Opened a file from an email attachment
On save from textmate, I get this error:
The document “BadFactorScoresExample.R” could not be saved.
Failed replacing BadFactorScoresExample.R with /var/folders/66/wrbbw2d11gzds_76wqw367f00000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By TextMate)/BadFactorScoresExample.R: You don’t have permission to save the file “BadFactorScoresExample.R” in the folder “7DBA5AD0-07BF-4399-B649-CDE020317A4B”.
FYI, it also generates errors from commands that need to read/write
When I have multiple tabs opened with soft wrap enabled Textmate loses the
focus on cursor after switching tabs.
The same does not happen when soft wrap is disabled.
How to fix that?
Sent from:
My question is perhaps stupid … When I edit my source section with the latex bundle, section, subsection, etc.…use a different style.
How to use the same style for all the text ?
I have a project and inside I have a folder with several files .tex.
I would like to compile all the files at the same time how I can proceed ?
I think with a ruby script but I’m not an expert.
If I open a Plain Text window and paste in the following line of text, TextMate 2.0.3 CPU usage goes to 100% and never stops. Syntax highlighting ends at the line containing the text. Here's the string: