I think I've mentioned this before, but I do wish it were fixed so I'm mentioning it again. Sometimes the global Find dialog shows (correctly) that my search text occurs on a certain line of a certain file but doesn't show the occurrence. In this screen shot, the first two occurrences are listed but the found text is at the end of the line whereas what we are being shown is the start of the line.
The occurrences listings are not horizontally scrollable so there seems no way to learn the context.
As the third line shows, this does work sometimes. It's a great feature and I've come to rely on it, so I do wish it worked all the time.
matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 11! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920107408.do
iOS 11 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920107415.do
RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html
1. Open ⌘⇧-T window
2. Open a file that takes some time to syntax highlight
Expected: newly opened file highlights, and function window populates
Obtained: Spinning wheel of death
Alternative repro
1. Open a file that takes some time to syntax highlight
2. Open ⌘⇧-T window (you probably have a few seconds to do this)
Expected: Function window populates with function list
Obtained: Spinning wheel of death
Version: 2.0-rc.7.
Hi all -
Something's gone wonky with my Javascript bundle (and only that one, as far as I can tel)l. Every time I hit cmd-/ to comment/uncomment some text, it uses an unindented block comment instead of the double-slash single line comment I expect. ("/* */", rather than "// ")
" this line"
"/* this line*/"
when what I want and expect is
" // this line"
I suspect this has to do with some way I've edited the language bundle incorrectly. Does anyone know
A) how I could fix this particular issue, or
B) how I could remove all my changes to the Javascript bundle and revert simply to the repo version?
I’m been starting to use go-to-definition commands more and more in TextMate. One thing that would be really nice is if there was a way to navigate back to the location where I invoked go-to-definition. I quite often look up the source code of a symbol that I’m using with the help of go-to-definition and then need to get back to where I was coding. If go-to-definition opens a new file it’s pretty easy to get back to the previous location by just closing the newly opened file. But if the definition is in the same file it’s not that easy to get back. One idea would be set a mark when go-to-definition is invoked, then use Jump To Next/Previous Mark. The problem with that is that there might be different marks, like marks set by compiling the code. These marks will now interfere with go-to-definition marks. It’s also quite difficult to build up a stack, allowing to navigate backwards and forwards with these marks. Since navigating between marks will, I think, in the order they’re located in the document, not the order they were created or any other user defined order.
Ideally this would be a built in feature in TextMate, making it possible to navigate backwards and forwards regardless if the “mate” command, the Jump to Line or any other feature was used to navigate the code.
/Jacob Carlborg
Hi all,
I can’t push/pull using the Mercurial bundle, I get the following error:
“abort: no suitable response from remote hg!” (In a tool tip.)
It works fine on the command line and other commands, like commit and diff, works fine from TextMate.
Any ideas about how to debug this?
macOS 10.13.1
I've also tried changing the shebang of gen_html to so it uses ruby 2.4.2 (from Homebrew) and the result is the same. Anyone else hitting this? Any workaround?
[266/740] Generate ‘/Users/dfelicia/build/TextMate/Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Contributions.html’…
FAILED: /Users/dfelicia/build/TextMate/Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Contributions.html
bin/gen_html > /Users/dfelicia/build/TextMate/Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Contributions.html~ -h Applications/TextMate/templates/header.html -f Applications/TextMate/templates/footer.html Applications/TextMate/about/Contributions.md Applications/TextMate/references.md && mv /Users/dfelicia/build/TextMate/Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Contributions.html~ /Users/dfelicia/build/TextMate/Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Contributions.html
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/erb.rb:861:in `eval': (erb):18: syntax error, unexpected &, expecting end-of-input (SyntaxError)
; ></p>
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/erb.rb:861:in `block in result'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/erb.rb:862:in `result'
from bin/gen_html:29:in `expand_tpl'
from bin/gen_html:114:in `block in <main>'
from bin/gen_html:114:in `open'
from bin/gen_html:114:in `<main>'
[275/740] Compile xib ‘Applications/TextMate/resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib’…
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
I tried completely cleaning up, and also worked around the annoying ns/ns.h issue that was previously reported to this list, but the results is the same:
rm -rf ~/build
rm -rf ~/github/local/textmate
cd ~/github/local
git clone https://github.com/textmate/textmate.git
cd textmate
git submodule update --init
sed -i.bak 's%<ns/ns.h>%"/Users/dfelicia/github/local/textmate/Frameworks/ns/src/ns.h"%g' /Users/dfelicia/github/local/textmate/Frameworks/OakFoundation/src/OakFoundation.mm
I'm trying to fix the textmate2 port in MacPorts. It fails to build on OS X 10.10 and earlier, and I think the reason is that the code uses Objective-C lightweight generics, a feature introduced in the 10.11 SDK. So I would like to instruct the build to use the 10.11 SDK, but I can't figure out how to do that. Usually I would set environment variables:
But textmate's configure script isn't an autotools one and it doesn't appear to honor these environment variables. So how can I tell the build system I want to use a different SDK? I see that the configure script explicitly passes CC and CXX to bin/gen_build. Do I need to modify the configure script to also explicitly pass the other environment variables or is there an easier way that doesn't involve modifying the build system?
Dear all,
When parsing large amount of text from textmate2 to the terminal, it sometimes happens that strange parsing errors occur.
Line breaks, white space, or symbols are arbitrarily not send correctly to terminal.
For example; this line in textmate:
col <- ifelse(…
ended up like this in terminal:
col <col <cse(...
Hence, whenever I want to run multiple lines of code, I end up with errors, which makes it very difficult to work with textmate in combination with terminal.
I use the following command to parse the selected text to the terminal:
[[ -f "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh" ]] && . "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh"
rawText="$(cat | sed 's/ / /g;')"
osascript -e 'on run(theCode)' \
-e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' \
-e 'tell application "Terminal"' \
-e 'do script theCode in window 1' \
-e 'end tell' \
-e 'end run' -- "$rawText”
Thanks for any help and advice!