since I'm working with larger documents it would be nice if any user event (keyDown, museDown, etc.) could cancel the while/for-loop to find the matching bracket. [maybe in selection.cc - method: find_enclosed_range]
A simple example:
- take a file 1.2 MB and 50000 lines [plain text]
- select all
- press ( to wrap the selection into ()
- locate caret right of the first (
- move caret to the left
- it takes ca. 10 secs before TM accepts the next user event
Kind regards, Hans
PS Sorry for the sent crash report caused by an error which I did while trying something out. Is there a way to avoid sending such reports after compiling TM by myself?
I'm using quite often the wonderful Clipboard History functionality but …
since I see the improvements to be able to work with larger text files, I'm also copying larger text chunks (from 1MB to 5MB) across documents and applications resp. If I do this the Clipboard History (in conjunction with TM) becomes unresponsive and I've to kill TM. I also can't delete the Clipboard History due to the fact that I've to open window in beforehand. The only chance is to delete the Clipboard History physical files.
I wonder if one could improve it a bit. Here some thoughts:
- make it possible to delete the Clipboard History from outside that window (maybe in conjunction with the chance to delete only those entries which are large than xy kBytes)
- make it possible to terminate the opening of the window if the size is too large
To avoid such unresponsive behaviour in generell
- one also could think of to restrict the size of an entry which should be stored, i.e. let's say store only the clipboard content if the size is less than xy kBytes [I think this is the easiest way]
- or if the Clipboard History is called load into the TableView only "a preview or head" (only the first 10 kBytes or so - and which can be hold in a different DB) of the stored items and if the user starts searching the search will be performed outside of the TableView (in file/database)
Is not an urgent issue but … ;)
Kind regards,
Hello, I am running Textmate 2 on Mavericks. When I try to use the Go
To View e got the error message below. Any ideas?
Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Ruby on
Rails.tmbundle/Support/bin/go_to_alternate_file.rb:10:in `require': no
such file to load -- rails_bundle_tools (LoadError)
from /Users/flujan/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Ruby on
Fernando Lujan
an tiny issue. I've already my USERNAME's bundle. I pressed CMD+N, selected "New Bundle", and a new bundle was created, BUT the placeholder strings for naming the new bundle were not evaluated, i.e.
Bundle: ${TM_FULLNAME/^(\S+).*$/$1/}’s Bundle
Contact: $GZ_EBG13_RZNVY
Hi all
I have some .Rnw files with in-line R code, like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua \Sexpr{mean(mtcars$hp)}.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat \Sexpr{mean(mtcars$mpg)}. Duis aute irure
dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum \Sexpr{mean(mtcars$wt)}.
I¹m wondering if its possible to do two things:
1. Place cursor inside a Sweave expression then run the code contained
within that expression to R app. So if I place the cursor anywhere between \
and } in any of the three Sweave expressions above, the code within that
expression would be run in R app. For example, if I place the cursor between
³h² and ³p², then this would be ran in R app: mean(mtcars$hp)
2. Select any text and run any R code within the selected text to R app. So
if if select the entire text above, three lines of code would be run in R
app: \Sexpr{mean(mtcars$hp)}, \Sexpr{mean(mtcars$mpg)} and
If I go in to the save dialog and SHIFT+CMD+S and select another
"Desktop", I seem to be able to save files.
Seems like a pointer got messed up with the most recently-used
location? Initially, I was attempting to direct the save to another
folder on my Desktop, that's when I first encountered problems.
I am on OSX Mavericks 13.1.0 Darwin Kernel (64-bit). I just downloaded
the latest Alpha, opened a new window to create a file. When I go to
save it to the desktop, it goes nowhwere. I exited the application and
tried this again, same results.
Hi all,
I am new to text mate 2. I download a version, and it seems that it can only open one file at a time. I want to know if it support creating a project like an IDE? Or it will support it in the future? Thank you.
Best wishes,
Xu Zhou
There seems to be a recent change in the way braces/brackets are indented when put on their own line in PHP. Previously (in the last stable release I believe), if I typed:
function test($variable)<return>
That would extend to:
function test($variable)
<insertion point here>
It would appear that with 2.0-alpha.9515, the same keystrokes cause the opening brace to indent, as such:
function test($variable)
<insertion point here>
In the Javascript context, the behavior has not changed and the braces are still at the same indent level as the function declaration.
Is this by design? Is there a setting that I can change to return PHP to the previous behavior?
Thank you,
Hi all,
There have been for a short while an addition to the go to file command (cmd+T) that was allowing to filter to methods too by adding a ‘@‘
For the short time it worked, I found that really useful.
Is there any plan for adding that back, or history why it’s not possible or not a good idea ?