Dear all,
The Avian R bundle has been updated several times recently on GitHub,
but TM2 is not picking up the newer version. It still says that the
bundle was last updated 4 weeks ago. The bundle metadata seems to be
pointing to the right place, and other bundles (e.g. Ruby) have
autoupdated, so I'm at a bit of a loss. The bundle did have local
modifications but I've deleted the delta just in case, with no effect.
Any ideas, please?
All the best,
I'm trying to use .tm_properties to replicate functionality I've had with projects and I'm a bit at a loss. I've created a .tm_properties file in my home directory:
exclude = "{*.{aux,run.xml,tex.blg,thm,blg,bcf,fdb_latexmk,DS_Store,git}}"
softWrap = true
fontName = "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"
fontSize = 11
tabSize = 4
windowTitle = "$TM_DISPLAYNAME – ${TM_DIRECTORY/([^\/])[^\/]+\//$1…\//g}"
The fact that the window title reads "file name.tex - abbreviated directory" indicates to me that the file is processed.
My project directory's .tm_properties file contains only the following entries:
[ *.tex ]
spellChecking = true
spellingLanguage = 'en'
projectDirectory = "$CWD"
The problem is that in the list of files and folders, not a single file is excluded. I've tried the following things already:
(1) Remove the .tm_properties file in ~/ and write the list of excludes in the project directory's .tm_properties file.
(2) Start with exclude = "{*.aux}" or exclude = "{name_of_exisiting_file}".
No luck. What am I doing wrong?
I have some problems with Textmate 2 and the Latex-bundle.
1) I can't run the documents (Command + R)
2) I can't edit the bundle preferences file
I get the following error when I try to run the document:
File "/Users/ahlqvist/Library/Application
line 54 print "Using Tiger Compatibility version of Popen class" ^
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
which I don't really understand.
When I try to open the bundle preferences, I get this message:
Failure running “Preferences…”.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ahlqvist/Library/Application
line 4, in <module>
import tmprefs
File "/Users/ahlqvist/Library/Application
line 77
print '<p class="error">There was a problem reading the
preferences file, continuing with defaults</p>'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have tried to Google it and fix it myself, but I have not found any
information that can help me solve this issue.
I have the same issue as below, except I have removed TextMate 1 so now when using the colour insert picker from within TextMate 2 (Bundles->CSS->Insert Color), TextMate 2 hangs requiring a force quit. After force quitting TextMate 2, it re-opens automatically, and I am presented with the colour picker but am unable to do anything until the colour picker
is closed.
ExploZe wrote:
> Just to say there is a problem with the snippet "Insert Color..." Of Css,
> when you have the 2 version of TextMate on you're mac TextMate 2 Call the
> "Insert Color..." of TextMate 1 and so you loose the focus, but in the
> most of case i'm unable to get the focus back and i will force to "Force
> Quit" TextMate 2.
I noticed that every time I try to run the command Comment Line/Selection from the source bundle I get the following error:
Failure running “Comment Line / Selection”.
Comment Line / Selection:16:in `require': no such file to load -- /lib/escape (LoadError)
from Comment Line / Selection:16
Looking at the particular line in the command I find:
require "#{ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"]}/lib/escape"
I assumed TM_SUPPORT_PATH does not exist, so I tried to hunt down lib/escape for TM2. However, a 'locate lib/escape' only gives me one hit, and that is for TM1:
Looking into /Applications/TextMate2Alpha/ I indeed do not find a Support folder.
Now I am wondering if I am running into a particular problem with my TM2 installation (already tried downloading it again) or whether Comment Line/Selection can generally not be used with TM2 right now.
First, I just want to say how much I'm enjoying TM2. However, I'm seeing a problem with the indentation, and while I originally thought it was the Haskell bundle, I think it's really just TM2 being overly aggressive in correcting indentation.
If I tab in or delete indentation before typing anything on a new line, TM2 undoes my change in indentation when I start typing. if I start typing first, then I can change it with cmd-[ or cmd-], but cmd-[ or cmd-] doesn't do anything until I've typed something on the line.
So, say I have the following:
convert acc x
and I hit return after the x, TM2 puts me in column 0. If I hit tab to indent because I'm going to type a guard, I'm now at column 4. But as soon as I start typing the guard (which begins with a | character) I'm outdented to column 0 again. I can, of course, correct it with cmd-].
Also, if I simply paste some code in with the cursor in column zero, TM2 indents everything an extra tab. If I select the below and paste it into column 0 of a file whose language mode is set to Haskell, it all gets indented an extra tab.
myInt (x:xs)
| x == '-' = -1 * myInt xs
| otherwise = foldl convert 0 (x:xs)
where convert acc x
| x `elem` ['0'..'9'] = 10 * acc + digitToInt x
| otherwise = error ("bad input: not an int - " ++ [x])
I've done my best to search the archives and follow tutorials (, but haven't been able to squash this bug.
In a git commit message, I can't turn soft wrap off. When I enable/disable the setting from the menu item, it enables/disables the soft wrap *indicator* but not soft wrapping itself.
In a Markdown document, enabling/disabling soft wrap works as expected.
I have also tried tons of different combinations in my ~/.tm_properties, to no avail (and sometimes TM2 stops even assigning the right filetype to .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG). This is my current configuration:
TM_GIT = "/usr/local/bin/git"
softTabs = true
tabSize = 2
fileType = text.git-commit
softWrap = false
[ "git-rebase-todo" ]
fileType = text.git-rebase
Any ideas?