Hi there,
I am having some serious problem with Textmate 2 in Mac Yosemite. I am typing my thesis in Latex. All of a sudden Textmate 2 stopped showing any error for undefined commands. Let me give you an example, lets say I need to write $\alpha$, but mistakenly I typed $\apha$ in the .tex file. When I compile it with Textmate, it does not show any error as in `Undefined Control Sequence’, it says 0 Error in the log window and just skips the part of $\apha$ in the pdf. This is a very serious problem for me as I am typing my thesis I am likely to make many such typing mistakes and if these goes undetected in the compilation then that’s a huge problem for me! Could you please tell me how to solve this problem? This thing didn’t happen before, I have been using Textmate 2 in Yosemite for around 6 moths now without any problem until today. Following are the sample codes I used to recreate the problem:
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath}
\title{Error Testing}
I want to write $\alpha$ but mistakenly if I write $\apha$ and complie it with Textmate $2$, on the log window it does not show any error as `Undefined control sequence' and on the PDF it just skips the part where it has $\apha$.
$\slpha$ $\alphabeta$
Omprokash Das
I was using Textmate 2.0 beta 6.8, and suddenly, I received this error when
I invoked latex tidy:
Can't locate YAML/Tiny.pm in @INC (you may need to install the YAML::Tiny
module) (@INC contains: /Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level
/Library/Perl/5.18 /Network/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level
/Network/Library/Perl/5.18 /Library/Perl/Updates/5.18.2
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.18 .) at /usr/texbin/latexindent line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/texbin/latexindent line 20.
I use tidy often, and it usually works. I am sure I used it earlier today
without incident.
Further, I also suddenly received the error "Command returned status code
1." for Typeset and view (PDF) when I compiled a latex file. The file uses
the mtpro2 fonts, which, when disabled, allowed the file to compile again,
but this is the first time this has happened. I did compile the file with
the fonts enabled earlier today.
Thank you for any help.
Best wishes,
Anthony Pulido
Are there plans to make TextMate’s “chrome” (file pane, tabs, etc.) theme-able? I’d like the fonts in the file pane to be smaller and the background to be darker.
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
I’m new to TextMate 2 grammar definitions and am trying to add a Markdown regex to identify a Markdown fenced code block like this one:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "scotch/box"
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = "scotchbox"
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/var/www", :mount_options => ["dmode=777", "fmode=666"]
I built this regex:
{ name = 'markup.raw.block.markdown';
begin = '(^|\G)([`]{3})';
end = '(^|\G)(^[`]{3})';
Which hits the starting ``` but misses the ending one. Probably because it thinks the second one is the start of a new code block rather than the end of the last one.
TextMate tangles me up some because it looks at just one line at a time for regex matches. Looked at it that way, each of the ```s is exactly the same!
What would the proper regex be?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
I have Panic Sans (nearly the same as Menlo) picked as my display font. Everything in the editor uses that font. Except markup.raw.block.markdown!
I didn’t do it, or at least I don’t know that I did. What else in my bundles, configuration, or defaults could be doing that?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
I’d like a file menu command to revert a file to its previously saved state, discarding all current changes.
Or is that already somewhere that I missed?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
I have a custom Markdown grammar that I inject into the official Markdown grammar with an injection selector of L:text.html.markdown and it works fine. That custom grammar defines the starting content of a markdown file between -{3} and -{3} as YAML.
I have a custom YAML grammar that I inject into the official YAML grammar with an injection selector of L:source.yaml and it also works fine. That custom grammar defines runs of entity.name.value.yaml.
But my custom YAML injection does not work in Markdown. I wanted my injected custom YAML to be injected into Markdown, but it’s not. I guess injecting into YAML is not picked up when YAML is injected into Markdown. :(
Is that how it is expected to work?
Is there another way to get injections to work on top of injections like this:
Custom YAML -> YAML -> Markdown
Or do I have to fork the YAML grammar?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
My .tm_properties file has this line:
excludeDirectories = "{$excludeDirectories,assets,bin,images,logs,node_modules,cache}”
and it works. Too well.
Not only does it exclude projectroot/images (which is what I wanted), but it excludes projectroot/user/pages/images, too.
How do I restrict excludeDirectories to only a top level folder?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA
I have a .tm_properties file in the root of my project folder that contains these lines:
excludeInFolderSearch = "{$excludeInFolderSearch,assets,bin,cache,images,logs,node_modules, config.codekit, composer.lock}"
excludeInFileChooser = "{$exclude,$excludeInFolderSearch}”
That doesn’t hide the folders logs, cache, etc. from the file pane.
Do I have the syntax wrong?
Robert J. Rockefeller
Richmond Hill, GA