Changing scopeAttributes in a .tm_properties file i.e. adding
[ *.tex ]
scopeAttributes = ''
does not update scope attributes in open files. Only .tex files opened
after the .tm_properties change will carry the new scope attribute. Not
sure if this is a bug or not, but it is worth noting as it does confuse
matters when trying test attribute-specific commands :-).
In TM2, embedded ruby lines are sometimes being outdented as I type. Here's
an example:
= form_for(@consumer_enrollment, url: [@workflow], method: :put, html: {
class: 'uniform' }) do |f|
= f.fields_for(:consumer_prior_authorizations) do |prior_auth_form|
When typing the second line, hitting backspace at any point or typing the
first colon causes the line to outdent to the level of the first line. I
can't see any change in the scope, and it doesn't do this in TM1, so I don't
know what the issue is. Any ideas?
View this message in context:
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at
TM2 indentation behavior seems erratic (one key I hit out of ten is
dedicated to revert the last automatic indentation action) so I
disabled from the C bundle "Indentation Rules" and "Indentation Rules
(Comments)" in the bundle editor - I'm editing ANSI C files.
However, TM2 keeps changing the indentation in some random way (from
my perspective, while TM1 was mostly right). Is some special action
required to tell TM2 to stop altering the indentation till it gets
As a more generic question, is there a way to tell TM2 "cancel the
last automatic indentation and do not repeat it on the next key hit"?
I really do prefer to lose automatic indentation rather than fighting
the indentation engine with every single edited line.
I am trying to set TM2 to by default, show hidden files, and black list everything that I don't want, instead of whitelisting things like .gitignore,.htaccess, etc
I was wondering if anyone has succesfully gotten something like this to work:
include = "{*,.*}"
exclude = ".git"
This still shows the .git folder in the file browser
Lion introduces a new way of inserting accented characters by holding down the corresponding key.
in TextEdit:
I hold 'a' and I get the menu shortly afterwards to chose among the accented versions.
If there are no accented variations for that letter, nothing happens (the letter is not repeated)
in Textmate:
If I hold down the 'a' key, it is repeated until I release the key.
If I hold down the 'd' key (or any other key without accented variations), nothing happens.
This is a small quirk I guess. I have not tried how TM acts, if this behavior in Lion is switched off using:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
as a restart is required afterwards and I am a lazy bum.
What I would prefer in Textmate (maybe others will agree?):
Holding a key pressed should result in the letter being inserted repeatedly.
Ideally this can be switched with a .tm_properties rule based on the scope or grammar.
(it might be nice to be able to type umlauts when writing a plain text file,
but more convenient to type '/*****' in a source file without repeatedly having to press the '*' key)
Maybe you can consider my suggestion.
maybe I found a fix for that issue (at least my test script now runs :) ):
The new R.tmbundle stuff I host at
thus here the code which should be tested.
Please replace everything in between
STDOUT.sync = true {... and ...} STDOUT.flush
in file tmR.rb by:
STDOUT.sync = false
STDERR.sync = false
descriptors = [stdout, stderr]
descriptors.each { |fd| fd.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK) }
until descriptors.empty?
select(descriptors).shift.each do |io|
str = io.readline
descriptors.delete io
if str.nil? or str.empty?
descriptors.delete io
elsif io == stderr
# just in case
print hideStartMessageJS
print %{<span style="color: red">#{esc str}</span>}
elsif io == stdout
print hideStartMessageJS
str.each_line do |line|
# line counter for top level source
if line.include?("#{linecountermarker}")
linecounter += 1
line.sub!("#{linecountermarker}", '')
# check for a comment sign at the beginning of a line
if line.match(/>\s*#/)
print "<i><font color=blue>#{esc line.chomp}</font></i>\n"
