I have a few questions about the gutter and status bar:
Is there a way to fully turn off the gutter?
Is there a way to theme the gutter?
Is there a way to customize the gutter and only show the line numbers but not the fold markers, for example.
Is there a way to customize what is shown in the status bar, for example, to remove the record button? (I know the full status bar can be turned off with a ‘default’ command.)
Is there a way to fully turn off the “control bar” at the bottom of the file browser?
If the above are not currently possible, are there any plans to add support for such? Also, is the application architected in a way that (some of) the above would be straight forward to implement? If so, I would be willing to do it.
Thank you,
I was trying to create a composed grammar for Gyb (https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/utils/gyb.py). Gyb is mostly Swift code, with some snippets of Python embedded. For embedding the Python code you surround the code with `%{ }%` or start the lines with `%`.
For parsing Swift or Python code I’m using the official bundles (https://github.com/textmate/swift.tmbundle and https://github.com/textmate/python.tmbundle). For the injection I based my grammar on HTML (Rails) (https://github.com/textmate/ruby-on-rails-tmbundle/blob/master/Syntaxes/HTM…) which is mostly the same idea.
The grammar almost works. The embedded blocks are marked and the syntax highlight works, but I need to include a space before the percent signs for it to work, which is not ideal. It looks like the percent sign are interpreted as keyword.operator.remainder.swift (https://github.com/textmate/swift.tmbundle/blob/master/Syntaxes/Swift.tmLan…) before being able to be part of the injected grammar.
I found some references that “left scope match” (L:) might be able to help, but I cannot find a way to get it working.
A simple version of my grammar looks like this:
{ injections = {
'source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb)' = {
patterns = (
{ begin = '(^|\s*)(?=%\{(?![^\}]*\}%))';
end = '(?!\G)(\s*$\n)?';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.embedded.leading.gyb'; }; };
endCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.embedded.trailing.gyb'; }; };
patterns = ( { include = '#tags'; } );
{ include = '#tags'; },
patterns = ( { include = 'source.swift'; } );
repository = {
tags = {
patterns = (
{ name = 'meta.embedded.block.gyb';
begin = '%\{';
end = '(\})%';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.embedded.begin.gyb'; }; };
endCaptures = {
0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.embedded.end.gyb'; };
1 = { name = 'source.python'; };
contentName = 'source.python';
patterns = ( { include = 'source.python'; } );
A text like this will work:
class MyClass {
a = 1
If I remove the space before the first percent sign, the grammar will not create the embedded block at all.
I tried using several scope selectors with `L:` to see if they work:
- `L:(source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb))`
- `source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb), L:source.swift.gyb`
- `source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb), L:source.swift`
- `source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb), L:source.swift keyword.operator.remainder.swift`
- `source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb), L:keyword.operator.remainder.swift`
None of them seem to work.
Does someone has any tips about what should I try next?
I am working around in the code, and I was trying to determine where the row iterator object used in layout.cc is defined so I might study it’s properties? Could anyone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated.
I just tried the new indent guides. I think it looks pretty ugly that
the indent guides are render over the full width of the document. In
most editors I've used which support this feature the indent guides are
rendered up to the start of the text on a given line.
/Jacob Carlborg
Hi -
For the last week or so, the contents of the Go to Symbol window have been totally scrambled for me in all the languages I’ve tried. Sometimes (After restarting TM) the Go to Symbol window contains the entire file on one line without linebreaks. Other times there are many lines, each with several lines worth of source in them, but no clear relation to any of the function definitions in the file.
I suspect this is a corrupted settings file somewhere; I’ve got my TM settings synced to Dropbox so when two different machines are open at the same time a number of things go screwy. I wasn’t sure how to start debugging this one though short of going spelunking in the source.
Is anybody familiar enough with the inner workings of this command to point me to what settings might be corrupted?
In the C code at the bottom, I would usually expect to see 4 lines in the list of symbols:
#include <stdio.h>
void other();
int main(){
void other(){
Instead, I get the entire contents of the file on one line:
```#include <stdio.h>void other();int main(){printf("line 1 after 'main' symbol\n");printf("line 2 after 'main' symbol\n");other();}void other(){printf("line 1 after 'other' symbol\n");printf("line 2 after 'other' symbol\n");}```
Source file:
#include <stdio.h>
void other();
int main(){
printf("line 1 after 'main' symbol\n");
printf("line 2 after 'main' symbol\n");
void other(){
printf("line 1 after 'other' symbol\n");
printf("line 2 after 'other' symbol\n");
what is the best way to share snippets or entire plugins, so that they can easily be installed and updated automatically by TextMate?
I still do not completely understand the Avian / Bundles mechanism and having to check manually for updates and “git pull” them is not very user friendly…
Am I right refresh running browser CMD-R does not work in 10.11.5
After updating this morning to 10.10.5 and it does not work anymore on both
updated Macs.
version 2.0-beta.9.1. and version 2.0-beta.9.0
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Refresh-running-browser-CMD-R-does-no…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Cap’n Proto is now available in MacPorts (capnproto). It would be nice
if TextMate automatically could identify Cap’n Proto when it's installed
in MacPorts.
/Jacob Carlborg