I'm sure this will sound like a very simple question, but I am trying to
save a macro using Textmate2. I can record it, I can run it immediately,
but there is no macro submenu with saving options. As I say, I guess I am
being stupid, but where can I go to save it?
Dom Guinness
How about add a 'Go to bookmark' popup window just like the 'Go to Symbol'
window, and can navigate bookmarks of current window and current project.
Yuan Jiang
I was wondering whether it would be possible to include some more info when
latex complains about errors. The main point is that the line number that
latex gives you (and what is displayed in the Textmate error window) can
sometimes be way off, especially when you have a lot of code and the error
is many lines above this line.
For example, if I compile the following beamer document
then Textmate tells me
Latex Error: ./test.tex:17 Undefined control sequence.
which corresponds to "\end{frame} ". The error is obviously in line 12
because of the unkown command \unknown.
It is not hard to see that when you have a lot of complicated math,
tracking down a single typo can sometimes be very painful...
I realize that getting the exact line number for such an error is
difficult, but since the latex log already indicates that \unknown is
./test.tex:17: Undefined control sequence.
\beamer@doifinframe ...par b \par c \par \unknown
\par d \par e \end
l.17 \end{frame}
it would make life a lot easier if this is visible in the log window of
Textmate too.
So, would it be possible to include, for example, these last two lines in
the Textmate error window too?
Hi All,
Just a quick report in hopes of helping someone else facing this problem:
Textmate binds Cmd-Opt-Ctrl DownArrow to scrollLineDown. I use this keystroke and it's counterpart for scrollLineUp frequently.
After upgrading from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion I started getting a system alert sound (beep, pop, funk, as set in System Prefs) when using this keystroke and no scrollLineDown action in TextMate.
Long story short is that Xcode 4 eats that keystroke even when it's not running.
Fix is to open XCode, open Preferences > Key Bindings, and set the key binding for 'Jump to Previous Counterpart' to something other than Ctrl-Cmd DownArrow. This causes the inferred key binding for 'Jump to Previous Counterpart in Assistant Editor' to change from Cmd-Opt-Ctrl DownArrow to Opt NewKeystroke.
For example, setting 'Jump to Previous Counterpart' to 'F19' causes 'Jump to Previous Counterpart in Assistant Editor' to change from Cmd-Opt-Ctrl DownArrow to Opt F19.
I needed to reboot before it took effect, but that ended up doing the trick :)
Might also work in Lion, I'm not sure what version of Xcode that shipped with.
Hope that's a help to someone in future :)
In brief, does anyone know the font that's used for the Markdown Bundle's Preview window?
And the different (serif'd) font used to print the preview? Can it be changed?
tia, DW
The MediaWiki bundle in TextMate 2 has a feature that when I type:
It automatically reindents to:
Despite that I explicitly typed the two spaces.
I find this rather annoying. I'm trying to turn this feature off.
The only thing about indentation I can find is in the bundle, Settings:
foldingIndentedBlockStart = '^=+\s+';
foldingIndentedBlockIgnore = '^(?!=+\s+)';
But even when I remove these lines, the feature is still there. Anyone
has an idea what may cause this behaviour and turn it off?
I'm also fine with any option that turns off auto-indenting off
globally, like there was in the Preferences for TextMate 1 (I usually
find it more annoying than useful).
First I created a plain-text doc with some Markdown "markup"; my default font is Monaco. Then I used Bundles > Markdown > Preview, and got a very nice window created with some unkown (to me) sans-serif font. I used cmd-P to print this, and was surprised to find the printout used some strange (to me) serif'd font. Same of course if I opted to print to pdf.
So as an experiment I tried adding my own <style> ... </style> containing Verdana to the doc. Unsurprisingly the html was ignored by Markdown > Preview, still had the nice ss font in that window, and print still used the strange serif'd font. No surprises there really.
Next, I could get the html handled by using Bundles > HTML > Open Doc in Running Browser(s). No surprises there.
Finally I tried altering Preferences > Fonts & Colors. This affected the source doc of course, but again made no difference to Markdown Preview or to Print.
So what are the mysterious fonts used by Markdown Preview and Print? I'd like to know what the "nice" sans-serif font used by Preview is, the only clue I can offer is that a capital M has sloping sides.
But above all, what is this mysterious serif'd font used when I print the Preview window, and can I replace it?
David Whitford
On 05.11.2012, at 21:00, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
> Bottom line: I enjoy much faster TeXing when adding the apparently superfluous extra-line at the beginning. For principal reasons I would like to get rid of this extra line, and understand what is going on.
This is a bundle problem, if I pdflatex your example (the TeXLive 2011 version), it compiles correctly.
I usually separate my documentclass from the packages I frequently load as they are usually the same while the documentclass depends on the specific document. E. g. I would sometimes use scrbook instead of scrartcl or the cls file from the journal I intend to publish in. Furthermore, I am loading my standard packages as a package (change the file extension from .tex to .sty and load your standard packages via \usepackage{file}). The advantage is that you can modularize your standard includes file further, e. g. you can load hyphenations.tex via that .sty file while this is not possible if you use \input (\input does not allow nested uses of \input).
> A final remark: Is there a way to adjust some preferences of the speedier LaTeX bundle? For instance: I would like to have the typesetting window not to be kept open (very annoying); I would like not to have activated the reading bar in Skim.
What do you mean by »reading bar« in Skim?
Dear Hans,
I have a hard time following your explanation, especially of the word »bundle«, because I'm not certain whether that refers to LaTeX packages or one of TextMate's LaTeX bundles. The initial problem you describe has *nothing* to do with TextMate: it appears your file was saved in the wrong encoding (not applemac), so latex cannot decipher non-ASCII characters such as umlaute or accented characters. By default, TextMate and pretty much all other editors use UTF8, hence my advice to *change* the argument for when you load the inputenc LaTeX package to UTF8:
If you comment out this usepackage command, pdflatex will not be able to correctly render non-ASCII characters (e. g. ä, ö and ü).
Unfortunately the problem with the example code you've included is that it cannot be used to detect problems with file encodings. But the mail you've sent indicates that it's just a file encoding problem that's easy to solve (e. g. the umlaut for »für« was not copied correctly from your text editor). I think what you've been missing is Step 2 below.
I recommend you the following:
(0) Open the problematic .tex file in TextMate
(1) Change \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} to \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}.
(2) Select Save As from the File menu and make sure that UTF8 as file encoding is selected. Then proceed to save the file as text.tex someplace else. This way any experiment with LaTeX will not destroy work.
(3) Try to compile the document.
Note that if you load other LaTeX files via \include{filename.tex} or \input{filename.tex}, check that the other files are also all saved in the correct encoding, UTF8!
If it doesn't work out, please include the content of test.log (in general: [document name].log) in your next post.