I’m not sure this is the proper place to ask this, but:
SCM Diff Gutter bundle doesn’t show anything to me in the gutter.
I'm on the 2.0-beta.6.5, installed the bundle in Preferences, working on a project versioned with Git.
Is there anything else I should have done?
I have a suspicion this can’t be done, but perhaps I’ve just missed something.
I’m trying to write a snippet to insert operator declarations in Swift. The basic syntax is
(postfix|infix|prefix) operator <name> { }
But, if we are declaring an infix operator, we may also add
precedence <level>
associativity (left|right|none)
inside the curly brackets.
This is what I’ve got, based on the example at the end of section 6.8 in the manual.
${1|infix,prefix,postfix|} operator ${2:name} { ${1/(infix)|prefix|postfix/${1:+\n\tassociativity ${3|left,right, none|}\n\tprecedence${4:level}\n}/}}
As you can see if you can read that lot, I’m trying to use $3 and $4 as placeholders within the conditional insertion.
It doesn’t work of course. I assume this is because in that context $3 and $4 refer to captures from the regular expression. Is that so? Is there any way round this?
Thanks to anyone who can help
Nigel Chapman
There’s a neat feature in Find dialog. When you hold down ⌘ the file icon
for each file in results window changes to a number that you can press
to get to it.
Implementing something in similar fashion for file tabs would be
a great addition as it’s hard to guess the number when there’s
more than 5 tabs open.