since the first "official" Alpha version, TM2 allows themes to resize text in certain scopes (headers, etc.). The markdown bundle does this, for example. Is it possible to completely disable this feature, as I generally don't find it very pretty (which seems like a tuning issue) and it does have some weird issues with code blocks (erratic resizing of single lines)? I couldn't find it in any of the tm_properties guides.
Best regards,
Is there a setting to tell TM2 to always highlight the file in the
project pane which corresponds to the currently active tab? (In TM1
you could trigger this with a menu command, but personally, I'd prefer
to have this done automatically since it's very handy in bigger
projects which contain identical file names.)
Cheers, -sven
just started to look at TM2 and I am getting some problem.
Whenever I click on the wheel in the status line at the bottom of the window I get this popup window:
and nothing else happens. What am I doing wrong?
With TM2, it doesn't seem to honor my KeyBindings like 1.5 did, specifically, my emacs-like settings.
For instance, ^v and meta-v do not pageup/down as is specified in my DefaultKeyBinding.dict file. Another, ^k will delete the text on the line, but ^k on an empty line will not remove that line (this is particularly annoying because the only way to remove a line is select and delete it). Furthermore, I used to use ^w and ^y for yanking and putting text, but these don't seem to work any longer.
Anyone else seeing behavior like this? Is there something I am missing? I haven't changed my DefaultKeyBindings, and the behavior is fine in other Cocoa apps and TM1.5.
For now, I will assume it is just an alpha bug...
I supposedly have TextMate 2 bound to a single Desktop, but when I
launch TextMate, or run `mate file` to open a file in an existing
session, then that it will open on the current Desktop, ignoring the
setting. Essentially, TextMate always behaves as if the Desktop
affiliation is always None.
OSX 10.7.2.
I'm using python 2.7.1
I can duplicate your result with your script. But if you edit the script
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""docstring for main"""
assert 1 == 2
I see a result of: (also attached)
Assertion Error:
My expected behavior is the output your original script produces.
First, I'd like to congratulate Allan on an amazing job on TM2. It is truly
a pleasure to discover / re-discover textmate.
I was wondering where the mate command went in the 8956 version. When I
install mate into ~/bin it symlinks to
mate -> /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate
except when I look in Resources I don't see it in there.
|o_o | -Bakki Kudva
| :_/ | Navaco, LLC
/ / \ \
(| | )
/'\_ _/`\
Greetings. Does anyone know a way to get TM2 to display the full Traceback
for the Python bundle "Run Script (cmd r)". Example:
assert 1 == 2
Traceback is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "~/Desktop/test.py", line 1, in <module>
assert 1 == 2
But in Textmate 1 & 2 is converted to:
Assertion Error: (adds colon)
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Happy holidays.
How does one create new bundle items within a menu structure? I'd like to
organize my personal bundle with top-level categories like ("HTML Tools",
"Text Tools", "Perl Tools", etc.). When I imported my personal bundle from
TM1, most of the structure was preserved, but whenever I create a new
command, a new snippet, etc, the new item always goes at the top-level, and
I haven't figured out any way to move the new item into my
existing/preferred structure.
Thanks for any help/suggestions.
Loving the new TextMate!!!
Jake Coughlin
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TM2-Bundle-structure-tp33037064p33037064.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
On one of my two machines, TextMate 2 silently fails to load a number of
bundles. The LaTeX bundle was the first culprit I noticed.
As is visible here, it purports to be installed, but does not appear in the
file mode popup:
(Similarly, if I select the LaTeX bundle when prompted on first opening a
.tex file, the sheet stalls forever with a full progress bar and the window
never renders the contents of the file.)
A few related oddities:
- A string of logged errors which seem to relate to the bundle installation
12/25/11 4:01:18.309 PM [0x0-0xd10d1].com.macromates.TextMate.preview: ***
→ ‘/Users/jrk/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Managed/Cache/org.textmate.updates.default’): No such file
or directory
12/25/11 4:09:41.050 PM [0x0-0x35035].com.macromates.TextMate.preview:
error with swap_and_unlink:
/var/folders/b0/j00c1y2j07ncwjgr2kmfw6bc0000gn/T/TextMate_dl_bytes.omR0lQ →
- Installing the LaTeX bundle on this machine automatically installs Java
and JavaDoc first, and R after. On my other machine (with a largely
identical configuration, but where this works), it installs one or two
random, seemingly unrelated dependencies, but not all three. (In
particular, it didn't seem to install the R bundle.)
This happens on a bare guest account, after wiping all settings and caches,
rebooting, etc., and happens identically in all 3 alpha builds I have seen
since the release.