Hi all
I’ve updated TextMate to version “2.0-rc.4”. Since updating to this version, several Keyboard Maestro macros that are triggered by keyboard shortcuts have stopped working. The problem appears to be because the new version of TextMate has introduced some new keyboard shortcuts. For example, I have a Keyboard Maestro macro that is triggered by the keyboard shortcut Shift + CMD + O. But in the new version of TextMate, this keyboard shortcut is assigned to “Open Recent Project”. Is there are way I can stop Shift + CMD + O triggering “Open Recent Project” in TextMate?
I haven’t been using this command. But tried it with RC3 and I stopped looking at 30k files. Is it looking at my entire drive. The files are beyond scope that I have open, they might be in scope of folders I’ve opened. Ah, I now guess I see what’s going on. I Cmd-T on an untitled, unsaved file. Guess this is an unintended consequence.
OT: I’m surprised to see in this modern era, question marks in place of apostrophes, and things like "seeing the ?T + ? issue with.” In case this gets munged on the way, in Mail on my up to date Mac this has a question mark in front of the T and another question mark following the plus sign.
> On Nov 19, 2016, at 4:00 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
> In rc.3 the main thread is stalled until the list has updated with the
> currently open files,
Congratulations on reaching the significant milestone of RC1 on Textmate2. Unfortunately a bug has crept in in this release.
In the attached video, I press Cmd+T followed by Enter to switch between the current and previous files. The first time, I wait for the list to appear before pressing Enter, and it works as expected. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th times I quickly press Cmd+T followed by Enter before the list appears – the dialog closes but the previous file is not loaded. On the 5th time, I wait before pressing Enter again, and it works.
Clearly the problem is probably caused by the number of files. Prior to RC1, the list appeared instantaneously, but additional files filled in the list later. Is it possible to go back to that behaviour which has worked well for many years?
Jonathan Monahan
It happens often that after I move a file to another directory, textmate
doesn't handle the updated path to the file.
See this screen recording: http://recordit.co/3sdYVDOcF8
When I open the file, it still opens the file from the old path, where it no
longer exists, and thus results in an empty document.
– Koen
Sent from [Nylas N1](https://link.nylas.com/link/33wd9n5m5l3cdcz4d1oikbwcz/loc
dGVAbGlzdHMubWFjcm9tYXRlcy5jb20=), the extensible, open source mail client.

Congrats with RC1. Unfortunately, my bundles are messed up. I lost a
number of my shortcut commands that I have always worked with. I lost my
RSpec bundle functionality, which I managed to restore by manually
reinstalling the bundle from Github.
Is there something I must do/should have done to keep my bundles working
as they have done before? I did accept the request to move the bundles
to the new structure when I restarted Textmate, but that hasn't helped.
Some guidance on this topic would be very helpful.
Thank you!
As a follow up to the problems with my bundles: the shortcut for
duplicate line is not working anymore: it clears the whole file now
instead. I have checked if there are any conflicting shortcut keys in
the "Select bundle item" menu, but there aren't any. Any thoughts,
because this is very annoying.
Thank you!
I seem to be ending up with two TM dock icons quite a bit lately, not 100%
sure but it seems to coincide with when I accept a LiveUpdate.
No causing me a problem but I just wonder if this is normal? Feels like it
might be a bug that nobody has yet reported....
Getting the following when system submitting a crash report:
Internal Server Error
PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no
parameters were bound
I remember something about customizable tab titles, but couldn't find what I
was looking for in the archives.
So here's the question; there's a windowTitle property for .tm_properties, but
is something like that also possible for tab titles? Because I'm currenty
working on a project with a lot of identical named files:
My tabs currently look like this:

But if it could be possible to include the name of parent directory, that
would make it usable.
Sent from [Nylas N1](https://link.nylas.com/link/33wd9n5m5l3cdcz4d1oikbwcz
dG1hdGVAbGlzdHMubWFjcm9tYXRlcy5jb20=), the extensible, open source mail