In TM2, when a <script …> tag is prepended by any whitespace, the scope changes from `meta.tag.any.html` to `source.js.embedded.html`. This causes problems with the Comment Line command, as with the latter scope it prepends JS comments instead of HTML comments.
This problem exists when either HTML or PHP language is set for the document.
I don't think I've modified these language bundles. Any ideas for a fix?
I need to type special characters (ä, ü, ö, ß) quite often.
Normally on MacOS applications this is done by press-and-hold a key and
then select the special character. For applications where this gets in the
way (e.g. MacVim) this can be disabled.
TextMate 2 seems to have this feature disabled by default. I can't figure
out how to enable it. The command 'defaults write
com.macromates.TextMate.preview ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true' does
not work.
Any tips?
I'm using TextMate 2.0-beta.6.3 on MacOS 10.10.1.
Best regards,
When I write javascript (in a .js file, bundle set to javascript) the behaviour when typing return after a curly bracket is different than when I write a shader (OpenGL bundle chosen) (the difference is the insertion of an extra line before the closing bracket). I see similar differences with indentation and where the cursor ends up after new line between bundles.
Is this behaviour something I can set or program myself? If so, how?
Kind Regards,
I am finding that the Find in Project window stops responding (I cannot
type in the Find: field, though I can click checkboxes, etc.). This started
happening quite recently, I currently have Textmate v2 beta 6.
Running TM 2.0-beta.6.2 under Yosemite 10.10.1, if I open a file or project and click on the green button in the top left of the window, it switches to full-screen mode, as it should. However, if I have a window in normal mode, or no open file and I invoke the bundle editor, I still get the old pre-Yosemite behaviour, with the green button causing the window to toggle between the size I set it to, and some other size that is supposed to be the smallest that can enclose the content. If I’m already in full-screen mode and bring up the bundle editor, it opens at the full size of the screen, but the window title and traffic light buttons are visible, so it isn’t really full-screen. Also, the bundle editor is in the same space as the full-screen editing window, whereas if I open a new project from a full-screen window, it opens in its own space, also in full-screen, as I would expect.
Hardly a huge issue and I don’t know how far back it goes – I only just discovered it when I wanted more space to see a language grammar – but something doesn’t seem to be quite right.
Best wishes
Nigel Chapman
Using ⌃⌥⌘P to preview markdown text does nothing. To see the preview, I
must pull down from bundles to Markdown and select preview. That works
fine, but is slow. I am using 2.0-beta.6.3 on OS X 10.9.5. Can I get
some help?
--Lewis Overton
I know there is probably a very good reason for the Textmate team not to use GitHub Issues instead of this mailing list, but I saw at least three times duplicate things coming up by multiple people just in the past couple of weeks. I guess this email itself might already be a duplicate, someone must have already suggested GitHub Issues before. Anyway, I would like to ask the team to think again about this. Sorry for the possible inconvenience.