# check for a comment within a line - regexp should be improved yet!
elsif m=line.match(/(.*?)(#[^"']*)$/)
print esc(m[1]).gsub(/^(>|\+)/,'<a class="prompt" href="txmt://open?line='+linecounter.to_s+'">\1</a>')
print "<i><font color=blue>#{esc(m[2]).chomp}</font></i>\n"
# check for error messages
elsif m=line.match(/(?i)^\s*(error|erreur|fehler|errore|erro)( |:)/)
where = (isSelection) ? " of selection" : ""
print "<span style='color: red'>#{esc str.gsub(%r{(?m).*?#{m[1]}},m[1]).chomp}<br /><i>RMate</i> stopped at <a href='txmt://open?line=#{linecounter}'>line #{linecounter-selectionlinestart}#{where}</a></span><br />".gsub(%r{source\("(.*?)"\)},'source("<a href="txmt://open?url=file://\1">\1</a>")')
print "<hr noshade width='300' size='2' align='left' color=lightgrey>"
# check for warnings
elsif line.match(/^\s*(Warning|Warning messages?|Message d.avis|Warnmeldung|Messaggio di avvertimento|Mensagem de aviso):/)
print "<span style='color: gray'>#{esc line}</span>"
# print line simply with hyperlinked prompt if given
elsif line.match(/_\x8./)
print "#{line.gsub(/_\x8(.)/,'<b>\1</b>')}"
print esc(line).gsub(/^[\x0-\x9]?(>|\+)/,'<a class="prompt" href="txmt://open?line='+linecounter.to_s+'">\1</a>')
Feedback is welcome :)
Sometimes when I make a rectangular selection and start typing to replace text I get a doubled cursor -- and one of the lines
has the newly-typed text doubled.
See this set of screenshots:
SCFinderPlugin is not in the TM2 plugin folder. Quicksilver doesn't crash, just TM2. Also, SVN isn't involved in the crashes. Most of the files being modified are not under version control.
I'll see if I can narrow it down a bit to more exact circumstances.
(My Versions, just in case)
OS X 10.7.3, Build 1D50b
TM2, Version 2.0 (9090)
svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011) compiled Nov 8 2011, 18:14:46
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:10 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>> On 29/02/2012, at 03.03, Lewy wrote:
>>> I am getting a LOT of crashes (TM2) when working with files in the project sidebar (right name?). Even things like rename a file, or add a file to favorites will crash TM2. What's interesting is that the crash occurs AFTER the work is done. When I reopen TM2, the file has been renamed or whatever I was trying to do.
>>> I can supply the crash log to whomever wants it along with a specific case.
>> I don’t think this is normal — my hunch is that there is an issue with the Subversion SCM driver and your working copies, since a) your other post suggest some incompatibility, and b) the SCM code runs after file system changes, which seems to be when you get the crash.
>> For now you can try run w/o subversion and see if you get any crashes.
>> I will see your crashes later (unless you disabled submission).
> Possibly unrelated, but SCFinderPlugin causes Quicksilver to crash. If that’s installed, it could be the problem.
> --
> Rob McBroom
> <>
I have created a wiki page for Project Management under TM2, you can find it here:
I wrote Project Management rather than Projects since Allen does not intend to add projects to the 2.0 release (and quite possibly also not at a later date). So my intention was to collect
(1) suggestions on how to improve the file pane,
(2) how to replicate/adapt the workflow for people who have previously used projects and
(3) reasons why the filesystem-centric approach is not suited to meet their needs.
I'd be happy if other people contribute and add suggestions. Perhaps it can become a handy tool for Allen to collect useful feedback.
I had to use "" in the Scope Selector instead, but
that did the trick! Thanks so much for explaining this to me.
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:39 PM, <textmate-request(a)>wrote:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 18:39:20 +0000
> From: David Howden <dhowden(a)>
> To: TextMate users <textmate(a)>
> Subject: [TxMt] Re: textmate Digest, Vol 45, Issue 50
> Message-ID:
> <CAP2kWKGbE+81=t_5On1x_hDbdXaZr9LOO7gTwWifCUnxk+NH-Q(a)
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> So this works for me. In the .tm_properties file:
> [ *.tex ]
> scopeAttributes = ''
> Then put in the scope for the 'Save on focus lost'
> command.
> Be careful: scopeAttributes seem to only be attached to files when you open
> them, so if you change .tm_properties be sure to re-open the files. You
> can make sure that the scope attribute has been set by using the "Show
> Scope" command in bundle development or Ctrl-Shift-P, just to check that
> the attribute is being set properly.
> David.