I have used the Latex Bundle of TextMate on a daily basis for ten years. It is my workhorse and I am grateful for the improvements that this wonderful group has put into it, especially René Schwaiger.
Now I need help. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I am unable to run “Typeset &View (PDF).” Here is the error log:
This command requires ‘kpsewhich’ which wasn’t found on your system.
The following locations were searched:
• /usr/bin
• /bin
• /usr/sbin
• /sbin
• ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin
If ‘kpsewhich’ is installed elsewhere then you need to set PATH in Preferences → Variables to include the folder in which it can be found.
When I run “which kpsewhich” in terminal, it returns
In Preferences my Path Variable is
I tried replacing this with
and got this error log after restarting:
This command requires ‘kpsewhich’ which wasn’t found on your system.
The following locations were searched:
• /usr/bin
• /bin
• /usr/sbin
• /sbin
• ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin
I tried restarting everything several times along the way.
I installed a fresh version of MaxTex.
I installed a fresh version of TextMate 2.
which kpsewhich returns the same response as before:
I tried both
My .tex files run as they should on TexShop.
I will be grateful for advice. I could find no other tips online, and apologize if the solution to my problem has been posted.
Best wishes,
Jenny Harrison
Mathematics Department
UC Berkeley
If I select some leading spaces on a line, and hit tab, it just inserts a
new tab character and indents the line including selection, rather than
replacing the selection
Is there a way in TM2 to have the Tab character always replace the current
selection (similar to most other text input)?
I just noticed that when editing a an HTML file, TextMate seems to report
the indent level of the tags rather than the column numbers. I have my
indent set to two spaces (soft tabs) and the following code will show 2:2
when the cursor is at
the beginning of the second paragraph tag when it should display 2:3.
TextMate version 2.0-beta.8
OSX version 10.10.5
I started noticing recently that selecting an AppleScript in various
places (Xcode, Quicksilver, Finder, Path Finder) will hang the
foreground application in question.
Before the hang, I always see garbage (the raw text) in the Quick Look
preview. I’m pretty sure TextMate is attempting to generate the
previews in this case. (AppleScript claims to be `public.source-code`,
and TextMate’s Quick Look generator claims to be able to handle that.)
Can anyone confirm? Is it possible for the Quick Look generator to
ignore AppleScript?
Rob McBroom