I notice that if I hit Cmd-S TextMate is smart about not saving files when that’s not necessary. There are some situations where this behaviour is not desired e.g. triggering a filesystem event for `guard`. Is it configurable at all or either a project or global level?
Mike McQuaid
I’m trying to match the triple-backticks raw block Markdown extension e.g.:
this is a raw block
I’m using the following pattern:
{ name = 'markup.raw.block.markdown';
begin = '(^|\G)([`~]{3,})';
end = '(^|\G)([`~]{3,})';
beginCaptures = { 2 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.raw.markdown'; }; };
Unfortunately this just seems to never “end” and just matches the “begin” repeatedly.
Does anyone have any suggestions here?
Mike McQuaid
After the latest update, whenever I run ‘mate' from the command line, I get this message: 'Can’t launch TextMate.app (error -10810)’. Once I start Textmate, if I uninstall the command line support, and re-enable it, ‘mate’ works until the next reboot.
Anyone know why that might be?
Another question about my GitHub Markdown bundle (which I’d like to propose become official when it’s good enough).
The underscore handling in GitHub Flavoured Markdown (https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/#multiple-undersc…) basically means I need to disable/override all of the existing underscore handling in the GitHub Markdown bundle. Is that possible somehow?
Mike McQuaid
Is there a way to highlight (or flash) the line the cursor is on
Something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
highlight(os.environ.get('TM_CURRENT_LINE', ""))
# ..do something else..
Many thanks in advance,
The current behavior of pasting each line in a different caret is a very
nice default, but sometimes I would need to paste a selection with multiple
lines and have it replicated into each caret. Is it possible to do this
right now?
Thanks in advance
José Manuel.
I have a 100+ files that were saved with "ISO-8851-1 Western” encoding. I need to convert and save them to “UTF-8”encoding. I can easily open all of them but when I attempt so perform a “Save as” it only saves the first document. Is there save all of them in a single step?
Another possible injection selection weirdness:
I’m injecting my text.html.markdown.github grammar into text.html.markdown using the (text.html.markdown) injection selector (was (L:text.html.markdown) until the fix in the last thread) and hidden from the user with hideFromUser in the tmLanguage file. I’m wanting to override the “Preview” menu action so that my GitHub Markdown bundle’s “Preview” menu action can take priority using the same shortcut. I’ve found a few possible options that I expected to work but don’t:
- setting the scope to text.html.markdown.github doesn’t seem to match the document scope so never actually matches and the Preview runs the old Markdown one
- setting the scope to text.html.markdown pops up a little menu to let me choose between the two
This may well not be possible in TextMate 2 as-is. Any thoughts on how to do this (beyond just using another shortcut, my current solution)?
Mike McQuaid
Can rmate be persuaded not to return focus to the terminal window when a tab/window it has opened closes?
I often open multiple tabs and windows over ssh using rmate. Whenever I close any of them focus reverts (after a short delay - probably the closing of the ssh tunnel after confirming a write or something) to the terminal window. If I also want to close the tab revealed by closing the first I hit Cmd+w, but the terminal gets the command because focus has switched! It's very annoying to have to get my terminals back in order so often.
Is this rmate's fault, or textmate? And can this behaviour be altered somehow?
Justin C, by the sea.