My question is perhaps stupid … When I edit my source section with the latex bundle, section, subsection, etc.…use a different style.
How to use the same style for all the text ?
I have a project and inside I have a folder with several files .tex.
I would like to compile all the files at the same time how I can proceed ?
I think with a ruby script but I’m not an expert.
If I open a Plain Text window and paste in the following line of text, TextMate 2.0.3 CPU usage goes to 100% and never stops. Syntax highlighting ends at the line containing the text. Here's the string:
Since updating to Catalina, I notice that some of the bundle menus are double-spaced. Not all of them, but some. It also seems like any option that has sub-options does not behave this way.
I have encountered a problem running bundle commands that are implemented as ruby scripts with a shebang line
#!/usr/bin/env ruby18
I get an alert like this:
Here I was trying to use Insert Color… from the CSS bundle, but the same thing happens with other commands, including from bundles I made myself.
I am pretty sure that this only started when I upgraded to Catalina. (Presently on 10.15.1, TM 2.0.3. It doesn’t happen with 2.0.3 running on another machine with High Sierra.) Possibly this is related to the problem of loading plug-ins that was fixed in 2.0.1.
If I change the shebang to point to the version of ruby I installed with Homebrew commands work fine, but I don’t much want to edit every command in every bundle.
Has anybody else seen this? Do you know of any workrounds?
Hi all,
after a few months not using TextMate, I have returned to it, updated the version, and upon running LaTex cmd-R, consistently get the error message
/bin/sh: /Users/robertmilton/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin/find_app: Bad CPU type in executable Preview does not appear to be installed on your system.
This is indepependent of the pdf viewer (I prefer to use skim, but get the same error). Any idea what is wrong, and how I can fix it?