I absolutely love the feature introduced in TM 2 with Lion: being able
to reopen all the windows [1] after any expected or unexpected events
(rebooting, upgrading, crashes, ...).
What I miss in TextMate though is reopening the windows in the same
desktop where they were before closing the app.
I often have up to 100 files opened at the same time, spread across a
number of desktops and I only reboot the OS about once in a month. But
after every reboot or TM upgrade, I need to sort the windows manually
again which is a bit annoying.
Terminal windows open in exactly the same desktop where they were
closed, the web browser (Chrome) sadly doesn't respect that, about
other software I don't care. I would really love it if TextMate would
remember in which desktop the windows were last opened and reproduce
the exact state after relaunch. I don't know how difficult it would be
to implement that change though.
What do others think about it? Should I enter the feature request in
the tracker?
Thank you,
[1] https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204005
Apologies for the self-promotion but I thought this may be interesting to some of you. I’ve seen Atom and Sublime Text linting plugins and I was wanting something similar for TextMate so wrote my own plugin:
Give me a shout if you like this or have feedback. If there’s enough interest I’d like to try and submit this to be an official TextMate plugin in future.
Mike McQuaid
I'm using a bundle that runs a node process on save to run eslint, but now I've found a strange case where a certain piece of invalid javascript causes TextMate to crash.
From what I understand from the crashlog there's something going wrong in JavaScriptCore, which causes TM to crash. (crashlog "Anonymous UUID" A6388CF6-BEC3-74D3-1176-D1710B8004B0 (is this usable?))
I can imagine that even when a subprocess fails, TM should not crash?
The particular bundle is my modified version of the javascript-eslint bundle <https://github.com/koenpunt/javascript-eslint.tmbundle/tree/js/>. The problematic code is (and can be used to reproduce the crash):
switch (true) {
case 'background':
– Koen
Sent from Mailspring (https://link.getmailspring.com/link/local-6f2fd5cb-35f7@Ks-MacBook-Pro-2.lo…), the best free email app for work
I recently purchased a new Mac. I copied Textmate along with the
Application Support folder over from my old Mac.
Everything works fine. I noticed that at the top of each editing window is
a button called "Add License".
When I click this button it Shows my Name and my License. However the
License textbox is greyed out and the "Add License" Button is disabled.
Is there a way that I can re-enter my license so that this button goes away?