I've used Whitesmith bracing style for *decades*, and had it kinda-sorta working in TM 1.5.x, though not perfectly. Now I've lost those old settings and for the life of me can't figure out how to get it even close in 2.0. There's clearly something fundamental that I'm missing, but I've spent hours on this off and on over the past few months, and I'm guessing that someone who really understands the rules (and regex) better than I, could get me on the right path in short order. I'd definitely appreciate it.
For those (unfortunate souls) who are not familiar with Whitesmith:
Also, just as a general suggestion, it seems like it would be really helpful to have just a handful of "packaged" example indentation rules for the small handful of common bracing styles, i.e. Allman, K&R, Whitesmith, maybe Gnu. Of course it wouldn't be perfect for everyone, but it could be really helpful as a starting point. If you know of such a set of examples, please point me to them (yes, I've looked). Thanks!
Dear all,
Since I moved to a new laptop, I noticed a strange behavior with text-selection in TextMate version 2.0-rc.4 (on Mac OS 10.12.6).
Whenever I have a a text-file open in TextMate 2 and click outside of the window (to activate a terminal window, switch to another program, click on a menu item etc.), this ‘click’ will change my selection in the currently opened file.
So, instead of directly deactivating the window, it still takes the action as input for text-selection.
This is of course very annoying, as it constantly changes my selected text / moves the active line etc. without my intention.
It does not always happen, and does not replicate consistently.
Somehow it seems to depend on the time between my last action in the active textmate window and clicking outside of the textmate window.
Is this known behavior and is there a way to fix it?
Thank you!
I think I've mentioned this before, but I do wish it were fixed so I'm mentioning it again. Sometimes the global Find dialog shows (correctly) that my search text occurs on a certain line of a certain file but doesn't show the occurrence. In this screen shot, the first two occurrences are listed but the found text is at the end of the line whereas what we are being shown is the start of the line.
The occurrences listings are not horizontally scrollable so there seems no way to learn the context.
As the third line shows, this does work sometimes. It's a great feature and I've come to rely on it, so I do wish it worked all the time.
matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 11! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920107408.do
iOS 11 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920107415.do
RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html
Hi all,
I've a strange encoding issue.
By default TM uses UTF-8 LF endoding.
When a file contaings spectial charaters, and one edit this file in an other
texteditor, TextEdit, save this file and open in TM again, the encoding
becomes Chinese GB18030.
How to reproduce:
Create in TM a new file with content:
"some text with some special characters: é ü à"
Save this file UTF-8 and LF encoding.
close file
open file in TextEdit and add a new line with some text, save
Reopen the file in TM => now encoding is Chinese GB18030
Does any body have a clue what is hapening? It is special character related!
macOS 10.13.4
TM 2.0 rc9
== feek
Sent from: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/textmate-users-f3.html
1. Open ⌘⇧-T window
2. Open a file that takes some time to syntax highlight
Expected: newly opened file highlights, and function window populates
Obtained: Spinning wheel of death
Alternative repro
1. Open a file that takes some time to syntax highlight
2. Open ⌘⇧-T window (you probably have a few seconds to do this)
Expected: Function window populates with function list
Obtained: Spinning wheel of death
Version: 2.0-rc.7.
I am working on a publication with Language Science Press. and I have
problem compiling the template. I am running Textmate version 2.0-rc.4
on OSX 10.13.4. I have recently upgraded to MacTex 2018. The problem is
that no pdf is created from Textmate. It is a bit odd.
I would like to ask if someone here can try to compile
Language-Science-Press' monograph template which can be downloaded from
here <http://langsci-press.org/templatesAndTools>. (or the directlink
It works with other editors like Texshop as well as from the command
line. But not with Textmate. On the other hand, I can compile other .tex
files with Textmate. So I am a bit lost as to why this is happening.
ps: I have tried some general things from a previous discussion in this
mailing list _and they worked fine__for me_:
After that I translated the following document:
in TextMate without any problems. Could you please try the following:
1. Create a new file in TextMate
2. Paste the LaTeX code from above into the document
3. Save the file in the folder `Downloads` using the name `Test.tex`
4. Open Terminal
5. Enter the following commands:
cd ~/Downloads
latexmk -pdf Test.tex
6. Does the command `latexmk -pdf Test.tex` print any error messages?
7. Does the folder `Downloads` contain the PDF file `Test.pdf`?