I¹ve upgraded to Yosemite beta and cannot save files. If I try to save a
file, a box pops that says the following:
Failure running ³Strip trailing whitespace on save². interpreter failed: No
such file or directory
What can I do to resolve this?
I’m currently updating the RSpec bundle’s readme. The most important
(and also most complicated) part deals with how to run RSpec examples
from TextMate using the correct versions of Ruby and RSpec.
I’d love to get feedback on this. Here is the current version (work in
progress, the relevant section is the one titled “Supports RSpec 1, 2
and 3“):
(Topics like “How do I get TextMate to use rbenv for running my Ruby
scripts” have popped up several times on this list, so this may be
interesting even for people not using RSpec.)
Feel free to add any suggestions or corrections to the pull request at
Today I tried to install a bundle via Preferences → Bundles, but it
didn’t work: When I click on the checkbox the statusbar says “Installing
…” for some moments before changing to “Installed …“, but the checkbox
is unchecked (and the bundle has indeed not been installed).
Tried everything from
https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/Reverting-To-Defaults, but
didn’t seem to make a difference. Tested in alpha.9551 and alpha.9553.
Any ideas?
I attempted to build the MacPorts textmate2 port, originally for 2.0-alpha.9537, and got an "unknown signee" error during configure when it attempted to download the bundles.
I reported it on MacPorts Trac: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43466. That ticket contains the steps I took and also now contains what I did to get the build to work.
My problem seems very similar to
I think that there might be a couple of issues in key_chain.cc.
In file key_chain.cc, the line
if(err = SecItemImport(data, NULL, &type, &format, 0, ¶ms, NULL, &items) == errSecSuccess)
causes variable err to be set to the result of the logical expression, whereas the intent is to set it to the return value of SecItemImport. Needs either parentheses or splitting into an assignment and an if(). I chose the latter as in the diff output below.
Also, the documentation for SecItemImport (at https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/security/Reference/ke…) shows that the sequence of parameters &type and &format is wrong. I reversed them.
These changes didn't fix the problem but at least showed that SecItemImport was returning errSecAddinLoadFailed. On a hunch, I changed both &type and &format to pass the "unknown" enum and that fixed the problem.
I've included below the diff of the resulting changes, with a long comment added explaining that I didn't investigate whether both &type and &format needed to be changed or just one. If I had to guess, I'd say it was &format.
I have no idea why this was a problem for me and not for others.
The diff:
*** /tmp/key_chain.cc 2014-06-12 15:55:45.000000000 +1000
--- /tmp/key_chain.cc_orig 2014-06-12 15:55:45.000000000 +1000
*** 31,56 ****
bool res = false;
SecItemImportExportKeyParameters params = { .keyUsage = NULL, .keyAttributes = NULL };
! /*****************************************************
! /* Specifying the expected Item Type and Format
! * caused SecItemImport to return
! * errSecAddinLoadFailed.
! * I didn't check whether it was due to both being
! * specified or just one. Setting to the Unknown enum
! * worked.
! * Original code on next two comment lines.
! /* SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypePublicKey;
! /* SecExternalFormat format = kSecFormatPEMSequence;
! * Updated code with both vars set to unknown on next
! * two lines. */
! SecExternalFormat format = kSecFormatUnknown;
! SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypeUnknown;
CFDataRef data = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (const UInt8*)_key_data.data(), _key_data.size(), kCFAllocatorNull);
CFArrayRef items = NULL;
OSStatus err;
! err = SecItemImport(data, NULL, &format, &type, 0, ¶ms, NULL, &items);
! if(err == errSecSuccess)
_sec_key = (SecKeyRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, 0);
if(_sec_key != NULL)
--- 31,43 ----
bool res = false;
SecItemImportExportKeyParameters params = { .keyUsage = NULL, .keyAttributes = NULL };
! SecExternalItemType type = kSecItemTypePublicKey;
! SecExternalFormat format = kSecFormatPEMSequence;
CFDataRef data = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (const UInt8*)_key_data.data(), _key_data.size(), kCFAllocatorNull);
CFArrayRef items = NULL;
OSStatus err;
! if(err = SecItemImport(data, NULL, &type, &format, 0, ¶ms, NULL, &items) == errSecSuccess)
_sec_key = (SecKeyRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, 0);
if(_sec_key != NULL)
regards - David
I was looking through the fork's of the original Handlebars and bundle
(which doesn't work very well anymore in 2.x land). Anyway, found this:
which on appears to be written in a very thoughtful way and geared
specifically for 2.x but unfortunately it doesn't work perfectly for me and
I'm too busy at the moment to dig into it. Does anyone else have any
bundles that work well for Handlebars?
p.s. the problem I'm having is that while block commands like #each are
being highlighted correctly the more basic {{foobar}} variable
substitutions are NOT being highlighted.
