I've (once again) got fed up with saving things only to find that git is rejecting the commit due to trailing whitespace, and have had another look at automatically stripping it.
I've tried the bundle at https://github.com/bomberstudios/Strip-Whitespace-On-Save.tmbundle, which hasn't been working for me for ages, and the solution at http://reinteractive.net/posts/4-stripping-whitespace-out-of-textmate-2, which saves the file with the whitespace unstripped and *then* strips the whitespace (and unhelpfully moves the cursor to the end of the document, too). None of them results in me achieving my goal of a file on disk which doesn't have trailing whitespace, and a buffer in TextMate which shows as saved.
Is there some solution I'm missing?
(The ideal would be for whitespace stripping to be built in, not just as a manually-executed command in the Source bundle, but something in the app preferences that could also be turned on/off in .tm_properties — that would mean every TM2 user cloning a no-trailing-whitespace-allowed repo would get a .tm_properties file that causes it to do the Right Thing for that project, regardless of how the user has their preferences set up. Allan, is there any chance of this in a future build?)
John Yeates
Is there a way to set the font size for the file browser? I have it set to 11 in Finder and would like to have it like hat in the file browser as well.
And when deep in a folder structure it becomes hard to navigate as the file browser just "compresses" file and folder names. Things get cool names like "e…p" (ext_localconf.php) or simply just disappear. I know I can work against this by making the file browser wider but when it already occupies half of your screen it gets amusing.
– Matthias
I'm running latest TM2 build on Lion 10.7.4. I can't seem to run any bundle command and keep getting error like this:
Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/lib/escape.rb:23:in `e_url': private method `gsub' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
TM1 works just fine.
Tuan Anh Tran
e: me(a)tuananh.us / t: (+66) 849027417 / w: http://tuananh.us
only a minor issue. If I select a text chunk containing line breaks and drag&drop that selection to my Desktop I will get a file *.textClipping. Fine. Now I drag&drop that *.textClipping file to TM2 (9147) the content will be inserted BUT each line break is lost, i.e. they are replaced by grey shaded <CR>'s.
I have both:
softWrap = true
softTabs = true
set universally in my .tm_properties file, yet I occasionally open files that ignore both of these settings, requiring me to set them manually from the menu bar. Has anyone else seen this?
Reading this: http://blog.macromates.com/2009/interactive-input/
Did the steps:
> cd /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/
> svn export http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Support/lib/tm_interactive_input.dylib@11735
When I press ⌘R on a simple python script using:
variable = raw_input()
... it still fails like this:
EOF Error: 'EOF when reading a line'
Making a simple Ruby program, I got similar error:
TypeError: can't convert nil into String
The comments to the blog post seems to stray somewhat from the topic,
so I couldn't figure out if there was something I was supposed to do
differently ...
Phil :)
It is extremely annoying that in textmate 2.0 when you accidentally click a
second time on a selected tab it opens it in a new window.
Is there any way to disable this "feature"
Could someone point me to the current instructions on finding and
installing bundles on TextMate 1 please?
I have a copy on GetBundles installed under ~/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Bundles (dated 6 Dec 2008) but that seems to (mainly)
no longer work: for example, an attempt to install a JavaScript bundle
(by textmate) gets an error saying ``Could not install "JavaScript" from
"https://github.com/textmate/javascript.tmbundle/tarball/master"'', same
thing happens for other bundles.
If I attempt to update GetBundles via GetBundles, I get an error
dialogue saying ``It seems that the bundle "GetBundles"
has been already installed under versioning control (svn) Please update
that bundle manually or remove/rename it and use "GetBundles" to
install'' --- the help (question mark) button on GetBundles
I suspect I'm suffering from installing TextMate on multiple machines
``decay'' and need to rediscover the correct way of doing things. I
suspect I installed GetBundles with the following commands in terminal
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd !$
svn co http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
(these were from https://gist.github.com/2722805 and
I have TextMate version 1.5.11 (1633) installed on Mac OS X 10.7.4
Phil Molyneux
Given the following ruby script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
…and that I'm setting TM_RUBY = "/Users/myname/.rvm/bin/ruby-1.9.3-p0@primes" in the .tm_properties for the project, hitting Cmd-R in the script window shows 1.8.7. Running it from the command-line shows the expected 1.9.3.
Does anybody know what's going on here? It would be lovely to be able to use TM2 with different projects using rvm, and have everything Just Work :)
[Ideally, TM2 should detect that rvm is being used and get the ruby and gemset from the project's .rvmrc, if supplied, or from rvm's defaults otherwise. Even better if the following sequence 'rvm use 1.8.7 --default; rvm use 1.9.3; mate foo' would pick up 1.9.3 from the shell's env rather than using the default.]
John Yeates