X (10.6.1).
Any help is appreciated.
Hi, the Ruby programming language has a library called ERB which allows you
to embed Ruby into strings. Frequently these strings are source code for
other languages, Ruby on Rails, for example, heavily uses ERB to embed Ruby
code into an html file. Because it is so frequently used, it has it's own
bundle called HTML(Rails)
I am wanting to use ERB with other projects, and am finding that I can only
use one bundle at a time. So I am frequently switching back and forth with
shift+control+option+letter which is working fairly well, and not that much
extra work, but it does mean that my project always has incorrect
highlighting on some portion of it.
Is there a way to create a bundle that understands it's purpose is to work
with other bundles? Perhaps at some point, based on it's scope, it could
realize that it needs to yield to the second language or something.
>> 2. Characters beyond column 72 should be identified, either with a
>> different color or different font.
> This one, at least, is very easy and is not language-specific. First,
> go into Preferences. In the General settings, check "Show right margin
> indicator" and "Highlight right margin". Next go into the View menu
> and set "Wrap Column" to 72. Make sure that "Soft Wrap" is *not*
> checked. The result is that you'll get a thin line between columns 72
> and 73, and all columns past 72 will have a shaded background.
> As for the rest, I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm quite happy to say
> that I haven't touched F77 (or any other FORTRAN dialect, for that
> matter) in almost 25 years now. Back when punchcards were only
> slightly outdated. :-)
Okay! This is a start. I'll give it a try.
As for f77 being not exactly modern, here are a few words in its
defense, and to encourage
its support :
* F77 is still widely used in scientific computing, often as an 'under
the hood' machine-like
language for computations on grids. It plays very well with C++
(unlike f90) and so remains
the fast language of choice for heavy computations on structured arrays.
* It is much easier to use than C++ for students, and certainly faster
than programs written purely
in Matlab. While C++ allows for necessary high level data structures,
many algorithms
that form the basis for much of numerical analysis are most easily
described in a fortran/matlab
like syntax.
* What is not to love about a language that doesn't have pointers?
Okay, nuff said. Thanks again.
Donna Calhoun
I downloaded the TerminalMate plugin kindly provided at the link below
(1). It has two problems for me (on Snow Leopard):
1) Corruption -- when typing, the last-but one line and last line in
the terminal window swap places and overwrite each other. This and
other visual glitches make it very hard to know what I'm typing
2) Slowness -- the display doesn't keep pace when one key is held
down, or even tapped rapidly
Does anyone have a version that doesn't have these glitches on Snow Leopard?
(1) <http://itsthe.damncarousel.com/2009/09/02/where-in-the-world-is-the-termina…>
I will "try" upgrading to PHP 5 in TM.
Question: is there any thing else that i need to know besides the
instructions at TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.1
my plan of action is to upgrade to OS 10.5 when the DVD gets here this
and the various upgrades thru the Apple server.
install PHP 5 on the machine via entropy.
follow the instructions as given, TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.1
see what kind of mess entropy and MAMP can make, yes i will have the servers
shut off.
and go from there.
If any one could bring me to notice anything i do not see please let me
Thank you
i found universal install DVD of 10.5 at hardcoremac that is affiliated with
yahoo business.
I wrote recently regarding the f77 capabilities in TextMate. I
recently downloaded the demo version of TM, and found it to very
useful in many ways. But I found its f77 indenting rules less than
satisfactory. I really want to be able to use TM and would gladly
purchase a copy, but I've come to rely heavily on automatic indenting
and formatting for checking syntax errors, making the code readable
and so on. I am afraid that a lack of proper indenting rules
is a showstopper for me.
I apologize in advance for comparing TM with Emacs, but below is a
list of indenting rules for f77 ("punchcard Fortran") that I've come
to expect from Emacs. Is there any way to get these features in TM?
1. All lines should start in column 7, with two exceptions :
* Lines whose first character is 'c' or 'C' (the comment
character). Emacs also leaves 'd' and
'D' in the first column although this could (happily) be
dropped. See comments below.
* line continuation characters. Continuations are indicated by
any character in column 6.
The customary continuation character is '&'.
* Line numbers. Used mainly for 'format' statements, but also
for 'goto', and if one is really
old school, do/continue statements. The format/continue/goto
should always start in column
7, but the line number should be right justified, with final
character in column 5.
2. Characters beyond column 72 should be identified, either with a
different color or different font.
3. Comments should be properly indented. The comments character
should remain in column 1, but all
remaining text should align given current context. In emacs,
comments are also properly wrapped, with
a comment character put in column 1, and the comment continuing
at its proper indentation level.
4. Fixed tabbing beyond column 7. Emacs appears to use 3-spaces per
tab (by default), which is fine, although it
would be nice to allow for customized tabs beyond column 7.
5. Ideally, lines which are longer than 72 characters would
automatically be split, with
a default continuation character added in line 6 on new line.
I think I got most of the important items. Here is a sample of
"properly" (at least in
my opinion - I'd be curious to hear what others think) formatted f77
code (formatted in Aquamacs). All
formatting rules are applied by hitting "tab" in Aquamacs when the
cursor is anywhere on the the line to be formatted.
subroutine assign_src(mx,my,meqn,q0,lap0,t,rhs)
implicit none
integer mx, my, meqn
double precision t
integer m
double precision q0(0:mx+1,0:my+1,meqn)
double precision lap0(0:mx+1,0:my+1,meqn)
double precision rhs(0:mx+1,0:my+1,meqn)
integer i,j
double precision lap_u,at,dadt
double precision long_line
call qval_time(t,at,dadt)
do m = 1,meqn
do j = 1,my
do i = 1,mx
c # Comments are properly indented after the comment
character in
c # line 1, and are correctly wrapped they exceed column
c # (The '#' marks are mine)
lap_u = rhs(i,j,m)
rhs(i,j,m) = lap_u - at*lap0(i,j,1) + dadt*q0(i,j,1)
c # A really long line with a continuation character in
column 6
long_line = (rhs(i+1,j,m) + rhs(i-1,j,m) + rhs(i,j
+1,m) + rhs(i
& ,j-1,m) - 4*rhs(i,j,m))
c # Note line number in format statement in column < 7
and right
c justified. Also, this comment is also wrapped.
write(6,100) 'rhs',rhs(i,j,m)
100 format(A10,E16.8)
subroutine old_school()
implicit none
integer i
double precision x
c # example of line numbers in a do loop.
x = 0
do 110 i = 1,20
x = x + 1
110 continue
Aquamacs/Emacs isn't perfect. Since 'd' and 'D' is also comment
characters, AM will assume that
a statement beginning with 'double precision' should leave the 'd' in
column 1 and
split the rest to column 7, which would likely lead to a compile
error. The same thing happens with
'call' statements starting in column 1. Applying automatic
indentation to
call quad()
results in
c all quad()
which will also result in a compiler error.
But aside from those few glitches (features?) I would be happy to see
an Emacs style indenting in TM.
Also, I would be happy to hear if I am missing anything major in TM.
Are there easy ways to get the above into the Fortran bundle?
I am just taking advantage of the fact that Alex Ross is working on
the LaTeX bundle (thanks a lot for this btw!) to make a tiny feature
When creating a new section, there's a nice snippet (that's an answer
to one of the questions of your survey btw) that autocompletes the
label content and the end folding comment too. What I would like would
be to have a command to *modify* an existing section (i.e. that works
like creating a new one, but with the content of the section already
I guess that would be something very easy to add on my own, but I just
thought it might be useful for everyone.
Thanks again,