All of a sudden Textmate Version 1.5.11 (1635) stopped compiling LaTeX files. Comes back with the error:
javac: invalid flag: /Users/wgibson/Mexico/TMP.tex
I have been using it successfully under Mavericks for quite a few months and then…nothing.
Tried TM 2 and the same thing…won’t compile
Failure running typeset and view…
Typeset & View (PDF):4: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
So I am trying the new MacTeX 2013 distribution…
Any thoughts?
Many thanks. BG
Hi All,
I just signed up, and I don't see a way to search the list.
I'm guessing that y'all prefer not to answer the same questions over and
over and over ...
So there must be some way to search the list ...
[I posted this on IRC but my internet connection is intermittent, so I probably missed any replies…]
I'm having trouble adding a "wordCharacters" bundle setting, as per…
I created a settings bundle item in the Source bundle containing "{ wordCharacters = '\w_.-'; }" and applied a sope selector of "text" but it's not taking effect. I have a document containing "… [test] …" and when I hit ^W while the cursor is in the word test the selection is made including the brackets (but shouldn't be). =(
I just stumbled on the text-based Taskpaper project management protocol…
and belatedly realized there's been a related Textmate bundle ("Tasks"?) for some time. A little Googling found this bundle by Jess Martin that upgrades the original by Henrik Nyh:
Anybody had experience with using this as task manager? Are there other bundles out there I should be looking at?
On Twitter as @jonippolito
According to the manual:
Closing Tabs
A common problem is being left with too many open tabs. In an attempt to counter that, TextMate will automatically close tabs that hasn’t been used in a while, when the tab bar overflows.
Is there any way of disabling this behaviour via a .tm_properties or defaults command?Â
Hi list
I'm running the newest TM2 on OS X 10.9 and can't get the shortcut for Show
Invisibles (alt+cmd+i) to work. When pressing the combination textmate
actives filter through command (cmd+i) instead.
Other alt+cmd shortcuts like show/hide linenumbers (alt+cmd+l) works fine
and is not activated by pressing cmd+... alone.
Can there be some form of collision so that cmd+i is checked before
alt+cmd+i and so one shortcut effectively blocks the other?
Ask Holme - 28 76 98 87
Turn wrap column to 80 (or 40). Make sure you disable word wrap, then click
Show Wrap Column.
All is well when you're typing-- the line does not wrap, though you see the
wrap column. However, comment a line automatically (command /) and the line
will be soft-wrapped. Uncommenting the line using command / will then
revert to not wrapping.
I'm writing python, so I'm not sure if it's a bundle issue, but it seemed
odd to me. Not a big deal by any means.
Wells Oliver
I like to develop with soft wrap disabled, which works fine for PHP code
But for comments beginning with //, it still soft wraps them anyway
Is there a way to disable this?
// this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long
string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
$foo = "this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long
string which shouldnt wrap this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap
this is a very long string which shouldnt wrap";
One of the most attractive features of TM is the Go To File (CMD+T) feature.
1) But I wonder, is there any way to tell TM that you do not want to demote
files in the list, which are already open?
Example, if tabset.js is already open, and I CMD+T to navigate to
tabset.js, but it has been demoted right to the bottom.
This makes sense if you only have a few tabs opens, but mostly I do not
care if its already open, I just want to jump to it regardless (but end up
accidentally opening some other file instead).
2) I also notice that the list shows the directory each file is in, but
this is only shown after the full list has been populated. Is there a
reason for this? In this example I have lots of gearman scripts (worker.php
and client.php), and so to open one I have to wait until it shows all the
directory paths before I can see which one I actually want.
Hello all,
In the last update to TextMate I saw two project scopes were added
(Jekyll and Vagrant). What are the chances of making the logic behind
these scopes be exposed to bundles so that a bundle could set a scope on a
project? If this is already available and I've just missed it, please let
me know where to find more information.
Take care,
Jeremy Whitlock (@whitlockjc on Twitter)