Is anybody else having trouble using the default "Replace Conflict With Older Text" and "Replace Conflict With Newer Text" macros? They don't seem to work for me.
If I try to record a new macro, it doesn't remember the 'replace' value. That is, it works until I run some other search/replace command then my new macro for resolving conflicts just runs the last-used replace value. The macro I recorded contains this:
{ argument = {
action = 'findNext';
findString = '(?m:<<<<<<<[^\n]*?\n(.*?\n?)=======\n(.*?\n?)>>>>>>>([^\n]*)\n)';
ignoreCase = :true;
regularExpression = :true;
wrapAround = :true;
command = 'findWithOptions:';
{ command = 'replaceAllInSelection:'; },
See, no replace value. So I added a 'replaceString' item manually:
{ argument = {
action = 'findNext';
findString = '(?m:<<<<<<<[^\n]*?\n(.*?\n?)=======\n(.*?\n?)>>>>>>>([^\n]*)\n)';
ignoreCase = :true;
regularExpression = :true;
wrapAround = :true;
replaceAllScope = 'document';
replaceString = '$1';
command = 'findWithOptions:';
{ command = 'replaceAllInSelection:'; },
But it doesn't use this value, only the last one used in the find dialog box.
Any ideas?
Quinn Comendant
Strangecode, LLC
+1 530 624 4410 mobile
+1 530 636 2633 office
@qc and @strangecode
I often paste some crap from some terrible MS Word document into Textmate
and then into something else. Don't inquire as to the unholy nature of my
burdens such that I'm doing this work, just be thankful it's not you.
Is there a bundle that will clean up those awful fancy double quotes,
ellipses, etc, that Word likes to use into plaintext versions? It'd be
Thanks all! Long live TextMate.
Wells Oliver
The markdown-redcarpet bundle [1] supports fenced code blocks with
syntax highlighing, for example for shell scripts. The grammar pattern is:
fenced_block_shell = {
name = 'markup.raw.block.markdown.fenced';
begin = '(^|\G)([`]{3})[ ]*(?:bash|shell|sh)$';
end = '(^|\G)([`]{3})(\n|\z)';
patterns = ( { include = 'source.shell'; } );
This works fine, unless if have a block like:
dd bs=1m if=foo.img of=/dev/disk1
Here, “if” starts the scope “meta.scope.if-block.shell”, and this scope
extends beyond the ``` the end of the fenced code block, resulting in
incorrect highlighting for the rest of the markdown file.
Is there a way to include grammars in a way making sure the included
grammar does not extend beyond the “end marker” in any case?
And: Could the rule for if-blocks in the shellscript bundle be more
strict (matching only '^\s*if\b' for example)? Is this rule needed at
all? (I haven’t found any other references to the scope “if-block” in
the shellscript bundle.)
[1]: https://github.com/streeter/markdown-redcarpet.tmbundle
I’m now one of the maintainers of RSpec’s textmate bundle. We just fixed
a bunch of issues, so if in the past you experienced problems with the
bundle please try again with the latest version.
Feel free to submit any issues you encounter at
I’m also thinking of removing support for RSpec 1 – if you’re still
using the bundle with RSpec 1 please chime in at
My bundles have been broken since the change to specify ruby18 ("Point to ruby 1.8 shim”, e.g. https://github.com/textmate/source.tmbundle/commit/8b80da05 . I understand the PATH changes, but it’s not a path issue — there is no “ruby18” executable on my system at all. I DO have Ruby 1.8.7 installed (with rbenv), just no `ruby18`.
Wondering if my system is an outlier, or if others have experienced this? What is the “shim” that ruby18 should be pointing to?