Lion introduces a new way of inserting accented characters by holding down the corresponding key.
in TextEdit:
I hold 'a' and I get the menu shortly afterwards to chose among the accented versions.
If there are no accented variations for that letter, nothing happens (the letter is not repeated)
in Textmate:
If I hold down the 'a' key, it is repeated until I release the key.
If I hold down the 'd' key (or any other key without accented variations), nothing happens.
This is a small quirk I guess. I have not tried how TM acts, if this behavior in Lion is switched off using:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
as a restart is required afterwards and I am a lazy bum.
What I would prefer in Textmate (maybe others will agree?):
Holding a key pressed should result in the letter being inserted repeatedly.
Ideally this can be switched with a .tm_properties rule based on the scope or grammar.
(it might be nice to be able to type umlauts when writing a plain text file,
but more convenient to type '/*****' in a source file without repeatedly having to press the '*' key)
Maybe you can consider my suggestion.
maybe I found a fix for that issue (at least my test script now runs :) ):
The new R.tmbundle stuff I host at
thus here the code which should be tested.
Please replace everything in between
STDOUT.sync = true {... and ...} STDOUT.flush
in file tmR.rb by:
STDOUT.sync = false
STDERR.sync = false
descriptors = [stdout, stderr]
descriptors.each { |fd| fd.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK) }
until descriptors.empty?
select(descriptors).shift.each do |io|
str = io.readline
descriptors.delete io
if str.nil? or str.empty?
descriptors.delete io
elsif io == stderr
# just in case
print hideStartMessageJS
print %{<span style="color: red">#{esc str}</span>}
elsif io == stdout
print hideStartMessageJS
str.each_line do |line|
# line counter for top level source
if line.include?("#{linecountermarker}")
linecounter += 1
line.sub!("#{linecountermarker}", '')
# check for a comment sign at the beginning of a line
if line.match(/>\s*#/)
print "<i><font color=blue>#{esc line.chomp}</font></i>\n"
# check for a comment within a line - regexp should be improved yet!
elsif m=line.match(/(.*?)(#[^"']*)$/)
print esc(m[1]).gsub(/^(>|\+)/,'<a class="prompt" href="txmt://open?line='+linecounter.to_s+'">\1</a>')
print "<i><font color=blue>#{esc(m[2]).chomp}</font></i>\n"
# check for error messages
elsif m=line.match(/(?i)^\s*(error|erreur|fehler|errore|erro)( |:)/)
where = (isSelection) ? " of selection" : ""
print "<span style='color: red'>#{esc str.gsub(%r{(?m).*?#{m[1]}},m[1]).chomp}<br /><i>RMate</i> stopped at <a href='txmt://open?line=#{linecounter}'>line #{linecounter-selectionlinestart}#{where}</a></span><br />".gsub(%r{source\("(.*?)"\)},'source("<a href="txmt://open?url=file://\1">\1</a>")')
print "<hr noshade width='300' size='2' align='left' color=lightgrey>"
# check for warnings
elsif line.match(/^\s*(Warning|Warning messages?|Message d.avis|Warnmeldung|Messaggio di avvertimento|Mensagem de aviso):/)
print "<span style='color: gray'>#{esc line}</span>"
# print line simply with hyperlinked prompt if given
elsif line.match(/_\x8./)
print "#{line.gsub(/_\x8(.)/,'<b>\1</b>')}"
print esc(line).gsub(/^[\x0-\x9]?(>|\+)/,'<a class="prompt" href="txmt://open?line='+linecounter.to_s+'">\1</a>')
Feedback is welcome :)
In TM2 is there any way to default unknown file types to plain text
without the "What is the file type of..." dialog? I come across a lot
of files without extensions and 99% of the time I want to treat them as
plain text. Is there a way to just skip the dialog?
Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461 <>
Hi all,
i have an issue with TM2 and LaTex.
I've used TM1 with Skim, then i've installed TM2 and after some
modifications it was working fine.
the only remaining problem was the Sync with Skim. Every time i tried to go
back from Skim to tex file, it opened TM1.
I removed TM1 with AppCleaner (this was a mistake as i read here )
After that i've removed TM2 and did everything the same as before.
I've installed TM1, set the path, compiled some tex file, configured Skim,
compiled tex file again.
then i've installed TM2. At first time i tried to open a tex file it asked
me like the first time to install the LaTex bundle.
After downloading 4 packages and "installing" them it opened the tex file
but the active bundle was PlainText.
In the Bundle editor i can see the LaTex but it is grayed-out.
Does anybody have an idea how to proceed?
View this message in context:
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at
I saw the following in changelog
Introduce attr.file.unknown-type and attr.file.unknown-encoding. You can use this in .tm_properties files to set fileType andencoding to provide default values only for files where TextMate was unable to find the proper type/encoding (which normally results in a dialog asking the user).
But When I set it in .tm_properties as below, it doesn't work for me
Yuan Jiang
I've seen references to clicking a box to cause crash reports to be sent directly to macromates. Is this real and, if so where is the box to click?
anyone who is familiar with the subversion bundle, I set TM_SVN_DIFF_CMD variable, but it doesn't work.
When I set it to something just like filemerge, Textmate2 still use the native diff viewer.
Yuan Jiang
> From: Jacob Bandes-Storch <jacob(a)>
> Subject: [TxMt] Some text-navigation/selection questions or requests
> Date: March 5, 2012 12:02:16 PM AKST
> To: textmate(a)
> Reply-To: TextMate users <textmate(a)>
> - With multiple selections or a selected range, pressing the up arrow key will put a single caret one line above the first selection/caret, and pressing down goes one line below the last one or the end. It would be nice to have a way to move up from the last line or down from the first line. (Perhaps a modifier to choose beginning/end and then the arrow key can dictate only which direction to move).
That sounds like a job for bookmarks. Look under the navigation menu. Put one at the top of your section, another at the end. Toggle between them using F2
The blog page at points
to r8930 version, but apparently there is an r8956 according to Some questions:
1) where to get the latest alpha? Or should I assume the latest stable
version is the r8930?
2) if I install the TM2 alpha, can I keep TM 1.5.10 around if needed? Can
I undo the TM2 install? I'm guessing that the 'mate' command changes can't
be undone so easily. (my main use of 'mate' command is during a git commit
to open the change log file)
3) In general, since I use TM for work, I'm hesitant to install TM2 alpha.
Any comments/advice about that? I would however like to try it so I can
offer my brilliant and helpful comments to Allan about it.
4) Is there a proper way to search this list? I found this: but the page at doesn't mention how to search
the list (though you can download each month's archives by hand).
Sometimes when I make a rectangular selection and start typing to replace text I get a doubled cursor -- and one of the lines
has the newly-typed text doubled.
See this set of screenshots: