Is there a way to get the current directory displayed by the file
browser from within a script (eg. bundle command).
I didn't see any TM_ environment variables containing this value.
I'm trying to understand how the single line comment rule works (found on this line…)
begin = '(^[ \t]+)?(?=//)';
end = '(?!\G)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.js'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'comment.line.double-slash.js';
begin = '//';
end = '\n';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js'; }; };
Since TextMate grammars are line based, I'm …
[View More]not sure how it's possible for the '\n' pattern and the '(?!\G)' pattern to work together. For example, take these two lines:
// a comment
var foo
The 'single line comment' rule is entered by matching it's begin pattern '(^[ \t]+)?(?=//)'. The 'comment.line.double-slash.js'' rule is then entered upon matching '//', the rule is ended when '\n' is matched. Because we have matched the end of the first line, we continue to the second line. The second line will end the 'single line comment' rule because the end pattern '(?!\G)' will match the 'a' in 'var'. Because of this, var cannot be scooped correctly because the 'v' is considered to be part of the 'single line comment' rule.
This fails as I described in TextMate 1 but works in TextMate 2. Is there something fundamentally different about using the \G anchor in TextMate 2.
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Can someone reproduce this behaviour?
Summary: The command option "caret placement": "select output" does not
work, but behaves as "caret placement": "place after output".
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a bundle in the editor
2. Create a new command
3. Retain the default code and settings:
Code: echo "Hello world\n"
Input: Selection - Text
Output: Replace Input - Text
Caret Placement - Select Output
4. Add a key equivalent
5. Save and open a blank text window
6. Press the chosen key …
[View More]equivalent
Expected result:
The text "Hello world" placed and selected
Actual result:
The text "Hello world" placed, no selection. Caret positioned after the
inserted text.
TextMate version: 2.0.0-alpha.9323
How do I accomplish the desired result, that the output of a command is
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Ladies and Gentlemen:
I use the blogging bundle from Brad Choate.
Since Snow Leopard the password to my wordpress blog is not saved in the keychain anymore.
I have to type it in every time.
Also while fetching.
Does anyone has a hint?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Dr. Dieter Zakel MA
hotline: +43 (800) MEDIZIN
Currently in order to change the active theme you have to go to the "View" menu, then the "Theme" menu item, and then select the theme.
It would be nice to be able to browse the themes quickly.
- keyboard shortcuts to change the active theme to the next/previous in the list.
- or, some sort of GUI that shows you all of the themes at once, sort of like the [previews on the wiki](
TextMate Version 1.5.11 (1635)
Transmit 4.2
OS 10.8.2 supplemental installed
I can ftp into all sites with no issue. Set editor to textmate, double click, and it will open textmate for about 5 docs and save no problem, after that it hangs transmit, causing a crash. I can edit with any other editor and transmit.
below is usually what happens. I have repaired permission, completely removed textmate and transmit and reinstalled.
any ideas would be great, as this is my favorite workflow.
[View More]Thank you.
10/17/12 11:06:46.456 AM lsboxd[678]: @AE relay 4755524c:4755524c
10/17/12 11:11:35.453 AM TextMate[1340]: *** error sending apple event -1712 (<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'R*ch'\'FCls'{ '----':"/Users/mattgrimes/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/Transmit/F61AAB28-7D66-4B40-A7EF-886A65E8A41A/process.php", 'Tokn':[ 'BBEd'(3620B19F100100000036) ] }>)
10/17/12 11:19:33.000 AM kernel[0]: ALF: ifnet_get_address_list_family error 12
10/17/12 11:22:45.031 AM WindowServer[93]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
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Is there a reason TextMate copies mate into the user's $PATH instead of
just making a symlink to the command inside the Application's resources?
What dangers do I run if I do decide to symlink it? (As part of a system
configuration bootstrap script. I could copy it, but it would be a little
more work.)
This probably is a simple bug that it is somewhat annoying to have:
If we run TextMate and have the folder panel on the left (such as if we use
"mate ." in Bash).
If we are editing a file do.rb and now we want another one to try a
different approach, and we "Save As" do1.rb, now the file do1.rb will show
in the file panel, but do.rb will not show until a long time later, somehow,
after TextMate refresh the folder content... (seems there is no easy way to
invoke that ourselves).
But if …
[View More]we edit do.rb and save as do1.rb, the assumption should be that now
both files exist?
View this message in context:…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at
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how can I set mediawiki to be the default file type/scope? I have the
following setings in .tm_properties but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks!
[ *.txt ]
fileType = "source.mediawiki"
[ attr.untitled ]
fileType = 'source.mediawiki'
I was wondering if someone would have already written a valid
configuration to "fix" TM2 so that it does not mess up source code and
comment indentation (C, C++) when Doxygen-style comments are used to
comment the code, i.e.
* Some doc
* @param[in] …
void foo(void)…
results in:
* Some doc
* @param[in] …
void foo(void)…
Alternatively, is there an easy way to tell TM2 not to re-indent a
line automatically, ie. let TM2 to indent a new line once, while
preventing …
[View More]it from re-indenting forever whenever a new character is
typed on an already-fixed line.
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