I just installed the Yosemite preview and now there's a noticeable delay with I hit Cmd-T.
Now when I hit Cmd-T followed by return the app beeps, because the Go To File window hasn't fully loaded yet. I have to hit Cmd-T, pause then hit return.
This is on the same project, so nothing else has changed.
Anyone else seeing this too?
I'm developing a new bundle for a scripting language. For the "Run" command I'd like to make usage of TM's TextMate::Executor library. Fine.
But I was confronted with two subjects for a discussion:
1) TextMate.save_if_untitled
In order to use TextMate::Executor one should execute "TextMate.save_if_untitled('foo')" in beforehand. But I'd like to allow to the user that s/he runs either the entire document or only a selection. With the current implementation this doesn't work, so I suggest the following change (adding of the first 6 lines of code and a new argument):
save_current_document.rb line: 33ff
def save_if_untitled(temp_ext='tmp', ignore_selection=true)
if not ignore_selection and not ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'].nil?
if not ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'].nil?
ENV['TM_DISPLAYNAME'] += ' (Selection)'
return unless ENV['TM_FILEPATH'].nil?
ENV['TM_FILEPATH'] = TextMate::IO.tempfile(temp_ext).path
ENV['TM_FILENAME'] = File.basename(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])
This approach does't break the default behaviour. Only if the developer would like to add that functionality s/he has only set the second argument to "false". By adding "(Selection)" or whatever to TM_DISPLAYNAME the user will be notified additionally.
2) TextMate::Executor.run -> version
The interpreter I'm working with is an "hybrid". If you start it without arguments or with arguments which can't be interpreted as a file name the interpreter starts in the GUI mode, i.e. a real application with windows etc. pops up. Otherwise, if you pass as first argument a valid file path plus optional arguments, the interpreter works like Perl, Python, etc. in a command line mode.
The current TextMate::Executor.run implementation has a nice feature, you can get the current version number from the current installed interpreter or compiler as default BUT you are NOT able to avoid it.
In my case the interpreter doesn't catch these kind of querying, in other words I can set the ":version_*"-options to whatever the GUI is popping up and tells me stories about errors. Finally I ended up to write a special script which returns the version number and I call it via:
:version_args => ENV["TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"] + "/bin/version.praat"
but I believe one could solve this kind of problem quite easily, namely if the developer sets explicitly ":version_args => nil" the version querying won't be executed. To achieve that one has to change one single line:
executor.rb line: 99
version = (not options[:version_args].nil?) ? parse_version(args[0], options) : ''
Did I miss something?
Kind regards,
I would like code and markup inside certain tags to be indented. Currently, this occurs…
body { … }
Desired result:
body { … }
I’ve determined that this is because style, script, and other tags are marked as `source.*`. If I rename these language constructs to something that doesn’t start with “source”, then indentation works as expected. However, I do not want to throwaway the advantages of inheriting from source.
Does anyone know where I can begin looking to modify the `source` grammar so that code within certain tags is indented? I have not had any luck with `increaseIndentPattern` (yet).
Sorry if this is FAQ, but can you please point me to where I should go?
I'm using TextMate version 2.0-alpha.9561, but this issue persists for more
than a year and Googling didn't give me any resolution yet.
Simply, it doesn't fold/unfold for YAML file. In 'Edit Bundles', 'Settings'
doesn't include 'Folding' while other bundles such as XML does.
I guess foldingStopMarker might be wrong, but don't know if it's really
used since it doesn't show up in 'Edit Budles / Settings'.
Thanks in advance,
I'm working with a legacy codebase, some of which uses CRLF line endings,
mixed with more recent updates which use LF.
Textmate displays these as <CR>
Is there an existing bundle item which will strip the <CR> and make the
full file LF consistent?
I'd rather this was a manual action rather than Save As... or done
transparently, because it can complicate git conflicts if its not managed.
short question:
Is it possible for a command (Input: “Selection” - fallback to “Line” ; Output: HTML window) to replace the "Input selection" via Javascript's TextMate.system()?
TextMate.system("$DIALOG x-insert --text 'foo'", null) works but only for a selection and not for the fallback situation.
Has anyone an idea?
Here's a crash I'm getting deterministically on hitting ⌘G, when the text can't be found (when no occurrence exists, or after all occurrences have been found, even with the wrap around option selected). I can reproduce the crash as follows:
- Create a new empty file, or open any existing text.
- Open the Find dialog, enter a Find string that doesn't exist in the document, close the Find dialog.
- Hit ⌘G. TextMate will always crash.
I'm more than happy to provide any additional information, and my apologies if this has already been reported.
1. Is there a way to use the current selection for "Incremental Search"
(⌃S)? It would be great to have "Use Selection for Find" (⌘E) to do the
same for "Incremental Search".
2. When using the combo of "Use Selection for Find" (⌘E) and "Find All"
(⌥⌘F), the file is scrolled to the last match. If you're at the top of a
long file, having it scrolled to the bottom can be pretty disorienting. Is
there a way to reverse this to have the file scrolled to the first match?
3. Using the same combo as before, ⌘E then ⌥⌘F, is there a shortcut for
jumping through each match without deselecting the matches?
4. Is there a way to enable "Incremental Search" (⌃S) to highlight all
matches as you type, instead of just the first?
Steps to reproduce:
* Set font size to larger than the default.
* Position the cursor towards the bottom of a file such that the
viewport is displaying the bottom part of that file.
* Switch to another tab.
* Switch back to the original tab.
* See that although the cursor is still in the same place, the
viewport is now displaying an earlier part of the file.
It looks as if the viewport position calculation is not taking into
account the larger font size.
Cheers, James.