I work with Changes Version 1.6.2 (582) and I install the bundle for Textmate.
But with TM2 i get a bug when I try to compare files with Compare two front documents .
Textmate blocks and I can't do nothing
Best regards
Alain Matthes
I am working on a bundle (Stata) for which we'd like to implement several user-configurable preferences (e.g., like with the LaTeX or TODO bundles). These will certainly include both boolean values (i.e., checkboxes) and strings, but may also include other values as well (e.g., selections from a list or a reference to an installed application). I've looked at the way this is done in the LaTeX and TODO bundles (which are handled a bit differently), but before getting started I was wondering if there was a preferred approach to follow here. Any suggestions or pointers to examples (or documentation) would be most appreciated.
-- Phil
@Jacob Carlborg:
> For the autocompletion and language grammar. How about implementing and
> API that can be used by libraries like lib clang and similar.
What do you mean exactly? Offering an API so that Dialog2 can be used from other applications, too?
Btw.: the anchored docs mockup you posted to the GitHub issue[1] looks awesome. Should definitely be the way to go.
[1] https://github.com/textmate/dialog/issues/12
Why has Github issues forum been removed?
It seems I'm now forced to subscribe to a mailing list just for the ability
to give feedback.
Is there any archive of the discussions in the github issues forum?
Currently, all urls currently resolve to 404. :(
Hello all,
I am new to Textmate and looking for a way to filter lines as I did with the
old editor "kedit". It had commands like "all /blabla" to display only lines
containing "blabla", "more /yesyes" to add the lines containing "yesyes" to
the current line view, and "less /blabla" to hide again the lines containing
"blabla" from the current view.
I will be happy to get just the "all /blabla" functionality in Textmate,
i.e. I'd like to filter out all lines containing (for example)
"<onetwothree>" and either hide all the others or export all the
"<onetwothree>" lines to another file.
Is there a way to achieve that???
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Filtering-out-specific-lines-tp26423.…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Remember how Ruby 1.9.3 caused a segfault in RubyMate's
catch_exception.rb? Now Ruby 2.0.0 is causing further trouble, on this
io = IO.for_fd(ENV['TM_ERROR_FD'].to_i)
This generates "Bad file descriptor". So this means that once again
there's bad output whenever an exception is to be displayed.
I realize that TextMate 1 is not quite the thing these days, but I'm
still using it and perhaps someone has some thoughts on how I might fix
this? I don't know how TM_ERROR_FD is set or what might be wrong with it
as a file descriptor (it's just a number).
Thx - m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a)tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/
Programming iOS 5! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023562.do
RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html
Hello everybody,
I want to become a contributor to the TextMate 2 open-source project and therefore started a crowdfunding campaign together with some concrete features that I want to implement and contribute first.
If you also see the potential and would like to make use of them asap, please help funding my 2-month code sprint athttp://www.indiegogo.com/projects/textmate-dialog2-sprint and/or spread this news to your friends/colleagues.
Best wishes,
Twitter: @pbyte
This is an interesting dilemma.
What I'm hearing is there are two valid and important use-cases.
TM needs to link against a stable version of something for much of its own functionality to be reliable and predictable.
Meanwhile, clearly a lot of devs need the ability to write code against whatever Ruby version their project requires. (Same goes for other languages really)
It sounds like a reasonable feature that TM should be able to do both.
Users should be unaware of what versions of what TM itself relies on under the hood, but want to be able to write code with whatever language version they need.
This kind of separation and feature makes a lot of sense for long term adoption of TM.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2013/03/24, at 21:00, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
>> I have modified TextMate's PATH so that it starts like this:
>> /Users/mattleopard/.rbenv/bin:/Users/mattleopard/.rbenv/shims: ...
>> The first is so that the "rbenv" command itself is visible. The second
>> is so that rbenv's "ruby", "rdoc", "gem" and other shims are visible.
> OK, so it sounds like this might work (be aware that only 2.0 will
> expand $HOME and $PATH in your variable settings):
> TM_RUBY = "$HOME/.rbenv/shims/ruby"
> TM_RI = "$HOME/.rbenv/shims/ri"
> PATH = "$PATH:$HOME/.rbenv/bin"
> I don?t know if the last line is required (for the shims to function),
> but by appending to PATH we don?t eclipse any of the standard tools,
> so it does no harm for TextMate.
>> So, I'm not sure where TextMate is headed with this, but I hope it's
>> in
>> the direction of playing even *more* nicely with rbenv and my choice
>> of
>> global ruby version - not less nicely. I have a lot of functionality
>> built upon this; obviously I don't want it to break. m.
> As mentioned in my previous reply, we?ll (hopefully soon) start to
> hardcode the /path/to/ruby to make it robust against user alterations.
I experience the following problem with latest Textmate build:
When I open a large js file (400KB minified, so extremely dense syntax),
Textmate starts using lots of CPU. I assume this is the syntax highlighting
at work. Understandable.
Problem is, when I close the tab with cmd-w, the processing doesn't stop.
In fact, while I'm able to interact with textmate (say - cmd-w to close a
tab), Textmate won't quit normally when I choose quit. I need to force quit.
I have a set of HTML template directories under my working directory and
one subdirectory is full of "compiled" templates ... I never want to edit
these and would like to have this directories contents NOT to show up in
the *Go to File* menu (CMD-T).
Here's an example where I'm typing the word *dictionary *and the vast
majority of the results are compiled templates.
[image: Inline images 1]