@Alexey That is really awesome! I will definitely check it out and play
around with it.
Here is what I use in Visor to achieve a similar functionality. Depending
on your usage, it may be better to use DTerm but I figured these might help
someone out since they work for regular Terminal as well.
I map these to various keyboard shortcuts such as Command+Shift+C or
Control+Shift+C with Quicksilver.
Applescript to copy the containing folder of the current finder selection to
the clipboard:
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then* *set the clipboard to* POSIX path *of* (
*container* *of* (*first* *item* *of* (selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*)
*as* *alias*)
*end* *tell*
Path of the Selection to the clipboard:
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then* *set the clipboard to* POSIX path *of* (
*first* *item* *of* (selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*)
*end* *tell*
Tell Terminal to go to the current finder directory (
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then*
*set* path_ *to* POSIX path *of* (*container* *of* (*first* *item* *of* (
selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*) *as* *alias*)
*tell* *application* "Visor"
*do script* with command "cd \"" & path_ & "\"" in *window* 1
*end* *tell*
*end* *if*
*end* *tell*
I believe these can be modified relatively easily to use the current file in
any application if you need to do that a lot. I am definitely going to
check out DTerm and see how it integrates into my normal terminal workflow.
Thanks for the info!!
pgEdit supports PostgreSQL specific syntax coloring (e.g. dollar quoting), SQL execution, context specific help, completion, and recognition of SQL language constructs (tables, functions, triggers, etc.). pgEdit uses psql for executing SQL and takes advantage of many psql features. See the "pgEdit Help" command for more details.
If you are interested in PostgreSQL, please give it a try and send me your feedback.
John DeSoi, Ph.D.
I use the program Visor to give me access to a terminal from any program. I
press 'Control' twice and it slides down from the top. It is about as fast
quicksilver to run a command from any window.
Here is the main site:
Here are some instructions for improving it:
However, I personally do not like making it an LSUIElement because long
story short I can't figure out how to change the transparency with a
keyboard shortcut. Instead, I use DragThing and exclude Visor from the dock
and application switcher.
I can't recommend this program enough. I can't live without it since I use
the terminal constantly and this gives me the ability to use bash aliases
and scripts as fast as I can access a quicksilver catalog item.
Also, DragThing. Stupid name, but it replaces your boring normal dock with
as many themed and tabbed docks as you have crap to shove on them. It is
also a more versatile and better application switcher than either Witch or
My escape key seems to have quit working in TextMate, but only TextMate (out
of the programs I've test it with).
Here are the essential facts of the situation:
My escape key does not work for completions, and in addition it does not
work for exiting dialog boxes. When I press Control+Command+T (Select
Bundle Item) and change the setting to find by key equivalent, the key
entity DOES show up in the window. There are no bundles mapped to escape
alone, but Option+Escape for HTML completion also doesn't work, and appears
when I enter Option+Escape in the Select Bundle Item window.
The escape key DOES work in every other program, included for completions in
CSS Edit, and dialogs in Forklift, CSS Edit, Chrome, Firefox, System
Preferences, Terminal, and various other things I had open. Escape works
properly in Terminal to display a list of completions.
Escape also works in the programs Key Codes, Full Key Codes, and KeyDump*,
each of which print information about key presses.
I use KeyRemap4Macbook, but have not done anything with escape. The key
worked for a long time with KeyRemap installed, and uninstalling it doesn't
seem to affect the issue.
So in short, it's only TextMate having an issue, and it does seem to be
receiving the keypress (in the Select Bundle Window). It doesn't seem like
it is being intercepted upstream, and I never map anything to escape in any
other programs.
I'm stumped. Anyone else have an idea? Or an idea of why it would affect
TextMate only?
The thing I hate the most about the otherwise great app is
the possibility to run terminal (rails) commands from within Textmate.
Is that at all possible? It would save me loads of confusion switching
between windows.
Mikael Henriksson
Tel: +46 (0) 730- 393 200
I am using textmate on Mac OS X (version 10.6.6).
How can I configurate textmate so that keyboard input possible is.
Thanks for the reaction,
André (newbie to textmate)
Hi all - I'm a textmate newbie and finding that I can't change font size
using cmd + / cdm -.
I've attached an image of the error message that I get when I try to enlarge
text. Am I missing a TM dependency, perhaps xcode?
Best -- M
> You didn't mention what sort of stuff you would be writing. But for simple note taking I like PlainText:
> http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/plaintext
> It syncs with Dropbox and creates plain text files that can be edited in TextMate.
Mainly note taking, although the files have gotten rather large .. need to toss the cruft!
The high order bit is that the editor work well with textmate. I think that means utf8 & LF and no hidden metadata. So I'll give PlainText a shot.
While looking at the iPad text editors, I saw Markdown mentioned. I hadn't really considered it before, but it looks like a nice way to structure text files with the least intrusion possible. I may give it a shot, and I noticed TextMate has a plugin.
-- Owen
I'm using the latest (minor) update - ver. 1.5.10 (1623) and I'm unable to view and edit a makefile unless I open it independently of my project/folder files. I'm not certain when this ability was broken as I haven't been coding too recently... I'm currently just moving between .c/.h files and a makefile at the moment.